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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. pentafluoride is not the real problem, but the real problem would be pressure. How would a series of tubes welded together hold up at 300atm, as in a raptor engine?
  2. Well, then elon and bozos are losing money. How much of that money goes to bureaucracy?
  3. an engine that thrust the spacecraft into more heat? If the methane combust behind?
  4. A gas film that can combust? Sounds nice. Why dont they use LOX instead?
  5. How about adding extra PICA-X not picachu for shielding?
  6. Finally. Later: elon sneaks abroad the crew dragon.
  7. What type of stainless steel are used? Why didnt NASA consider using it for the space shuttle? And how much TEATEB does the real colonizing starship need?
  8. What about the wires, avionics and stuff? Batteries? Fuel tanks? Or is everything stainless?
  9. How do you guys set the pitch rate of a vehicle with RO and PEG guidance for auto ascent?
  10. "Elon Musk changes name to Jeb Musk" Later, before landing on Mars, "Jeb Musk changes name to Jeb Kerman" All... is... revealed. Jokes aside, isnt anyone worried about potential rain ruining stuff?
  11. Found lying by the side of the road. Thats enough jokes for ksp playes, musk.
  12. "In order to estimate the damage of a superheavy malfunctioning at a wrong time, 3800 tonnes of methane and LOX was detonated today. It was... spectacular"
  13. *Charges foward, fires arrows, as enemy returns fire or falls into turtle formation, run and disperse*
  14. Mongolians lose at first. Then they use their guerilla tactics and wreck havoc on Rome.
  15. What about the flip manouvers and the meteoroid shield being the heatshield?
  16. I doubt the feasibility, as a 100 man LES sounds.. kerbal. Next generation starahip: a dragon 3 mounted on a starship cargo. This.
  17. Use the autoland function for the booster. Set launchpad as target. Mechjeb can land fairly well, within 100m. But for starships, I need trajectories mod. I burn retrograde for deorbit, then radial for fine tuning and so that trajectories can simulate the drag.
  18. Thus happened to me too. Can you click on the launch pads to change to other places?
  19. I can accurately do within 100m. Adding landing legs and changing the code of mechjeb may help.
  20. The 2017 would not have worked, i think. The control of those fins are next to 0.
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