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Everything posted by JebIsDeadBaby

  1. Sure, it's pretty easy as it turns out. Just word of advice - in FerramAerospaceresearch -> CompatibilityChecker line 61 - set Versioning.version_minor == to match your KSP version. Otherwise it won't work.
  2. Can't see anyone trying to recompile against 1.5.0, so I gave it a try. Thanks to @MicUK88 for detailed instructions. Here is the link to zipped .dll files. They should go to Kerbal Space Program\GameData\FerramAerospaceResearch\Plugins as usual. Everything seems to work as it used to for me. This was however my very first contact with Visual Studio, compiling and all that stuff so I don't give any guarantees. Feel free to test it. Also @Cholerix I can confirm that without setting minor version to 5 in CompatibilityChecker.cs, new .dll's did not work and affected aerodynamics in a strange way. Some instruments in Mk1 pod (altimeter, atmometer and speedometer) did not work at all, as if the game somehow could not get this information. Above 1000 m drag was almost nonexistent.
  3. Hi, is it RF that adds extra tank to command pods? If yes, where these tanks are defined? In the game they are described as Service Modules, however tweaks to this type of tank in RealTankTypes.cfg does not affect tanks in command pods. EDIT: OK, I found it in RealFuels-Stockalike/Fuel_Conversions.
  4. I guess I was wrong on what mod does what. In my game every capsule has some internal volume available, in case of Mk I it's 50 liters. You can fill it with any mixture of resources you like. On the list there are Kerbalism resources as well, so I was always convinced this feature was introduced by this mod. It so happens that if you use this volume in MK I for EC only, you can fit 50k of EC in there. Now that I think of it, if this volume was not introduced by Kerbalism, then it's Real Fuels probably and volume taken by resources is probably defined somewhere in Community Resource Pack... Well, thanks for clearing that up for me anyway.
  5. I think volume per electric charge unit should be tweaked a bit, like multiplied by 100. Right now you can fit 50k units of EC in a Mk I pod. It's an equivalent of 500 small stock batteries, which would weigh 2.5 t and would require 63 layers of 8 batteries each. Abusing this is very tempting in early career game. I think 500 EC should be all you could fit in a MK I.
  6. I have a problem with a fairing shaped as on the picture above. On the ground it behaves properly. In space however it seems like ejection force is gone and only ejection torque remains. Slimmer fairings work OK. I never had any problems with procedural fairings. It so happens that I installed Principia mod recently. Could it be Principia causing this? EDIT: so it seems that reducing size (diameter) of this particular fairing to 1.25 makes ejection force to work in space again. Anything larger and ejection force is gone. EDIT 2: actually it seems ejection force is gone the moment a rockets leaves the pad. EDIT 3: and with Principia removed ejection force works as intended again. So it is Principia after all. Principia is mostly .dll files so it will be hard to figure out why does this happen I guess?
  7. That was it. A noob mistake indeed. I assumes that root is where .cfg file is, when in fact it's in Game Data, where Module Manager sits. Thx a lot.
  8. Hello, sorry if answers form my questions can be easily found elsewhere but I literally started my modding adventure yesterday and still can't wrap my head fully around all this new Blender, Unity and forums stuff. So I believe I imported my new part to Unity properly (I followed Unity part of this tutorial step by step). Very basic stuff, just a textured cylinder. I use Unity version 2018.1.1f1, KSP PartTools from the first post in this thread and play KSP 1.3.1. My part does not appear in the game. KSP log goes as follows: I have .mu and .mbm files in my mod folder, as well as .cfg file. What could possibly be wrong? Will my Unity+PartTools combo even work with KSP 1.3.1 or is it for 1.4+ only? I know that there may be dozens of possible causes but maybe I did some basic noob mistake...
  9. Hi, I'd like to write a config file for an engine. Is there some formula that allows for translation of real world parameters into RF ones? Or is it done by trail and error until engine performance makes sense in the game?
  10. Well, according to the description of the Service Module tank from the 3rd post of this very thread: So to my understanding you need a highly pressurized tank for RCS to work (so Service Module of Fuselage types). Yet they work just fine on a rocket with Default tanks only.
  11. Hi, KSP 1.3.1 + RF 12.5.0 + RF Stockalike Configs 3.2.4 - RCS works with no problem even when no Service Module is attached. Is this intentional or a bug withing RF or RF Stockalike Configs?
  12. How do I do this with Settings.cfg now obsolete?
  13. I have 8GB of RAM and 2GB of RAM on my video card. My slowdowns seemed to be caused by something what looked like a memory dump to the hard drive. This spiked HD usage to 50% (seems like maximum usage per process in may case, as this was a solid, constant 50%, or maybe it shows write time only, the other 50% being read time?) and probably some RAM and CPU too. Not only KSP slowed down, everything slowed down due to this (nothing crashed however). Subtle.cfg and Default.cfg look rather similar, the biggest difference I noticed in case of EVA (and IVA) is Bloom Intensity set to 5, as opposed to 0.73 in the default config. Could it be the cause?
  14. @Freshmeat - yeah, I installed this mod yesterday and toyed with it for an hour or so, today I decided to give Osmium's Subtle config a try and got these massive slowdowns when EVA (in my case on the Mun). So it seems like not all these settings are GPU friendly. If I were you I'd open a config and comment out all EVA scene settings or replace them with one for flight for example (one that causes no problems). If it helps then uncomment them one at a time until you find the one causing problems.
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