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Everything posted by HeronRocketry

  1. Wait, so Emiko is the Grand Kerbal’s mother!?!?!?! This changes everything. Also, I know that Just Jim is playing modded. Does anyone know what mod he used for the annabell lee and buffaloon?
  2. This thread is to show off my new career mode creation, the Cardinal. The pride of my early stage career game, the Cardinal is built using only parts up to basic Aviation and is able to fly to far reaches of Kerbin. This plane is also highly maneuverable. If anyone wants a craft file, just ask. I won't bother putting one up unless someone wants one. Here is an album of a flight! Make sure to look at the takeoff photo, she goes from 0 degrees to 90 degrees in a second:
  3. I’m just gonna ask: does anyone one here have time to make like a pdf that’s downloadable for Emiko station? It’s kind of tough to read through with all the extra posts.
  4. Great. And on a partially unrelated topic, can someone make a square pie?
  5. How about we just have a bunch of factories all over the mun and make it into a mechanized solution to all of earth’s problems? Who knows? Maybe the AI we use to run them will become corrupt and... wait there is no and. Yes i realize I typed mun, playing kerbal too much.
  6. How many digits of Pi do you all have memorized? Be honest. I have about 60.
  7. Prologue: Theta's Mystery When Jeb and Bill returned from Minmus, it was a time of celebration. This landing was the midpoint of the Minmus program, and they got vital information about ore concentration. The KSC celebrated that day! In fact, Gene organized a welcome back party inside the Astronaut Complex. All staff and astronauts would attend. "Testing, testing?" Is this thing on?" Gene's voice echoes through the room. "It's on!" Val yells from the back of the room. She seems impatient to start the ceremony "Okay, then let's start. Today is an important day in Kerbal History. Jeb and Bill have retrieved us the most valuable scientific data to date. We have now been to the Mun, Minmus, and we hope to go beyond. To Duna, to Jool, to the stars! Let's have it for Jebediah and Bill!" The whole room stands and applauds the revolutionary kerbonauts. Meanwhile, at the tracking station: "Sir, we have a situation." One of the tracking station agents says. "What is it?" Fallon Kerman, the head of communications comes over. "There is an unknown signal coming from a southern crater on the Mun." "What? Which crater?" Fallon asks. "The one where Mun-Theta landed." "Oh." Mun-Theta was the worst failure in the history of the space station. All communication was lost once it landed and the three Kerbals on the mission were never heard from again. Rovers had attempted to enter the crater to retrieve the crew, but all communication went dead and control was lost when anything entered the crater. Kerbals entering reported being on the edge of losing consciousness. "Why would we get a signal from that crater?" The agent asks. '"It might be..." Fallon pauses. "You! Get over here!" He points at a messenger in the Tracking Station. "What is it?" The kerbal waddles over. "Get to the celebration. Get the word out that Theta is transmitting!" At this, the messenger shows a look of extreme surprise and dashes off toward the door. Back at the celebration: "Ah. Nothing hits the spot like a good party." Phobos is lounging back, ignoring Gene's speech. "That's one thing I can't disagree with." Alder is sitting next to him, listening to Gene. He perks up at the sight of a messenger on stage talking to Deimos. "Hey, Phobos. Look." Phobos sits up. He sees Deimos on stage, whispering into Gene's ear. Gene seems to be in shock. "Attention! Attention! We have an urgent message!" Gene yells. "Mun-Theta is transmitting again!" You could hear a pin drop in the silence that ensued. "Alder, come on." Phobos leaps up and starts running after a few seconds. "Where are you going?" Alder follows. "I'll tell you at the launchpad." Phobos and Alder slip into a cart and drive off toward the Launchpad. As they drive, they see practically all of the staff heading toward the tracking station. "It must be serious." Alder comments. "It is. Theta was our worst mission. I had a friend on that ship." Phobos says without taking his eyes off the road. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." "Time to get out." Phobos jumps out and walks toward a Kerbal near the launchpad. Alder follows. "Oh. Phobos. What are you doing here?" The kerbal asks. "Charrick, I need a ship." "Why? Are you going to Theta?" "Yep. I don't know what happened, but I know that I want to be the first to find out." "I'm afraid I won't help you. It's too dangerous." Charrick replies warily. Alder stands there uncomfortably. "Fine." Phobos takes off. Alder stands with Charrick for a few more seconds then runs and catches up to Phobos. "What are you going to do now?" Alder asks. Phobos has a mischevious smile spread across his face. "I'm gonna steal a ship."
  8. Meet The Crew Welcome to the saga of Phobos and Deimos. It's time to meet the crew! Phobos Kerman: Brave but Reckless, Phobos finds himself at home in danger. He has played instrumental roles in the building of Apogee Station on Munmus. Deimos Kerman: This scaredy cat goes on missions when she has to, but prefers staying at home planning missions and acting as a mission control for her twin brother, Phobos's missions. Alder Kerman: Alder is Phobos's sensible best friend and the one that prevents Phobos from hitting Z when you have to move 5 meters. Charrick Kerman: Charrick is the smartest Kerbal aboard, but is often the one that gets left behind. Seriously, he got stranded on the mun once. In this saga the four original kerbals will also be used, but these are the primary characters. The tale of Phobos and Deimos is far, far from over. (I hope you don't mind that I used your ending, @Just Jim)
  9. Welcome to all! I am beginning a fanfiction for Kerbal Space program, based around 2 Kerbals called Phobos and Deimos. Coming soon is Chapter 1. I hope you enjoy!
  10. The verdict: It has enough thrust, i would recommend 8 vector engines for each medium 5m tank. It flips over a lot, but that was expected.
  11. That sounds awesome, @MechBFP . Trying it right now on kerbin.
  12. I noticed that some posters over in my how to use 5m parts thread were talking about 5m EAVs. So, let’s make a thread for it! Let the discussion begin.
  13. Awesome, @Snark! Thanks for giving me a practical ship. I’m thinking about using a small 5m tank and using it as fuel storage for my min base after that.
  14. One last question: what engines should be used on the engine plates of 5m parts? I’ve tried putting 24 kodiaks on and they barely move it but don’t take up much fuel. Any suggestions for engines?
  15. Okay, let me clarify. Could I get some photos of practical 5m craft? The new 1.85s are super useful, but the 5ms seem frivolous.
  16. I’m just wondering. Has anyone found a practical application for or how to use 5m parts in making history?
  17. I just have to ask one question, ksp. Why can I not just have ONE mission where it is not so dramatic it deserves a saga or epic? Just one? Anyway, I have attempted the rescue. After 2 fails, I finally got a close enough landing estimate. Here is the craft: I do not have any photos of the landing, because I was so caught up in saving the craft. In short, it went too fast and the cupola module was destroyed, along with my engines. (RIP: Maegan Kerman). So, Bob was stranded 5 kilometers away. 5 kilometers, 4x time warp, and holding keys down later, Bob was there. Now we have 3 kerbals waiting for rescue, but at least they have a house. (I haven't told Bob yet, but there isn't enough room for him in the capsule). I'll keep this post updated: Here is the final scene: Bob and the others will hopefully be rescued soon. I just hope I don't have to hold keys down for 5 minutes again, though.
  18. I am currently attempting to mount a rescue mission. Or maybe just a mission that gives him somewhere to live and a rover. I'll post when I finish it.
  19. I have attempted this, but failed it. (It's kinda sad that the creator can't complete it, but I can't even dock ) I know that it is possible since it is a play on Jool-5 and the Ultimate Challenge, but I would like to have completed my own challenge. Also, I want to create a tutorial! It would be fun to have a full-on tutorial for a tough challenge like this. Any ideas on how to complete this challenge? Also, If you want to create a tutorial, please do so (and message me the link )
  20. And, sorry I forgot this: Modded Rules: If you are using only mods like Mechjeb, Gravity Turn or Kerbal Joint Reinforcements, you should mention them but you can get any level of completion. If you have some part packs, you can complete easy, but I will not post your name. If you have part packs, you should be able to to complete at least medium. Large mods like Interstellar are BANNED.
  21. Hello. I hope that this challenge is up to par, but it will be very difficult. I expect it to be at least as tough as Jool-5. Even I haven't completed it!: Welcome to Eagle-Eye on Doomsday! Our scientists here at KSC have been observing solar patterns and we have come up with a shocking realization! Kerbol will soon rapidly expand, destroying all life on the solar system as we know it! Our only safe destination is Eeloo, which will become as habitable as Kerbin after Doomsday. You have to create a ship that will get out of the system within 100 years of launch (correct me if this is too little or too much). However, Jebediah has been worrying. He won't have anything to do once they are at Eeloo! He will have to wait years before they have the materials to build more ships to pilot, so he has requested that you have satellites video the events on every planet. This can be from either land or in orbit. This way, while he waits, he will be able to rewatch doomsday in glorious HD! Here are the requirements for the mission: General Requirements: Land all Kerbals on Eeloo by the 100-year mark. Have a designated mothership that will meet all of the above requirements. Enter all planet SOIs with the mothership to allow Kerbals one last chance to look at their home solar system. Have a ground station or small orbiter on/around every celestial body, containing a camera (Mystery Goo Container) Establish a base or habitation ship on Eeloo. This can be in the style of an actual base, or just a ship. Have a stable kerbnet connection with all probes from Eeloo. Mothership Requirements: Have Jeb on board. Have space for 32 kerbals. Camera Probe Requirements: Have an antenna on the probe. Have a mystery goo on the probe. Have solar panels and batteries. Have a connection with Eeloo at least 50% of the time. Here are the levels of completion: Easy Mode: You successfully landed and have done the time limit. You have completed all requirements, but sadly crashed or failed to get Jeb footage for 1-7 bodies (or just didn't want to). You have passed and you will be recorded below by the number you have missed. Medium Mode: You successfully got Jeb all the footage and met previous requirements. Congrats! Valentina's Request (Hard mode): Valentina feels that all that time near a screen isn't good for Jeb. After you have completed Medium, destroy all the satellites. However, these satellites have to have been deorbited before the 100-year mark as well and you cannot begin deorbiting until you have landed your ship. Good luck with Jeb, once he finds out, though. To be considered for badges and completion, please provide a detailed photo album with screenshots. Every photo but map photos must have your current resources remaining and the current mission elapsed time. Post it below. Also, include a photo of the map that includes your end result. (For hard mode, have one before you deorbit it and include the mission elapsed time. Also, have images of the crash reports for each). Doomsday Survivors: Badge: We wish you happy flying from here at Heron Rocketry.
  22. Let's just say I'm lazy and don't want to repeatedly pilot into orbit. Which mechjeb option autopilots into orbit, and which does rendezvous?
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