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HB Stratos

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Everything posted by HB Stratos

  1. Progress coming along nicely The cocpit was way harder to build than I thought
  2. Building the Northrop Tacit Blue Will be a 1:1 Replica. What do you guys think?
  3. Actually I´m remaking my Concorde right now into a 1:1 scale replica. The first one was a bit to big. Also the Parrtcount of the old one went completely out of hand so I will remake it from the ground up again.
  4. Forgot to post progress pictures but here it is: Super Guppy SGT https://kerbalx.com/HB_Stratos/Super-Guppy-SGT It´s uploaded now
  5. Hey @Servo you're once again pushing the limits of what is possible in KSP... And I wanted to suggest a collab between us both because you´re clearly the better builder but I think I have more experience with stock hinges. I would love to help you working on your concorde... Currently I´m completely reworking my concorde to have moving thrust reverser flaps etc... You can contact me via Discord (HB Stratos#0800) or you can pm me here. Henning P.s. My concorde is having about 850 parts as it stands now
  6. @EvenFlow what is your main body diameter? I could design a fitting gear for that then
  7. Hi @EvenFlow I have three tips for you from building my concorde... 1. Build the Gear as a seperate part and then use the merge tool of the craft opener to import it. 2. Don't rely on rover wheels only for the gear because the can and will break. Just glitch in some other landing gear to take the load. 3. Make the gear dock in both positions to reduce lag when retracted If you need someone for prototype testing etc you can contact me on discord as HB Stratos#0800 Also I could send you the gear of my concorde there.
  8. yeah thats hard... Hope this helps @Kronus_Aerospace Got some images for you: Inside: Final:
  9. Hey @Kronus_Aerospace, You can simplify your cockpit build by making one half ring of solar panels and then stack the small cubes on each other and rotate them a bit to match the shape. Lastly finetune it as you like... Oh and if you guys spot any mistakes in my english pleae correct me it would help me a lot.
  10. Managed to get Kerbinside to work in 1.4.3 by copying all Assets into Kerba lKonstructs beta Statics folder and all Bases in the Examplebases folder
  11. Sometimes I get a greyed screen when launching something from the SPH Looks like this: my mods are: If you need any further information just ask for it in the commens Thanks in advance -Stratos-
  12. I know but I was wondering if there was a reliable way to trick KSP and open the chute
  13. Hi Corona688, I mean the eva chute so you can glide. It was originally in KSP Discussion until noobton moved it
  14. Hi everyone, do you know any way to deploy a kerbals chute in an external command seat? Is there any way to get it done (a mod, module manager script, etc) would be great for a project... Thanks in advance Hb_Stratos
  15. Well I guess heavy Aircraft is full... Then I will submit this as Whacky Stuff because thats kind of what it is... It´s a Concorde, but its featuring a moving nose and coustom made gears You can fin it here: https://kerbalx.com/HB_Stratos/Aerospatiale-BAC-Concorde-101102 There are some more pics, too
  16. I just finished working on my first Video on YouTube after two months of work and I want to share it here (If this is the wrong (Sub)Forum please correct me... I´m new here)
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