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Everything posted by Schmelge

  1. It was literally the first question in FAQ... I appologize for my universe sized stupidness. And yes it was a pretty cool quote
  2. That is very, very bad and sad for us that have mods. Especially since they seem to be very keen about their modding community. They dont have to announce the hour they are releasing, but at least roughly what day or at least week so I can go offline mode..
  3. Omg.. Thank you so very very much man!!! I had no idea. Is there a manual somewhere for realchute? like a wiki or something that goes through every setting in the mod? Would be very handy. again, thanks, this solved my whole dilemma!
  4. Yupp exactly this. Not all contracts but always the same markers though For me at least
  5. Hey guys, Have a question regarding the mod. Am I stupid or is there no way to change to predeployment pressure when you are in VAB? It is extremely tedious to fix it every time you go to launchpad.. I have to change this for 10+ chutes everytime I'm on the launchpad.. Would it be possible to add the function? In VAB all I get when I click the "toggle info" is just that, info. Would save ALOT of time if you could change the setting for just 1 chute then copy that chute to other placements and have the settings saved with the saved ship. Other than that, LOVE this mod m8 - cheers
  6. Yes I have the same thing and it's super annoying. I get new doublets everytime I switch crafts too.
  7. Hey! So, I'm using MJ and recovery stage. Is there a way to get MJ to consider speeds so parachutes don't get destroyed on staging? I used the Ascent Guidance and I also tried "Prevent overheating" but that didn't do the trick. Also, I saw that you can set inclanation which is awesome, but is there a way to use mechjeb to make an adjustment to "Longitude of Ascending Node" Many thanks ! - Schmelge
  8. Yeah I havn't had any problems so far. It's just all tjose annoying popups about incompatible mods but I can live with that
  9. Yeah I would have stayed on 1.4.1 too but I was taken by surprise by steam
  10. Wow! Nicely done m8!! So we may have found a pretty rcsgamebreaking bug! Thanks alot for helping figure this out!
  11. Yeah could be. But im pulling between 80 and 180 fps at all times except for when loading physics, like when game loads to launchpad. Not sure
  12. Alright. Hmmm. Thing is I have an ongoing discussion with a mod developer for RemoteTech. RCS is behaving extreamly wierd and he helped me check some ouput log and saw that some mod is nerfing the RCS. I can't come up with any other mod that would nerf this. So maybe there are multiple mods that misscommunicate somehow then. Wierd. I don't know what to do. Thanks for the reply though
  13. Trying my best to figure out which of the mods is causing this. I had my suspicion that SETI could have done something since I have the Meta mod pack, but the SETI Rebalance is not installed. I have gone through the descriptons of all the mods but non of them describe anything about nerfing RCS.
  14. Does the meta mod pack include the SETI rebalance mod? Also. If I have installed the meta mod pack and chose to uninstall it, will it uninstall all of the mods that were installed at the same time as meta mod pack? Thing is ckan says that seti rebalance is not installed but something is messing up my RCS, it's super nerfed as well as my reaction wheels. So I kinda need to figure out what mod is causing the problem so I can uninstall it
  15. Aah okey, no worries m8 life happens sometime After digging around for a while I found the long and lat now in the save file! Thanks a lot for the help! And if someday in the future you find yourself having time for coding again, remember the suggestion anyways it would be nice Have a really nice evening! Cheers // Schmelge
  16. Aaaah even without voice, this video explained quite alot I think. I've been trying for the last 2 hours to land on 09. What I did first obviously was to lift off as you said it's not very good at the take off bit. My craft usually lifts just above 60 m/s but AP let the plane continue on the wheels to around 110 m/s, this is when there is a bit of lift so the wheels can't hold the craft in a straight line anymore, miraculously AP saved the plane everytime, as long as I set the speed to around 200. I tried all different settings possible. I tested to set it to around 70 m/s, just to try but the plane didn't take off at all. Quite wierd. Anyhow, long story short. It can take off, but feels very sketchy. ( I made a compromise and use mechjebs autopilot aswell for the takeoffs when I do that it is perfect, brilliant combination these two!) I proceeded a few hundred meters straight forward and changed the flight plan to land on 09. Unsuccessful every time. It just wasn't making the correct adjustments. It looked good to start with but never made it. One time I landed in the water next to the runway. Another time the plane continued over the mountains, made a right turn and then kept going until it finally crashed in the grasslands. I kinda gave up on the idea of making it land on 09 so instead I went on to try 27. This time it worked first time to come in to the right course. Obviosuly it was lower altitudes and a couple of Doughnuts and Camels but in the end, my craft finally came in straight on the runway. My puls went up and I was excited to maximum, FINALLY I will see the AP make a perfect landing. It touched down, full brake on, and the plane started to slide and rolled over. Jebediah died like 411 times. It brakes to hard. Waaay to hard. In the very end I tweaked the landing gears so brakes are now set to 20 percent, only brake on the back wheels, spring and dampening to 1.5. It takes along time for the plane to come to a stop, I have alot on runway left so no worries there. I just feel like there should be some kind of ABS brake in the autopilot so I can do full brakes without them locking up. It was really nice of you to make a video, even with no voice, I now realize why I wasn't able to land on 09. The plane comes in in a too steep angle, so the autopilot don't have time to make the correction. It would also have been nice if the standard flightplan would have had a stage where it circulates the landing area in a downwards spiral, wide enough so it doesn't matter what angle you come in from. But I guess it's a lot harder to accomplish the calculations for a stage like that than I can imagine I hope to see more videos on your youtube channel I look forward to see a career series That would be nice Huge thanks @Bit Fiddler! Cheers // Schmelge
  17. Thank you very much for taking time investigating this! I will see if I can find what mod is nerfing RCS and see if I can uninstall it. It is quite wierd though that the reactionwheel doesn't do anything at all to help. Maybe it's nerfed to the bottom as well. Anyways, I stayed up all night and after a while I managed to get my sats in orbit! In the right order too I came around the problem by activating RCS so it started the slow rotation, gave it a manuall nudge in that direction, turned off RCS and when on the marker I stopped rotation with time warp. Now all sats orbit at 1 h 30 min and between 001 to 003 seconds!! I'm so happy One thing I found wierd though, the sats have contact with ksc but if I fly a normal plane in atmo and lose direct connect witj ksc, the signal isn't relayed. I used the first omni antenna so it might be because of distance in case it's a two way communication, maybe it's not enough that the sats have the range to reach the plane, the plane must be able to reach the sats too? Anyways! Super huge thanks for everything! Cheers // Schmelge
  18. yes I havn't come so far into the game yet so the only runway I'm using is at KSC. Cheers - Schmelge
  19. Do I have to have a point of origin for the flighplan to work? Or can I like, what I think for example I start at the runway and go to three locations. After this I load a new flight plan to three other locations and lastly I load a flightplan which inlude only the last wp for landing and this will work? I usually do multiple missions at once so I would love if it's possible to have 3 "standard" flightplans in which I only exchange the WP coordinates for the mission coordinates. Flightplan 1 - Take off Flightplan 2 - Mission coordinates (Flightplan 3) - If needed / wanted Flightplan 4 - Landing sequence Cheers - Schmelge
  20. I just came home from a longer walk with my daughter and was met with this!? I mean wow! I don't know how to thank you man! I read everything and I'm gonna read it probably 5 or 6 times more later tonight and I'm gonna try to make my very first successful Flightplan!! Is it a stupid move to save a copy of the original flightplan cfg and start a new one from scratch, just include those top lines of "code"? Ofcourse salvage for example the landingWP (IAF, FAF etc.) to make the list smaller and for me? Also, if keeping the original file, you said that when I want to make a new flightplan, I should just switch out the long, lat and alt from the three "test" wp? Will I break the script if I keep them and make another flightplan? I'm speechless man, thank you very much for this!!! Kind regards - Schmelge
  21. haha yeah see, this here is the biggest problem for me. It feels like I have a peasized brain and that sucks xD I've seen many people linkning their flight plans and have them in the comments but I'm not the guy that can look at code and say "Aah, thats how you do it" Unfortunately I need more something like a video or a step by step tutorial, explaining why you put a bracket here and why this is like this etc.. I've looked through all vids I could find and all of them showcase the mod but no one goes through why and how you config the cfg. Something is a bit off for me, when I first install the mod, take a plane and go to runway, I have a looong list of flightplans. Using WP Manager I manually make custom waypoints, since thats the only kind of waypoint you can export. Which don't make much sense in my world, I don't understand why you cannot export the waypoints from the mission that are already there, but that's most likely also a question about coding and stuff which I have no clue about Anyways, I open my custom WP file and then I copy/pasted another already existing WP in the flightplan.cfg and editet name and long lat altitude - according to the values in customWP file. Saved, refreashed and all except for the very standard WP disappeared. I think there were around 5 of them left. I then restartet the game, and woops my flightplan was there, however not the correct long and lat and alt? It was the exact same values as where my plane spawned xD I doublechecked the file and it had the same values as the WPManager custom file... I am very eager to learn how to make my own WP and a dream is to learn coding, however I have a 1 year old daughter that doesn't let me use my keyboard when shes awake, and I no longer own any books about programming that have any pages left. She ate them all. I know it's extreamly much to ask for but you know some website with a tutorial for this kind of.. what shall we call it, kids programming? xD that my peasized brain have a chance to understand or maybe can refer me to any kind of discord channel where people would gladly take on a morhon and educate him a bit, I would be eternely greatful Kind regards - Schmelge
  22. yeah im using it right now I'm just trying to figure out how to make my own flightplan with the help of waypoint manager. would have been SO nice if they could communicate. Creat new flight plan ingame, mark your wp in wp manger, click add to flight plan in kramax. I understand that linuxgurugamer definitely don't have the time he has crazy amounts of mods, but maybe we're lucky someday and someone with coding knowledge will come along and do it
  23. Hey! Is it in any way possible to export waypoints that arn't custom made? I would like to export the waypoints from my missions. I tried export them but I get a message that 0 waypoints were added to the file and it's empty. And the long / lat values have to few decimals for it to be exact when you want to make waypoints to kramax autopilot ^^ If there is no way, would it be possible to code this feature into the mod?
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