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Everything posted by mystifeid

  1. Coming soon and proudly presented by the Old Orange Tank Appreciation Society, Gregnand Kerman stars in a thrilling new episode of Safety Orange Rescue - Bring Them Home! Seven kerbals stranded on the Solar Polar Station, their fate all but sealed as they circle Kerbol in a - you guessed it - polar orbit 42Gm out. The return trip puts our seven heroes out of range of even the fastest interceptors. One hope remains and the call goes out - get the Safety Orange Rescue... The mighty 20 kiloton Safety Orange Rescue - capable of delivering 14.5km/s into LKO with a crew capacity of 8. Gregnand calmly fine-tunes his intercept with the Solar Polar Station using just one hand while scratching himself with the other. The Safety Orange Rescue picks up the elated station crew while dropping some supplies off for future visitors. Home again.
  2. Welcome to the forums! Alt + . on Windows - that dot is the normal period (or full stop) key used for time warp, so just hold down Alt first.
  3. Took a while to stop laughing. Ok, not quite stopped yet. Yeah well, if my boredom level starts climbing out of control...meant to play around with those burns around Jool the first time anyway. No promises.
  4. I think it took about 7500m/s for the first ship to get there from KO. Building something to hold 7 Kerbals with more than 15km/s dV would be tough. And then you have to get it into Kerbin orbit. Something like Better Time Warp would also be an advantage.
  5. Given that the station parts have no heat shields or parachutes, it probably would be difficult. And I just checked : a maneuver to match planes with Kerbin and maintain current ap/pe would take around 7500m/s. If I put all the remaining fuel in just one of the station parts it has about 4900m/s.
  6. I made every mistake that I could so there were 89 days between the first and last ships entering Jool's SOI and still the rendezvous were easy. Probably wouldn't be hard to do better even using separate transfer windows. Just a lot more waiting around.
  7. Three part station assembled in Kerbol polar orbit with a mass of 129.5 tons. The orbit has been circularised at around 42 million km - about where Dres hangs out. Took a little over five years. Jool gravity assist used to reach Kerbol polar orbit. These oblique braking maneuvers required around 5000m/s dV. Not sure if they were the optimal thing to do. The rendezvous were trivial but because I wasn't thinking too hard when leaving Kerbin, required around 1000m/s for the intercepts. Docking was complete within about a quarter of an orbit and well before the circularisation burn. Survey scanners are on the science module and seven Kerbals are inside the station. DLC was used as well as Kerbal Alarm Clock. No other mods. Maybe a video or more pics later. Also, very much not "pretty much impossible."
  8. Have to admit, this annoyed me too. I had quite a large stable of prop aircraft and it was disappointing to see them lose 20-25m/s. (Curiously, there was one that possibly gained speed.) Moreover, the ducted blades performance now far outstrips anything the other blades could ever do. I made a plane for a challenge to carry full ore containers with the engine size at 50%. It was never meant to be a fast plane. But with empty ore containers and the (eight smallest ec) engines at 100% it easily hits 325m/s in a climb. Before the changes, it was all I could do to get 300m/s after a lot of attempts. Now that plane does 275m/s and my krappy ore carrier does 325 without trying!
  9. Used roughly 500m/s from my Ant to do the same thing.
  10. You might have to explain exactly why you need that 5164m/s Looking at the closest frames that I can to the relevant events in my last video: Initial orbital velocity - 2282.9m/s Escape orbital velocity - 4954.5m/s dV - 2671.6m/s Rocket dV remaining at initial orbit - 3079m/s Rocket dV remaining at Kerbol escape - 136m/s Rocket dV used - 2943m/s That's a 271.4m/s loss, presumably simply because we're not burning in a straight line. (I wasn't locked on prograde either.) Maybe some gravity loss too. Even if you bounce a lot with a Dawn, I wonder what sort of difference you're seeing. Must be pretty substantial. Anyway, the point is that the goal is to make Kerbol escape. Why do you need something with a reported 5164m/s dV when I've used less than 3000? The Dawn stage is heavy. And it requires much more energy - read mass - to put into orbit.
  11. Okto2 + OscarB + Ant in LKO = game over. Just have to make sure the second last stage points the rocket pro-grade. No EC needed after staging and the Ant starts to burn. No reaction wheel needed. Launch at the right time and your circularisation burn also becomes your ejection burn. Look at that last video again.
  12. Why don't you ditch the Dawn and just use an Ant?
  13. You can put both props on the bottom but the only way I know to make a bearing between them is to use another engine. It looks prettier but it's marginally heavier and a lot harder to steer. Anyway, I'm guessing you still have another quarter of a ton to lose.
  14. Very good to know. I think I've given up trying to go straight up - just can't seem to quite do it at that mass. So, I hope you get a kick out of this one. 1.727 tons. (It has a battery clipped into the top fuel tank which I'm not proud of but this was more of a test than anything else.)
  15. Not really - and after that sepratron effort I've got a feeling you're holding on to something about a ton lighter. Anyway ... this is 2.65 tons.
  16. Awesome either way but it looked like 12 + 8 + 8 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2.
  17. Meanwhile ... that night ... the krappy kworters on the island konsisted of an open hangar and after being assaulted by assorted kreepy-krawlies, Jeb had retreated to the kramped but kosy konfines of his kockpit. At first light Jeb called Val, looking for some ... konsolation. She said that nobody was in the spaceplane hangar yet. If he hurried, there was that komfy korner ... there was no time to hear anymore. Jeb was on a mission.
  18. You mean like this one - 24 pages and counting...
  19. Ahhh, worth the wait. Awesome. You could loop that music and then I could loop that video and use it go to sleep at night. Love the clouds too. Me too. I've been having a lot of fun seeing how far I can get out and just scrape back to a landing at a strip. It's helping to gradually give me a feel for my best LD and min sink. Below is a flight from KSC to a landing at the Island Runway. It is IVA from start to finish. Surprisingly this was my first attempt. Glider name - Still thinking about that one. Propulsion - 2 x Mainsail. Time in air - Who cares.
  20. Pity the video doesn't play. "Video unavailable. This video contains content from AIR Music, who has blocked it on copyright grounds."
  21. Never mind. Got it. 3.675 ton probe to interstellar space.
  22. Pretty disappointed no-one else has given this a shot. I've been trying to get under 4 tons and I'd really appreciate it if someone could show me that. In the meantime, here's yer bog-standard 4.6 ton probe to interstellar space.
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