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Xd the great

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Everything posted by Xd the great

  1. This is sad. Reminds us all of the dangers of space. RIP.
  2. Since your game is not up to date, your mods do not have to be up to date. Find the correct versions, redownload and try again. Also, try manual installing, CKAN messes with mod installs.
  3. This. Is. CHINA! Jokes aside, the russians said they found the crew of soyuz tm35 even if it landed miles away from the intended landing site, the crew is niwhere to be found. Damn.
  4. Also, @jrodriguez will it be possible to make modular missile guidance a torpedo? Making the cruise height capable of being negative...
  5. Weird. @Adjie Did you check for incompatible mods? Does your rocket have electricity/connection? Is it a corrupted save? I.e. start a new save and test, and see if the problem persists? Is it a corrupted ship? I.e. build another rocket and see if the problem persists? Finally, i use all the mods you use except landing height and KER. Did you install module manager? And remove the not working mods.
  6. You need it to lock onto a gps target. Manually. Lock onto the target with laser and select send to gps. Then select the target from gps coordinator, and fire the missile.
  7. I remember these games in the playgrounnd, where you had to stand on a log. Didnt thought it would be useful in aerospace industry.
  8. If I remmeber correctly, a debris will be removed only if its PE is lower than 20km.
  9. But there is LOX nedt to RP1. Mix them, and boom.
  10. No, the scorching wont be too heavy. Scorch (carbon deposits) are burnt off each time the rockets reenter. Well, many scorching/totally black booster= flown multiple times.
  11. 1. Can you upload your craft to kerbalx and paste the link here? 2. Can you test with bdac stock planes?
  12. Well, the soviets used to send dogs up there with no method of rescue... I guess liquiding off animal lovers is not a good thing. But can't the rats tap into the ISS food reserve?
  13. 1. Backup the problematic save. 2. Delete the extra trash folders and files. 3. Retry. Of this does not help, im outta ideas.
  14. Will spaceX do an abort test for dragon 2, or has it been done?
  15. what is the gun range on weapons manager? Also, try not to reduce the range of the missile.
  16. Can you right click on the missile and see if they will engage air? Can you check the weapons manager and see if the guns are set to engage at 500, missiles per target is set to something>0, burst length and firing interval is 60 and 1? Can you check that missiles mounted in bays are set to be in a bay? Did you mount missiles on rails? What are the min/max engagement eange of missiles?
  17. Annoying, that is what happens when you have 100 paranoid customers.
  18. You can check the mod compatability by checking the mods respective threads.
  19. 1. Select the 30mm ammo, i think it is 30x173mm, double check in the info of the m230 tab in VAB. 2. Check the engagement settings, and min/max engagement range. And also the turret settings. 3. Try manual firing. Check for obstructions in the craft. 4. Try the other 30mm ammo box.
  20. Use the new universal ammo box, right click on it in the VAB/SPH, select the required ammo.
  21. The ammo can be done with a self made box containing the relevant rockets. I agree that they should add a demo part for the reloading missile module
  22. Right click on the chute and press deploy? What are the deploy parameters?
  23. Also: can you try to have the planes in bdac (located in the folders "craft") fight in air?
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