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Everything posted by rib3irojr

  1. Oh, okay... I think that I'll use SSTU on 1.3.1 or 1.2.2, because on these versions the mod runs perfectly!
  2. I've removing 'DefaultShaderAssignments-Engines - PBR' and now the engines are normal, but without reflections and metallic appareance (but this is not a problem to me), but all other parts that are metallic still are black, I think so because I don't have a good Video Graphics Adapter (It's just the HD Graphics 3000 of my I5-2450M), but if have just a option to remove all metallic and reflections appareances of the parts I think that SSTU will work.
  3. 1.) I did not find the 'SSTU-PBR', can you show me the localization of this file? 2.) I ever removes some stock parts to my KSP be more faster. But I'll put all stock files again.
  4. Oh, sorry! I've uploaded on Mega at this time: https://mega.nz/#!PTpCjQ4Q!jKcHpf8_Poc_8HB4lVSUUljgI0sgAFPeM3Twvj5vOTc
  5. Yes, I've installed all dependencies, but continues what I talked. And I'm using the -force-d3d11 too
  6. Hi, I downloaded the mod and it seems that all things are kind of "dark" / "black", as if they had no right texture. I also wanted to know how to turn off the chrome of objects
  7. Oh, okay! go ahead and make this beautiful New Glenn, but do not forget the New Shepard!
  8. I've been looking for a New Shepard mod for a long time. I've never met, I've tried to make this rocket, but for me it's very difficult, and I do not know why modders can not make a mod of this rocket !!! It's a simple, small, suborbital rocket, why did not anyone even make a New Shepard mod?
  9. Can you put to download your custom Transporter Erector? I'll be more happy with this! Also, beatiful and wonderful mod!
  10. Ohhh, looks beautiful. I love this mod because he take a "real" style in game, and with various types of launchpads will be wonderful!!
  11. My new base with Tundra Space Center, 3 different sizes, 1 VAB, 2 Hangars and 1 Runway. This base stay on a little island on Brazil.
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