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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Answering my own question - the Z position of the attached part. I think the scaling code is "leaking" into some other datum. This time, on an attachment point. Interesting enough, by reloading the craft the problem plain vanished, now it works fine again. I'm trying to remember the sequence of changes that leaded to the problem. I think that re-rooting the vessel can be involved, as I remember doing that, but for the moment, no dice. If someone manages to reproduce something as this, please advise. — POST EDIT -- The good news is that the the bad scaling of the attached parts is unrelated to the exhaust/plumes scaling. On the other hand, it appears to be related to the fail on scaling the Root part. It's apparently a change on the Part's life cycle - the order in which some callbacks had changed, or perhaps some things that were used to be called serially are now being called concurrently.
  2. You can say that twice. Two times in a row! I spent the last 12 hours hunting down a "terrible" logic bug that fooled the QAS and got through. It ended up not being a logic bug, that code was the Screaming Victim. And I didn't exactly found it, I stumbled on it due another silly mistake that I was reporting to a colleague. Silly mistake that I caught while trying to figure out the problem. What's irrelevant anyway, as that silly mistake when fixed ended up minimizing the need of my feature at first place, the product could go live without it now. So I leaved for lunch. And eat the most greasy, brain satisfaction inducing food available on the eatery. — — — POST EDIT — — — (after nap) — — — — — — — — — — — No need to hurry, I called it a day and i'm going to get some sleep. The (very) good news is that I finally have time for KSP again.
  3. It took me some serious time until I realized what's happening… There's no Scale.dll on your installment!!! Somehow, someone of something deleted Scale.dll from the GameData/TweakScale/Plugins folder. This folder is still there, I think, as Scale_Redist.dll is on the DLL listing. I suggest you to reinstall TweakScale.
  4. Adress bus is not the same as Memory Controller. You usually build the Memory Controller around the address bus. That said, X64 only uses 48 bits internally, the remaining 8 bits of the address registers are plain floating. So even by have a 40 bit address bus on the "outside", internally the CPU still supports up to 48 in the core. 48 bits allows you to address 256 PETABYTES of memory. Unfeasible to get any computer with that much RAM in the foreseeable future. 40 bits allows you to address "only" one PETABYTE of RAM. I'm pretty sure this is enough for nowadays uses.
  5. We unintentionally derailed the thread with side talk, then we moved the posts to a better place when we realized the problem.
  6. (sigh). When everything else fails, read the Manu… I mean.. the Source. You can omit the "name = Part", it's automatically added at runtime. About the nonworking thing , I need your full KSP.log and MM's ConfigCache to see if there's something interesting there before firing up a dedicated test bed for this issue and start comparing results.
  7. Forget what I said below! =D This is what you need to do: @PART[SCAN*]:NEEDS[SCANsat]:FINAL { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = surface //SGExPercentScale TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { name = Part DryCost = -1.5 mass = 1.25 } } } // zer0Kerbal // CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 I'm so focused on fixing bugs that I seeing bugs on everything I touch!
  8. Until they screwed up HMI devices support. Yeah. Joysticks.
  9. The funny thing: if you are not using TweakScale, installing it is safe - as you for sure are not using any scaled parts on your savegames! Things goes through the tubes only when you load the savegames, so firing up KSP with TweakScale to see what happens is also safe. Additionally, there's S.A.V.E., linked above. Frankly, I just don't know why I (or someone else!) didn't came with this before. Wth this working, you have for "free' the backups I'm advising to be done, You should use the latest TweakScale. This is the one that would pop up a Alert Box is any showstoppers are found. If you are creating patches for TweakScale, it's essentially the mandatory one - any mishap that lead to a known problem, and an entry on the KSP.log happens - that scary message only happens for the real, real terrible ones. It's worth to mention that the problem is not a bug on TweakScale code os something - it's a problem on patches. The real nasty problem is when you apply a bad patch to a part, and this part is being used on a flying craft - this corrupts the memory copy of the part, and from this point on, your craft is ruined (assuming it's not exploded). As a side note - a Quick & Dirty way to "fix" a installations with rogue patches for a new, fresh install is to open the KSP.log file, check the offending parts (that one with "**FATAL**" and then locate and delete that kraken damned patches. The current public release of TweakScale leaked two bad files: for MarkIV SpaceSplanes and for B9 HX: For B9 HX: B9_Structure_HX1_S_HS ( HX1-S-HS Structural Hub Support) Mark iV System: mk4cockpit-shoulder-1 (Mk4 Aerodynamic Shoulder) mk4cockpit-shoulder-2 (Mk4 Orbital Maneuvering Shoulder) mk4cockpit-shoulder-3(Mk4 Intake Shoulder) Delete that patches (or the whole file) if you have these Add'Ons installed and move on. Next TweakScale will have them fixed.
  10. I can only imagine the harsh work and trial and error and work again. Looking on TweakScale commit history is to look into a Window through KSP development history - it's almost archeological. . You hinted me that I need to expand my researches to Unity itself. KSP is "just" a layer over Unity, not the whole thing. Something that you couldn't, by the way. Unity 4 and 5 source code are not available (not even now, the oldest published is 2017.1.0a3) - it's less hard nowadays. By the way, that exhaust scaling bug can be related - or not, just with the same root cause. What raises a yellow flag - if the flame is not being scaled on an axis (the length) what's being scaled in its place? That bug can be more than just aesthetics! About reputation… It's a highly volatile asset. You can loose it or earn it for the most silly reasons. Thrust , on the other hand, is a invaluable resource, and once you lose it, it's done. You made a hell of a work, dude. No one can take it from you. And as Asimov said: "Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right."
  11. I don't know if I like the idea of a cat meowing while flying around my roof. It's already hard enough to hit the non flying ones with old shoes, I would need radar guided ones!
  12. I bought Elite Dangerous in the same day I bought KSP. Xmas 2017. In October of 2018, last time I played logged on Steam, I had about 1500 of KSP time. Elite had 2. And I liked the game!
  13. Found this. I will try it tonight just for pro forma (this Add'On is already a classic) - as I never used it before and I prefer not to blindly recommend an Add'On without testing it myself but, honestly, this will be a huge help for the next releases!
  14. Moved out of the thread to prevent derailing it :) 

    21 minutes ago, Yeet_TheDinosaur said:

    Sure thing mate.:wink:

    Wait....... Did I see you before?

    Had your KSP crashed lately? :P :D 

    1. Yeet_TheDinosaur


      Uh..... No. But I'm pretty sure you replied on my post.

    2. Lisias


      Got curious. I think it was on the Breaking Ground hype thread!

    3. Yeet_TheDinosaur


      Yep. I posted something about whether the ew DLC was worth the money, and youreplied.

      Thanks for tip back then ^. ^

  15. Vendetta!!!! I'll see ya next year, dude!
  16. At June, 24 2011 the first public version of Kerbal Space Program was released at V 0.7.3! Happy Birthday, Kerbonauts! source:https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Early_versions MOAR PICs (Google)!
  17. Flying crafts are a fatal problem. But craft files not that much. To the moment, I could salvage some of mine by loading the craft and replacing the broken part with a new one. I can't say this will work 100% of the time as I didn't salvaged all my crafts yet (only about 15%) by absolute lack of sparing time. But as long you don't launch or save the craft, no harm will be done. And, of course, backup everything before trying!
  18. Garlic is an excellent mosquito repellent. From someone that once lived in the Amazon and got Malaria. From a group of 10 people on a 10 days trip to the country, only me got it. I was the only one that didn't liked garlic. I love it nowadays. There's one collateral effect, however. It repeals mosquitos, but also the opposite sex. ---------------- POST edit Do not munch the garlic, it can ruin your stomach. A serious no-no if you have gastritis. Really. Make a tea, or eat it with butter and bread, something like that. But if your stomach can withhold the blow (and you are single!), munching is more effective
  19. I once hacked some parts to be Ox only. It was intended to be used on Reusable Liquid Fuel Boosters for a cargo space place - the fuel was internal to the craft. Yeah, I know. But it made sense at that time. I also use MFT regularly, but I also use the Community Resource Pack . With tons of new kinds of resources, the default ratios now and then are not enough. But… I'm using CRP, it's absolutely not a stock feature.
  20. And yet more interesting. Are you talking about line 600 of the file Scale.cs (at v2.3.9 release tag)? Transform trafo = part.partTransform.FindChild("model"); (it's currently "Find("model")" on line 590 as FindChild is deprecated since God knows when, this post is from 2013!). I think it is, as the commit message says "get "model" transform by name instead of assuming that it is the first" You have a hell of a memory, dude - I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday (if I had lunch yesterday, I forgot! ). Well, we are talking about KSP 1.0.x to 1.1 transition here. And, guess what… On 1.1 Squad updated the Unity from 4.x to 5. So.. Yeah, blame Unity on that. But yet you brought some good insights. It's an idea to test this problem on previous KSP versions to see what happens. This can be something that gone unnoticed for years, or something that happened recently and checking the release notes of the first KSP that shows this misbehaviour should trimm down the scope of the hunting down. (assuming this is not something done by me, of course - some serious digital archeology is on the way)
  21. Because I need to calm down, decompress and get ready for a hell of a tough week.
  22. We are on the same page now. Look for log messages mentioning "[ERR hh:mm:ss.mmm] [TweakScale] " or, if you are lazy as my, with the string "/issues/" This is a practical example from my last test run: [WRN 23:55:54.957] [TweakScale] Removing TweakScale support for FSfloatEnd. [ERR 23:55:54.957] [TweakScale] Part FSfloatEnd didn't passed the sanity check due using FSbuoyancy module - see issue [#9]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/9 ). Every time you see a "Removing TweakScale support" on the log, that part is one that would bite you if you use it on a existing save game. In time, the next TweakScale release, (to be release soon, but I don't know how soon yet ) will be somewhat helpful about these issues. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/57 (I'm almost there. )
  23. I gave some thoughts on this again, and realized that perhaps what follows could be a better idea, as supporting ranges of KSP versions would be cumbersome (i.e support from 1.3.1 to 1.7.1). How about adding also KSP_OLDER_<MAJOR> KSP_OLDER__<MAJOR>.<MINOR> KSP_OLDER__<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH> KSP_NEWER_<MAJOR> KSP_NEWER__<MAJOR>.<MINOR> KSP_NEWER__<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH> to fullfil that use case? I think this stunt would cause the less impact on the MM code - besides being somewhat ugly.
  24. I think this is not a bad idea at all (while we already have some Add'Ons that do that). But I think this should be restricted to the SandBox only - or perhaps available on the Career and Science as a Cheat.
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