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  1. I also, on 1.10.1 rss/ro, do not display parts from buran at all
  2. Hello!!!does anyone know how to make the moon seem big from the earth, be bright and illuminate the earth at night?now it looks barely noticeable , very small and not realistic
  3. KK Launchers - Atlas Pack do not support RO . Is there a solution ?
  4. will there be a mir station and how long to wait?
  5. hello! I use rss ro, I launched the satellite into orbit with parameters of 160 km at perigee and 250 at apogee, accelerated it, a year passed but the craft did not fall, that is, the orbit parameters did not change significantly, although in reality it was supposed to fall within a month
  6. I'm trying to download craft ro rn vanguard 1,2,3 . A message appears , an error loading the device, the following details are missing : rn. vaungard. ss, rn. vaungard.fairing, rn.vaungard.fs
  7. spare parts from Atlas-Centaur are available in FASA.maybe someone has an assembled craft?
  8. is there a ready-made craft somewhere, (assembled Atlas-Centaur rocket, together with Surveyor)?
  9. does this mod support rss ro ? ,if not, how to redo the parts for rss ro, is there any instructions on this somewhere?
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