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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. Well, its Elon tents. Teslatents. Tensla. And mk1... arent those 1.25m? How big would mk3s be? So metal starship now? Even for mk1?
  2. There are math for minimum number of cubes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimal_solutions_for_Rubik's_Cube In short, i think the answer will be measnured in hundreds of years.
  3. Is there a reuseable rocket pack for RO? I know there are spaceX packs out there such as the Launchers pack, but I want to try out supersonic retropropulsion with ignition delays and ullages. I would prefer fully reuseable launch vehicles.
  4. Are you still working on this mod for the RO v 1.4?
  5. How do I get one of my installed mod parts to be supported by RO? I have added to the suggested mods files, but it still says the part is not supported
  6. I found the following error in one of my installed mods: How do I solve it?
  7. Right click on the dish to activate it and set something as the target via the pop-up menu
  8. I thought that mission was a partial success, just that a secondary payload was lost...
  9. I thought H2S smell, not methane... Or i may be mistaken. Smelling CH4 directly is not advised.
  10. Years later, when we once again land on the moon: We have found aliens. It appears to be genetically similar to our plants. Then: Its not aliens. Its just Chang'e 4.
  11. What if we are flat on a 2D universe that is layered to form our current 3D (or more) universe?
  12. Did you set the antenna to target the ground stations? Is there a chain of line of sight?
  13. I am not sure what you mean by save. Do you mean using it in a mod? Like this? https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130809-11-kerbodyne-plus/
  14. we ARE bored. Ad also, what are the job requirements of being a moderator?
  15. Some suggestions for development: add a cargo version for the gojira/starship. And to slightly increase the drags of the canards, so that reentry is a bit more stable.
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