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Everything posted by JebIsDeadBaby

  1. Yeah this raport states, that Mercury, Gemini and Apollo used 100% oxygen atmospheres with optimal allowed level of CO2 at 0.505 kPa and twice as much as maximum allowed.
  2. Technically, they didn't have to, it was a safety measure. In fact they kept they visors open and breathed capsule atmosphere. They couldn't put them off because the space was so cramped, also flight duration was so short there really was no need to. If pressurized in the STRESS tab is supposed to reflect crew's confidence in pressurization system, then I don't think any pod deserves higher notes. In fact the only death caused by depressurization occurred on Soyuz 11, an advanced design. If it means that there is no pressurization system at all in the Mk1 pod, then there probably should be one, if you want to model it after the Mercury capsule, and it should use oxygen instead of nitrogen. If you don't, I'm fine with it anyway, as it is Kerbal Mk1 not the Mecury after all. However in both the crew window as in the capsule cutaway view one can clearly see that Kerbals wear no helmet during IVA. :-)
  3. It had pure oxygen atmosphere at 340 mbar (so I guess the same as in Apollo capsule?). Had it been unpressurized, the space suit would have to be, which would make it too stiff to operate the craft.
  4. Huh, never noticed that. And why it is like that?
  5. I had the same refelctiontype exception, and uninstalling Kopernicus did the trick for me.
  6. The problem with CommNet is not about access to the console but that with no connection kOS can't control RCS, reaction wheels and throttling (at least when you start the script when there is no connection, if it drops during execution of a script everything seems to work just fine). So if at some point your script needs to turn the ship in some direction it will wait for this to happen in vain. But once the connection is regained RCS and reaction wheels spring to life (usually it's all too late). So it seems that with CommNet kOS obeys the same rules as a player (limited or full control, depending on settings). EDIT: actually you're right, switching to PermitAll Connectivity Manager seems to solve the control problem, although now kOS allows to access the archive and run and edit scripts with no connection...
  7. So do I get it right that ATM you can't detect ignitions on RF engines, hence the burn time does not work? And what are these? Some separate mods? The only problem I have with Comm Net now is that to have kOS work with Comm Net you need to enable full control without the connection, which kinda contradicts the purpose of Comm Net. RT somehow allows kOS to have full control of the ship while obeying the connection rules for player input at the same time.
  8. Only limited ignitions but no reliability stuff, which I'd like to have the way Kerbalism now implements it. I'd switch to Kerbalism completely but RF introduces some other nice features, like ullage (which is a must have for me now) and engine development. This last thing would work perfectly with Kerbalism's engine reliability - in RF as you progress through the Tech Tree you unlock higher engine tech levels, which increase thrust and isp of your already researched engines (and in theory new fuel configurations are possible too but I never saw an engine that used this feature). If you could somehow plug your numbers into that system, it would be freaking awesome (now rated burn time would increase too). I really encourage you to take a look into possibility of making Kerbalism compatible with RF. What you guys do now would complement what RF already offers so nicely.
  9. So after deleting this I see both rated ignitions and burn time in the in-game engine description (both VAB and on the launchpad) but neither reacts to engine operation. Both burn time and number of ignitions remain constant. RF ignitions seem to work properly (tested on an engine with 2 RT ignitions and 9 Kerbalism rated ignitions). I'd expect that at least rated burn time should work with no problem. Is this a bug then?
  10. So is there an easy way to enable reliability when Real Fuels is installed by tweaking config files?
  11. That's my point - they seem to do it differently and, if it will work the way I think it will, both mods may actually complement each other. I hope it will be easy to enable limited ignitions + durations with RF installed. I definitely would like to give it a try.
  12. Hmmm, so I'm already thinking how to keep these new features (which I love) together with Real Fuels. I dunno if you know this mod but it implements a finite number of ignitions based on the engine type and fuels used. So your basic kerolox booster gets only 1 ignition and that's it, or maybe 2 when it's configured to run on hypergols (if this is an option at all). Will this conflict with Kerbalism or is your number of rated ignitions a little bit different mechanism that will care very little about restrictions put by RF? For example what would possibly happen if this LV-T05 "Cogswell" was configured to have 1 ignition only in RF, while being rated for 17 ignitions by Kerbalism? Are these 17 ignitions set only for engine failure probability calculations or would Kerbalism try to override RF and force actual 17 ignitions in this engine?
  13. Can you tell something on how engine reliability and ignitions will work? Will engines now have a limited number of ignitions like in Real Fuels or will the number be unlimited and the only limiting factor will be failure probability reaching 100% at some point (unless engine explodes earlier)?
  14. Huh, does it conflict somehow with Real Fuels?
  15. Maybe make it an unlockable upgrade, like science modules for probes. No need for fancy tech in the early game. Space Exploration would be a good tech node for this IMO.
  16. Hi @navot. I've just noticed that the shroud does not occlude light, so any solar panels hidden beneath it work with no problem. Do you think you could fix it? Rgds. EDIT: so it seems to happen when you unload the ship (in my case, I leave to the Tracking Station). The shroud blocks light when the ship is originally loaded but stops doing it the moment the ship gets unloaded and keeps letting light in even when the ship gets loaded again. So I'm not sure ATM if it's a bug in your mod, maybe it's Kerbalism, which comes with a number of electrics related bugs of it's own.
  17. Hi, would it be possible to add in a future release an option to disable auto targeting for dish antennas not ball mounted on a mast (so basically all but HG-5 in the stock game). This would add a fun challenge for kOS users and would make HG-5 an interesting option even in the late game. This would require constant antenna tracking in the 3D space, so I guess it would be much more complicated than how it works now, but maybe it's doable?
  18. Hi, I created a config for Pug engine from Restock+ mod. I configured it as a pressure-fed engine with 200 liters integrated pressurized tank. However, if I connect it to a default, non-pressurized tank, it will draw fuel from this tank as well. Is this a limitation of the mod or a bug? I expected it to ignore non-pressurized tanks in the fuel flow.
  19. Oh, that's great to hear man! Thanks a lot and thanks for the mod!
  20. Hello, it seems that FAR does not see the shroud. If you switch to transsonic design tab in FAR UI and plot rocket's curvature, you'll see it does not follow the shroud (but whatever is behind it). Procedural fairings work OK with FAR, so I guess it's a solvable problem for procedurally generated shrouds as well. Would you kindly take a look at this problem? EDIT: just realised I asked this question in March, but I got no answer so anyway... Maybe it's an easy fix.
  21. Yup, now it works. I tried the latest build earlier but it crashed on start-up every time when adding experiments to the Hitchhiker. But now it works perfectly.
  22. Hi, I use KSP 1.7 with Kerbalism 3.0 alpha and Remote Tech among others. I get full science reward for every experiment right after transmitting the first bits of data. So e.g. a Magnetic Scan, which should take 30 days to complete, gets completed in 1 second. Any idea why? Is it because of Remote Tech? Or is it the way things work for now in alpha?
  23. Hi, I hope this ain't a dumb question but I don't know much about inner workings of KSP. Am I right that models have drag cubes that the game uses to calculate drag or is it FAR only? Anyway, I seem to have a problem with Restock Mk1 pod. Without an additional heat shield it seems to have very little drag, e.g. when returning from 80k Kerbin orbit it hits the ground at 600+ m/s, about 3x the usual terminal velocity. I play KSP 1.7 and use FAR. Is it possible that drag problems are caused by ReStock?
  24. Oh for God's sake, shut up and take my money!!
  25. Num 0 shows radiation belts I believe. Also B brings up UI for belts.
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