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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. Get a fish Insert an Aperture Klamperture Science Handheld Portal Device
  2. In infinite universes, there are infinite possibilities = an infinite number of KSP universes where Kerbals and Krakens and stuff exist. Same with Klamperture and/or Aperture Science universes.
  3. I wait for you to become Minmus again and mine you. My Minmus.
  4. @The Minmus Derp mod. Every celestial body is Minmus copies, except for Kermus (Kerbin + Minmus = Kermus) which is a bigger, hillier Minmus.
  5. O thx. Downloading now! (although I probably will re download once it updates)
  6. I repeatedly touch the world. My world.
  7. I engineer a Klamperture Science Eating Device that doesn't vomit, and eat the world. My world.
  8. blueblueblue: Every surface has blue in it. EVERY. TEXTURE.
  9. I eat the hill using my Klamperture Science Eating Device (aka a giant mouth). My eaten hill.
  10. WOAH! Amazing content! I only just discovered this, and WOW does this seem awesome! I'll be sure to get this (as soon as it updates).
  11. Ahh... back in 0.23... simpler times. I don't document my favorite glitches, but I remember so much. Unrealistic Areodynamics, no need for fairings, in fact, farings didn't exist. No 3.75m size. Pages instead of scrollbars, I preferred pages. No "Electrical", "Communication", or "Thermal" tab... no need for the latter two, those came in 1.2 and 1.0 respectively, and batteries + panels were with Utility. No "Coupling" Tab, decouplers bundled with "Structural" and docking ports were in Utility. .23.5's Klaw went into Utility No contracts or upgrades: speed running was much simpler. Revisit this in Science mode! Pixellated text Old skybox No MH expansion Old suit Pretty sure no "warp here" button And so much more! Ah, I remember those times.
  12. What a good representation of a Glitch.

  13. 10/15 for having a Kerbal in it, but minus points for annoying memes.
  14. wut. No. TUBM likes Portal 2 (BEST GAME EVAH)
  15. https://i1.theportalwiki.net/img/a/a1/Portal2-19-Turret_Wife_Serenade.mp3 (Easy reference to one of my favorite songs.)
  16. I touch the ground. The atoms I have touched are mine. I keep doing this until the whole buried crater is mine, then activate vents on the outside that emit deadly neurotoxin, so whoever who comes near my crater breathes deadly neurotoxin and dies. \ My buried crater guarded by neurotoxin.
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