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Jebediah Kerman Jr.

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Everything posted by Jebediah Kerman Jr.

  1. Oh no, the SSTO was originally designed to get from surface of Kerbin, to Minmus, and back. I didn't mean SSTO from Minmus surface to orbit, I meant all the way from Kerbin to Minmus. Sorry for the confusion. Wait, did you say around 4400 m/s from surface of Laythe all the way to Kerbin?
  2. I'm in orbit of Laythe with 6 Kerbals! My craft is a spaceplane with a nuclear tug. The tug will insert the spaceplane into a suborbital trajectory and then detach. The spaceplane is just a Minmus SSTO. I used the tug to bring it to Laythe. It has quite a bit of fuel left over when returning from Minmus, enough to render any aerobrakes unnecessary. The question is, will it be able to get from Laythe's surface to Kerbin? I don't want to do any unnecessary gravity assists, either. Can anyone help me with the DV? I am too incompetent to work it out myself.
  3. I was trying to land my ssto at the runway, but something was wrong with the SAS. While in space, I turned off SAS and the craft started pitching down violently. When SAS was back on, I tried to pitch up, but the craft didn't want to. Only down. It's definitely not a problem with the craft. I looked at the gauges on the left of my control interface, and on the pitch gauge, there was not only the yellowish marker that shows my SAS usage, but at the bottom of the gauge, there was also a lavender marker. Other than the color, it looked the same as the yellow-orange one. I turned off SAS again, and the orangey-yellow marker shot down and covered up the purple one. Like I predicted, the craft pitched down. Can someone tell me how to stop this? I clicked on the cockpit and it said: SAS Locked. Help!
  4. I got everything down but the craft design. About three weeks ago I sent Valentina to Pol. My rocket was quite overkill, being able to come back to Kerbin with no aerobraking. I could make a capture burn at Kerbin Pe. This might be the basis for a one-Kerbal manned mission to the seas of Laythe. However, I have been using my Brutus class VTOL SSTO rockets to build a four-module craft in LKO. Modules: #1) Command module with space for three Kerbals, and 8 MK1 liquid fuel fuselages #2) 8 more liquid fuel fuselages #3) Three Nerv atomic rocket motors and a single Rockomax X200-8 fuel tank with oxidizer drained #4) Lander (still being designed) The two main problems I have include: I cannot for the life of me figure out how to build a Laythe lander. I don't know if the ship I'm constructing will be able to reach Laythe with a heavy lander attached. I also don't know if my lander should be a seaplane, a spaceplane, or just a generic land lander. The spaceplane/seaplane design would have a higher range for more science, but those wings would be dead weight on the way to Laythe, reducing ΔV. What do you think? Should I first send an orbit-only mission like Apollo 8? I'm pretty sure the mothership has enough ΔV for an orbital mission. If I should send the orbiter/lander combo, can anyone help me with the lander design?
  5. I need help with going to Laythe. Can anyone help me?
  6. Yes, both designs are acceptable, the only specifications are: The rocket closely resembles the R7, has a Sputnik as a payload, is launched from Baikerbanur (KSC 2), and enters orbit. (And no cheating) (or DLC parts, because those were designed to look like historic rockets)
  7. Wait, you can set the launch site to Baikerbanur from the VAB?
  8. Hannand Kerman was visiting Baikurbanur yesterday and a thought popped into my head. The Challenge: Build a fully stock Sputnik/R7 replica (no DLC parts either). Transport the rocket from the KSC to the Baikerbanur Launchpad. You can do this in any way you like, as long as no Hyperedit/cheats are used. Be creative. Launch the rocket into orbit!
  9. I have a Mun Base! Yay! One problem: I do not know how to switch between vessels quickly on console. I know the controls for PC are the bracket keys, but what is the Xbox One equivalent? I need to switch between rovers and modules while expanding my base. I have found two ways to switch vessels, but neither is satisfactory. The first one: open map view, click on the vessel, and select "switch to." The main problem with this is that when you have multiple vessels overlapping on the map screen, you often cannot select the vessel you want to switch to, because your vessel is "above" the other one. (Does this make sense? Tell me if this doesn't make sense.) The second one: go to the tracking station and select the other vessel. The problem with this is that it takes ages to load. Can someone instruct me in how to switch between vessels (in my physics range) quickly on console?
  10. Yeah, I've tried the debug menu. It may fix the issue for rovers, but the Kerbal still goes all ragdoll on me, which means I can't toggle RCS or SAS for him/her. I only regain control once the Kerbal stands up. This is still a real issue when disembarking seats in space, as there is nothing for the Kerbal to stand on and regain their balance, so they tumble limply away from the spacecraft. It might be a bug in 1.2, because console is currently running that version.
  11. One thing I may not have mentioned: this bug isn't exclusive to rovers. I believe it's the command chair itself, as I did mention. I made one of the wonderful "Cute Kerbal Runabouts," created by Ruben of Kerbal Space Command*, and the same thing happened when the Kerbal disembarked the seat. *The link is here: Thanks again Ruben for your terrific videos! But yeah, I don't understand where this bug came from. It seems exclusive to Xbox One Enhanced Edition.
  12. There is a particularly infuriating bug I've encountered when using rovers. Flashback Time! I've built a rover in KSP Xbox One Enhanced Edition. I deploy the rover on the runway and drive around. When I'm done, I send it to my Mun Base. Theodas Kerman drives around, making crazy jumps, etc. When I'm done, I click on the option "Leave Seat" on Theo's menu. Theo leaves the seat, and BAM! The rover flails around, some parts explode, and Theo is thrown violently in a random direction. Arrrrrrrghhhh!!!! This bug never is a problem on Kerbin, though when I drive rovers there, the Kerbal often faceplants in the ground nearby. This bug seriously limits rover design. I think it's a problem with the command seat. Can anyone help?
  13. I'm talking about both. Thanks everyone for helping! PS: I love your profile picture, pincushionman!
  14. This is an odd question, but can someone tell me how to see kerbals through windows (on console)? I have seen youtubers like Matt Lowne do it, and they say it's stock. Is it possible on console?
  15. Okay, this challenge apparently was not as difficult as I expected...
  16. Hi, thanks for following me! I upload challenges, mission ideas etc. every week or so, so stay tuned!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. planet-creations


      Oh. That's okay. Maybe go to the Mun later?

    3. Jebediah Kerman Jr.
    4. planet-creations


      The kerbonaut has return to the surface, as I am the planet Kerbin now. Sorry! :P

  17. My second challenge is pretty self-explanatory: Dock two separately launched vessels. Only one rule: Both vessels need to be on a suborbital trajectory. I look forward to seeing your responses!
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