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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Google is your friend. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/as from
  2. Closed/Fixed! Thx for the heads up! Closed/Fixed! Thx² for the heads up!² https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601
  3. The M.O. was remarkably similar to what I trying to overcome: launching a craft from the LaunchPad works fine, but loading it on the Editor before launch mangles it. That's exactly what's happening on attached surfaces on variant parts in KSP 1.9. I doubt this is a coincidence, this is something that may be happening from some time and it happened to bite me just now. But since I don't know R.O. enough and just after publishing my post I realised the craft was made on 1.7.3, I choose to remove my post - 10 minutes before your posting, so not soon enough as it appears.
  4. No. I need to list it on CKAN, but I got lost in the turbulence from the last weeks. I'll will do it on WeekEnd, assuming nothing bad happens again around here. Sorry. -- POST EDIT -- Found some bugs on some Companions, I decided to get rid of them before CKANing them! Stay tuned, I will do it soon!
  5. DAMN, I knew I had forgot something on this last release! That Warning is useless and redundant, I intended to get rid of it on .12 but forgot about. Well... ..13 will be issue when I manage to define the Event that will handle that Attachment Problem on Recall, but this time I will remember for sure. I checked the NetKan, and found it here : https://github.com/blade1981m/BladeTweaks These patches (see this one) came from the Beta Development branch of TweakScale. Even the remarks are identical - and these patches are Beta (no to mention DEVELOPMENT) for a reason. I don't mind (i even encourage!) people tweaking patches to tailor the game to their needs and wishes, but usually it's a nice idea to: Give proper credit of the used work Avoid pushing into the mainstream things without proper testing, mainly when using code/patches from a Beta Development branch. It's certain that this will cause problems because eventually the development branch will be pushed into the maintream - or will be dropped due problems. When doing it on TweakScale, please read my recommendations. Here: http://ksp.lisias.net/blogs/tech-support/TweakScale/How-to-write-a-patch I think the permissive licensing terms of TweakScale are in need to be revisited. Thanks for the heads up, buddy!
  6. Any file sharing will do - dropbox, googledrive . If possible, one that I don't need to create a new account. Thanks!
  7. Missing parts can be related to folder names. Your notebook and desktop uses the same operating system? If yes, the same filesystem? (On MacOS, you can choose to have case sensitive or insensitive names for files/directories). There's a folder with a space on the same on the Desktop's disk, that it's different from the notebook?
  8. Too much hassle. It's way simpler to just fix the patch (or write a hot-fix for it) instead of trying to second guess the multiple ways of bad patching. When everything else will work correctly. TweakScale (most of the time) is not flawed, it's detecting flaws. This one in particular was determined to be just an anomaly, so it was "demoted" to an info line, and not a warning anymore.
  9. The Attach Nodes from parts with Variants are being reset from the prefab on the Editor. So this affects every Add'On that changes or adds Attach Nodes (TweakScale is one of them). If you launch the vessel directly into the LaunchPad, this problem does not happens - so this is, for sure, something happening on the SPH/VAB Editor. Interesting enough, parts without Variants are Ok (until to this moment). -- -- -- POST EDIT -- -- -- I was wrong! It's not the Attach Node, it's the surface mounting! @MerlinsMaster, can you send me your craft file? The interesting part of it is that, at least for me, the mangling happens when you Load the craft on the Editor. If you launch it directly into the Airstrip or the LaunchPad (click on them while on the Space Center Scene, instead of clicking on the SPH or VAB), the crafts is all right. Until the moment, TweakScaled parts were the ones borking but once you don't use it, I would like to inspect your craft file in order to search for patterns and learn a bit more about this problem!
  10. You have a rogue patch double patching KhiSP.SZ . I need the whole KSP.log in order to find the culprit. TweakScale detected the problem and yelled on it, but it's not a problem from it.
  11. News from the Front I'm working on the AttachNodes problem, and found something interesting. Details on the post below.
  12. News from the Front I currently working on the Issue #3 Revert to Vehicle Assembly and Loading Craft are mangling the part attachments. I initially though this was pretty similar to the Resources Problem, but I was wrong. I realised that by launching the vessel directly into the Launch Pad, without using the Editor, the craft is launched intact! This one is something happening inside the editor. I'm currently reassessing the situation. I need to detect the exact point where the Editor is shoving back the Attach Nodes (and, frankly, I don't have the slightest clue about the reason this is being done) in order to pull something out of my hat to overcome it. -- -- -- POST EDIT -- -- -- I'm a dumb SAS, the problem is not on the Attach Nodes! It's on the surface mounting (radial, at least). :facepalm: Well, at least I learn where the problem IS NOT. Learnt some new tricks, on the other hand - not a total waste. In time, apparently there're people not using TweakScale with similar problems....
  13. It's on the backlog. It will be implemented here: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_SMCE And yeah, I'm a huge fan of SMCE's Add'Ons too. Eventually all of them will be supported - I wish we could find a way to legally distribute them again, they worth it. I choose to shove all SMCE add'ons on the same Companion because they are frozen on time so it's very unlikely they will change, so keeping a Companion for each one separately would be just a waste of efforts.
  14. May I help on setting up a GitHub repository to make easier any working on it? It's usually the best way not only for development, but also to traceability.
  15. It's intentional. It's the safer MM version able to work on every KSP supported by TweakScale, and since newer MM versions automatically overrule older ones, doesn't hurt to keep it on the package and keep it useable for everybody: more savvy users had already a recent version installed. Some users, on the other hand, are adept of the "Minimum Effort Principle" (dumb translation from my mother tongue - I know there's something equivalent on EN, but my memory failed me), they prefer to just unzip the package into the GameData and call it a day. If I update it to the latest MM, I may induce this user to bork his instalment, as MM is not known to value backwards compatibility too much - the exact opposite of TweakScale's philosophy.
  16. ANNOUNCE Release is available for downloading. IT'S IMPERATIVE THAT YOU COMPLETELY DELETE ANY EXISTING VERSION BEFORE INSTALLING when updating manually. This new version have the following changes: Some more care on supporting Stock and DLC parts Thanks OnlyLightMatters for the patches! Patches for KIS and KAS have reached End of Life. Futher support will be added on respectives TweakScale Companions, to be published soon. It will be removed and archived into the Extras/Deprecated on the next TweakScale minor version. Issues Fixed: #7 Update some patches to KSP 1.5 and 1.6 (rework) #35 Check for new parts on KSP 1.7 (rework) #73 Support the new parts for KSP 1.8 (rework) #95 Give some care to the Warnings system #101 Add Support for KSP 1.9 See OP for the links. Highlights KSP 1.9.x Support The FTE-1 Drain Valve is being scaled, however not properly. Mass and size scales fine, but the drain rate does not. See Issue #102 for details. Users of KSP 1.9.0 and 1.9.1 are advised to install KSP Recall. Future KSP releases may or may not fix the glitch - but until there, you need KSP Recall to use TweakScale on KSP 1.9.x . Keep an eye on the Known Issues file. — — — — — This Release will be published using the following Schedule: GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now. CurseForge. Right now. SpaceDock (and CKAN users), Tuesday night The reasoning is to gradually distribute the Release to easily monitor the deployment and cope with eventual mishaps.
  17. As @Neros7 said, I need your full KSP.log in order to check what's happening. The ModuleManager.ConfigCache is useful too, doesn't hurts to send it too. On the post below you will find full instructions about how to get support. If you know what you are doing, nope. But a single mistake or typo, and you may be doomed (it depends if the savegame uses that doomed part or not). Usually, it's better to fix the patches that are borking on you. See above for ahow to send me the needed information so I can help .
  18. Yes! https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_ReStockPlus/releases
  19. I have only the 0.18.3 (all the 3: Win32, MacOS and Linux). Since Squad said you can ask for copies for the ones you don't know, may I ask for the 1.0? For the sake of completude, I have these ones: https://steamdb.info/app/231410/depots/
  20. C'mon, kid. If you can write English on a Forum, you can read English from a message box. Try it. What message? There're many. They are there for a reason.
  21. THIS SHOW was epic, I remember almost attending to it (had some money issues at that time, had to make some harsh choices - oh well... Saved by YouTube! ).
  22. Jeb would not do better. (Araras/SP/Brazil , 2004) -- POST EDIT -- Found another one!
  23. Sounds like a new TweakScale Companion will be on the oven soon!
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