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Everything posted by 4x4cheesecake

  1. I assume you play the game through steam? Try to delete the craft files not directly in the game directory but ingame through the "load craft" menu of the editor, then quit the game properly (no alt+F4, go through the menus). For some kinda weird reason, the steam cloud for KSP is configured to backup your craft files as well, so as soon as you delete them "outside" the game, steam will just think "oh, there is something missing, let me restore that for you" so you get them back all the time. Though, if you delete the files ingame and then quit, steam will update the information in the cloud to remove these files instead of restoring them on the next game launch.
  2. Hm...interesting. I have to try that If it happens again, keep a copy of the log Otherwise, enjoy playing
  3. Without a log file, this will always be a blind guess and pure luck to find a solution. Please run the game until it crashes, then upload the log file for us. If you are not familiar with the logs, please take a look at this thread: It contains all information about the location of the log file(s). You can either move the whole game files back into the original steam directory or just download a fresh copy of the game and copy and replace the fresh files with the files of your modded game. Or copy mods and savegames into the fresh install, both will work That would be such a rookie mistake, I hope that's no mod creator would ever fall for How would you do that? AFAIK they disabled that option years ago so the only alternative you have is setting the game to "update at game launch" and then never launch it through steam but I would love to be proven wrong
  4. Since you got "hide empty tech tree nodes", check the settings of the mod within your game difficulty settings for "remove empty horizontal/vertical space" and disable it, if these are enabled:
  5. well, it was worth a try I did some digging and found some similar issues of other games made in unity and this could be related to an unity issue running DX11 on onboard graphics. Luckily, KSP also supports OpenGL and probably still DX9, so we can try enforcing theses mode by using a startup parameter. To do this, right click the game in your steam library, go to properties and enter "-force-opengl" or "-force-d3d9" into the "Launch Options" field, like this: Just close the window afterwards and try to launch the game again. When I think about it, you can also try to disable the steam overlay since it is also listed in the stack trace of your crashed thread:
  6. My best guess would have been the graphics driver as well but just to rule it out, let's pick up the hint @OHara gave us: The game crashes right after initializing the hooks for the KSPSteamController.dll, so maybe this causes an issue. The easiest way to skip this initialization, is to start the game directly via the "KSP_x64.exe" and not through the steam client. This will cause the steam API to be missing during game launch which then fails the KSPSteamController.dll to load. So just navigate to your game directory (for example by right clicking the game in your steam library, then go to "manage" and "browse local files". This might be called slightly differently in your native language but I'm sure you'll find it
  7. Haha, you don't need to defend yourself and I hope my response didn't give you any reason to do so. It's perfectly normal to miss something, it happens to everyone Thanks for your appreciation That's exactly why I wrote it and I'm always happy to see, when it was helpful to others
  8. Actually, it doesn't look good in the pictures... I'm pretty sure you installed several mods wrong, maybe even all of them. At least UnKerballedStart, TransferWindowPlanner, Missing History, CustomBarnKit and Community TechTree because they are having version numbers on their folders, which tells me, you unzipped the mods into a folder with the same name of the zip file. If you take a closer look, you will notice that, for example Missing History-1.9.2 will contain two more folders named "Optional" and "GameData" and the latter one contains "Missing History", the license and ModuleManager. You'll find something similar within the other mod folders as well. Since @kcs123 already linked my tutorial, I would suggest to follow the link and read how to install the mods properly and that will most likely fixes your issues
  9. In your screenshot, SAS is disabled. Turn it on and you should get full control again
  10. Huh? Where did you get that from? @thegozer100 actually runs the 64 bit executable, as you can see in the screenshot of the task manager and inside the log. And in my experience, steam always uses the 64bit executable. Is this a log after the game crashed? The last entry in your log shows an unsupported shader but not crash and I kinda doubt the shader is the issue here since the same warning shows up in my own logs and the game runs just fine. Also, the log doesn't show the breaking ground expansion even though you mentioned that you got it. Did you remove it or left out? Just want to be sure this is the correct log here I've also noticed you're running the game in borderless window mode by using the "-popupwindow" startup parameter. Have you tried the regular windowed or fullscreen mode already? This actually sounds like a heat issue (your gpu or cpu gets too hot and your laptop shutsdown to protect the hardware) but that should happen everytime and not just sometimes. Anyway, to rule that out: have you noticed this behavior in other games as well or is it just KSP? Another question: did this happen in earlier game versions as well or is it new since the last update?
  11. Since your partinfo window also shows an autoLOC issue ("#autoLOC_SCANsat_ScanResourceDisplay" instead of "SCAN Resources"), I guess something messed up your ScanSat install or at least interfered with its configs. I would suggest to reinstall ScanSat and if it doesn't fix it, please provide a log file
  12. Since this post got linked here, I want to mention that my method uses a different tool to allow the download of old game versions and I'm NOT going to cover the tool, mentioned in the linked thread. It is possible to go back to the version of KSP, which were released since somewhere around september 2013, so probably 0.21.1. As others mentioned, for some older version you can use the "beta" options but if you need a very specific patch version, you can use the steam console to get them. Unfortunately, this became a bit more iffy recently, since valve more or less blocked this option in the console as well...anyway, since this a feature used by quite some people, someone found a solution to work around this. If they really don't want us to download games through the console, they would remove the whole command...wouldn't they? READ THE WHOLE THING BEFORE ACTUALLY DOING ANYTHING! First of all, you need to know when the version you're looking for got released. You can use the Version History for this. Then, you search for the entry of KSP on SteamDB and select the entry you need (KSP basegame or one of the DLC). Click on the corresponding AppID to get forwarded to the entry of the game. You also want to note the AppID for later! Now you have to select the depot you need (in this case choose the correct platform, like PC, Linux or OSX) and again, click on the ID and note it for later! The last ID you need is the manifest ID, so click on "manifests" and you'll see every single manifest ID with a corresponding date. Well, they recently changed it that you have to be logged in on the website through your steam account to see the whole list but that shouldn't be a big deal. For version above 1.5.1, you need to switch to the "win64" depot. Well, here comes the iffy part: you need to download the SteamDepotDownpatcher from github: https://github.com/fifty-six/zig.SteamManifestPatcher/releases I found this tool through the speedrun community, which often requires specific patch versions of a game to perform certain runs in a game. This tool will temporarily release the block established by valve and allows you to download games through the steam console again. It's a fairly simple procedure by changing a value in your RAM of the running steam instance. Windows will warn you to execute this program since it is not singed and therefore not trustworthy for windows. I'm not going to tell you to run this tool as well, you have to decide on your own if it is worth the risk. Since the source code for the tool is hosted on github as well, you can take a look at, if you want. If you decide not to run it, I've wasted you time and there is nothing else I can do for you, sorry. If you decide to run it anyway, we can continue: First of all, you have to launch steam if it isn't running already. Then run the SteamManifestPatcher. It will open a CMD promot which shows you the changed value and if the operation was successful. Now we have to open the steam console: open a run prompt in windows (press win + R) and type in "steam://open/console" (without the ""), press enter and steam will open it's console. In the input field of the console, type: download_depot AppID DepotID MenifestID (of course you have to put in the IDs you've noted before) For example: If you want to download version 0.90.0 for windows, this command would be: download_depot 220200 220201 1535792782041218707 If anything was done correctly, you'll see the a red text in your console which is basically just what you've typed in, and below downloading depot 220201 (xxx MB)... You'll not see any progress bar for the download and steam will not notify you when it's done but you can see the network activity in the download section of steam. This kind of download is usually very slow, so don't expect to load at max speed, more like 300kb/s. Sometimes less, sometimes more. Once the download is done, the steam console shows something like that: Depot download complete : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_220200\depot_220201" (2155 files, manifest 1535792782041218707) You'll see the path to the files here as well, it's always <your steam install directory>\steamapps\content\app_AppID\depot_ID" And you're done The next time you close steam, the changes done by the SteamManifestPatcher are undone and you have to run the tool again if you want to download a game through the console again. BTW, if that isn't clear in the first place: this will only work if you actually own the game. You cannot download games or DLCs through the console if they are not in your steam library. I have no idea if this works on a shared family library. Also, you'll do this on your own risk I'm saying that because I can imagine that valve disabled this feature for some reason we don't know. If they ever decide to take actions against people/accounts who enabled it again, I'm not responsible for any kind of damage/penalty caused by this. I'm just providing the information how it can be done, everything else is up to you
  13. Oh wow, I didn't even notice there is actually a checkbox for the file extension right in the explorer window because it doesn't show up until you resize the window (at least in my case, my default window size seem to be too small) And the same option can be found in the "view" tab of the folderoptions (?) (Ordneroptionen), so I thought you actually want to go for that one Anyway, I guess it's sorted out that there might be a difference between different system languages and how this option can be found
  14. ^This Though, I'm stopping by to comment, that this: is probably just true for the englisch version of windows (there might be some coincidental matches in other languages). On a german system, this combination would be "Alt-A Y O" Maybe you want to add the captions of the buttons this combination will trigger, so this may also be helpful for others in other languages (I would translate it from german to english like "View -> Options -> Change folder- and search options" but I guess the original englisch caption would be better, so it doesn't need to be translated twice to get like spanish, french, whatever)
  15. Dang it Well, I'm sorry to say but I'm out of ideas. The driver issue aside, I've also looked at the original error message in your log again but still, I've got no clue what else could be the problem, nor did I find any other possible solution somewhere else
  16. Maybe this video helps you to understand it better: If you still have trouble to follow the guide or just dont feel comfortable doing it, you can tell me your device ID as shown in the video and I'll do the modification to the driver and upload the modified driver for you
  17. If there would be some kind of guarantee, I would have suggested the solution right at the beginning. I'm just trying to find a way for you to update the graphics driver since I'm pretty sure that's the cause of your issue with KSP crashing. At this point, all I can do is finding other people who had the same issue, suggest their solutions to you and hope that one of them will also work for you. The latest suggested solution not dangerous, don't worry. It will either work and you end up with a driver which is up to date or it doesn't work and you're in the same position as you are right now. The last part of what? The last part of the quoted post, the last part of my latest post or the last part of the linked tutorial?
  18. Dang it, I was hoping that it will work Well, the other solution I've found requires to edit a file in the driver, basically convincing the setup that there is indeed compatible hardware in your PC. I also found this fairly detailed tutorial: https://appuals.com/fix-the-graphics-driver-could-not-find-compatible-graphics-hardware-installer/ I've tried some bits of the tutorial as well just to confirm that this is still up-to-date and the only issue I've found so far is that the extracted driver files got removed when I closed the setup. So once you've extracted the driver files during the first step of the driver setup, just copy the files somewhere else before you close the installer.
  19. I'm by far not done yet, still working on the prototype of the shuttle. I'll update this thread every time I've made some progress After taking a break from KSP, I somehow got drawn back into it a few weeks ago. I installed the typical 100 mods, played around in a new career game but already felt a bit bored after quite some time by the need to grind money for all the missions I want to do. Naturally, I switched to a sandbox game, played around a bit and also began to build a space shuttle once more, just because it can be complicated, beautiful, overengineered and fun at the same time But why building a shuttle just for the sake of building a shuttle when there is still the shuttle challenge around? I've participated in many missions of the 5th iteration of the challenge before, so why not give it another shot in the 6th iteration. Well, the thing about the shuttle challenge is....you have to do every mission one after the other. Launch, do stuff, land, repeat. While the launch and landing can be tricky in the beginning, it becomes fairly repetitive once you've figured out a good shuttle design and you literally start browsing the internet during the launch. With this in mind, I thought myself: Nah, I'm not going to do that again, I feel a bit lazy...I'm going to launch once, perform every kerbin centric mission and then land again. Basically, doing all the fun stuff but less of the boring stuff I'll also aim for the "commander" difficulty, just because These missions have the following goals: STS-1a: Get to orbit STS-1b: Deploy a 40t pre-build fuelpod in space (circular orbit, must fulfill some tight tolerances for AP and Pe) STS-2a: Deploy 3+ CommSats in equidistant, geostationary orbit, shuttle has to be in a 350km+ orbit STS-2b: Recover the previously deployed 40t fuel pod STS-3: Deploy and assemble a space telescope in a circular, inclined orbit. Have to use 2 MMUs STS-4/4R: "park" a shuttle with 6 crew members in a circular, inclined orbit, rescue them with another shuttle STS-5-8: Deploy and assemble a space station, containing 4 specific modules STS-9: Capture an astroid and land it on kerbin Well, I have to bend some rules to perform these mission, especially 1b, 2b and 4/4R. For STS-1b and STS-2b, I don't allow myself to perform these in direct succession, otherwise, I could just un-dock and re-dock the fuel pod within the same 2 seconds, claiming to have performed these missions, but that's not the point of them. For STS-4 and STS-4R, I will need a second shuttle but since I want to perform everything in a single launch, I allow myself to carry a second shuttle as part of my payload. At this point, I haven't decided yet if it will be a proper shuttle or just a funny little miniature version which roughly resembles a shuttle. We'll see... Most missions will be performed in or close to the highest required orbit, so somewhere around 1222km (that's roughly the required Pe for a dive orbit to deploy the geostationary CommSats for STS-2a). This will cover all the other orbital height requirements of the other missions. At this point, some of you may ask: how the heck will he transport all the different payloads in one go? Well, I guess it's time to present my current prototype for a shuttle which has the capabilities to perform all these missions at once. I proudly present: The Dragon: Currently it contains: -292 parts -6 MK3 Cargo Bay CRG-100 -7 Vector engines -21 "Nerv" engines -101,456 units of liquid fuel (no oxidizer) It's 53.9m wide and 81.4m long, at a mass of 783.637t. The first picture was taking during the very first test flight, just to figure out if that beast is ever going to fly at all. As it turns out: it does Current to-do list: -fine tune the wing shape -struts, I need more struts! It's a bit flappy right now -find a way to include flaps without disturbing the design -Add RCS Update: I've worked off the to-do list and here are the results: The wings became a tiny bit thinner in the middle, were slightly shifted into the back and basically rebuild to align all the parts perfectly: For the flaps, my first attempt was to include a hinge into the tip of the rear wings, which surprisingly works very well to control the pitch but after a few test flight, it had to admit that it is complicated to control (I've used an axial action group to pitch up). I'll keep the construction anyway, just in case. In the end, I've decided to "sprinkle" some advanced canards across the whole orbiter. This works well for the design I'm looking for and allows me to control the orbiter in a decent way. For yaw control and stability, I've added some spiky wings to the tail which also include some FAT aeroplane control surfaces. Yaw stability was one of my biggest concerns so far since large wing areas can easily cause some flat-spin during atmospheric flight. So far, the tail does a great job preventing this At this point, the orbiter flights reasonable well, giving the size of the craft. Unfortunately, roll-control is mediocre at best, which makes it really difficult to fly precise maneuvers. I haven't decided yet if I want to attempt to change this or just try to aim more precisely when setting up the reentry. I've also placed quite a few RCS thruster across the orbiter but I may have to reduce them a bit to find a balance between control and fuel usage. Right now, the 300 units of monoprop are used up within ~75 seconds of continuous firing the RCS thruster. I'll definitely add more monorpop as well but still... In the meantime, I've also performed some successful test flights, including reentry and landing the orbiter. As it turns out, reentry is a bit tricky but not for the reason I've expected: I assumed the wings will be ripped apart very quick so I had to go for a shallow AOA during reentry. As it turns out, I actually have to use the shallow angle for a different reason: the front of the empty Orbiter is too light to counteract the lift created by the wings so it tends to flip over very quick. an AOA of 10° is already enough to flip the orbiter, so I need to point pretty much straight prograde during reentry. That's unusual and slightly scary but surprisingly doesn't come along with heat issues. To-Do list: -find balance for RCS fuel usage -more test flights to get used to the orbiter -if necessary, fix issues found during test flights -start building the payloads I'll update this post once the current to-do list is worked off
  20. The free membership of pastebin only allows a filesize of 0.5mb for a single paste, that's not enough for a full log.
  21. I've build a few test crafts and can agree partially. These boosters really don't like to be surfaced attached to each other. In some configuration it works fine but others don't seem to create a proper joint between the parts. Sometimes, a few booster never even left the launchpad and the remaining craft turned into a effervescent tablet... I have to disagree though. Adding a "small hardpoint" between the boosters allowed me to add as many as I wanted: These are roughly 190 boosters and they are holding together perfectly fine. At a smaller, more realistic scale, I was also able to change a previously unstable design to become stable by using this method.
  22. Uhm....okay, that's unexpected. I don't really know anything you can try then... I don't even know what to google for Have to think about it... or maybe someone else comes by and got an idea.
  23. It's not just the tracking station though, you also need to be sure that KER is set to career more (IIRC it's called progress mode in the settings though). Should be enabled by default when playing in career. If that is the case, you still need either one of the parts on your craft, or an engineer, or tracking station on level 3 to get the KER readouts for a craft.
  24. Well, that looks really weird I cannot tell for sure what happens there but you probably just added too many struts. I know, it's sooo unkerbal to use less of something but in this case, you may want to use autostruts (set to grandparent) instead of a huge load of regular struts. I can imagine, that KSP gets a little hiccup while trying to calculate the stress for each strut and probably gets caught in a positive feedback loop which increases the stress until the joints break. Try to remove all the regular struts and activate autostruts on each part instead. If you cannot see the option for autostruts, you have to enable "advanced tweakables" in the game settings first
  25. Yes and no, I guess. It's not really dangerous but it's still a powerfull tool and I cannot tell what happens if it is used wrong. But I can assure you, it's impossible to break your videocard with DDU, that's almost impossible to do with any piece of software DDU will only access the GPU driver files in your operating system but doesn't interact with your GPU directly. Even if the uninstalling process fails at some point, windows will still boot your pc and put the most basic video driver in place, which basically just allows you to see your screen but in a very low resolution. And even if that fails for some reason, you still got an integrated graphics chip in your CPU, so all you have to do is plug in your HDMI cable from the monitor into the HDMI output from the motherboard (currently it's in the graphics card) which would allow you to fix whatever went wrong while using DDU. So even in the worst case, you still got a backup plan
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