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Jebediah Kerman Jr.

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Everything posted by Jebediah Kerman Jr.

  1. I have played KSP on my console for more than a year now. The new update is fantastic, as is the expansion. I, as always, have another problem. You know how when you target a craft, a little green square shows up on the craft? They are gone.
  2. Taught my elderly mother how to build and fly a rocket. She managed a suborbital flight, to my surprise. Sorry I don't have a picture, but I can describe the rocket: 1x 3 kerbal pod w/ parachutes heatshield decoupler rockomax-16 tank skiff engine
  3. I own KSP Enhanced Edition, so naturally I was psyched when the new update finally came out. So I built a Mun Rocket with the "Pea" Re-Entry Module. I was excited to try the IVA. I click the IVA button. First thing I notice is the velocimeter. The meter looked something like this: O R B: 2 3 0 0 M / S Instead of like this: ORB: 2300 M/S Basically, the velocimeter reads vertical instead of horizontal like it should. At first I thought it was limited to the "Pea," but it turns out that EVERY SINGLE COMMAND POD has this problem. Does Squad know about this? Will they fix it before too long? Or will we have to wait another year for this agitating bug to be fixed? EDIT: It was fixed by the patch. Never mind!
  4. Well, I bought the DLC yesterday. Very much worth your $10, so much content. Spent about 3 hours building Vostoks and Geminis and Soyuzs (?). The only bugs I can find in the entire update is that annoying velocimeter (tbh it's not that annoying), contracts refuse to show pronouns (like this: Kerman Kerman is stranded in orbit of The Mun. Return Kerman Kerman safely to Kerbin.), and The Mun being spelled with a capital T.
  5. Bought the History and Parts pack for Xbox One. Played with the Soviet style pods for about 3 hours, and tried some of the missions too.
  6. I noticed a problem. Building a craft in the VAB, only 75 parts. I select another part. The game starts lagging. Two minutes later, nothing has happened. Screen still frozen. Another minute passes. Nothing happens. Makes the game unplayable. This is worse than any bug.
  7. Tbh I quite like the new command pod. Conducted a Mun mission yesterday using it, ran out of fuel at the last second during Trans-Kerbin Injection. I decoupled everything, pointed radial out, and used the built-in RCS thrusters to push sideways onto a suborbital trajectory. Did the issue involve velocimeters?
  8. The Wheesley engine is only producing a tiny amount of visual thrust at high speeds. Say, do you think that they'll fix the visual thrust problem for EVA suits? It's quite irritating.
  9. Huh. I tried the update, and frankly, it was a little bit of an anticlimax. Only a few parts have the variant switcher. Kerbal Jetpack still works, but no exhaust is visible, and the kerbal parachute is terrific (thanks Squad!), it can't really produce enough lift to make any kind of craft (like a paraglider) that uses it as a wing. But worth it considering I can now make rovers that don't explode!
  10. This is the exact same bug I was talking about over in the History and Parts pack thread. Good to see someone else suffers from the exact same bugs I do. Anyone else here have the command seat bug?
  11. Which do you guys think I should do, buy the History and Parts pack for 10 dollars, or get a Making History and PC Edition bundle on Steam for 50 dollars? I've been considering getting the PC Edition because mods, frequent updates, fewer bugs, better performance, but it would be a very large investment for a video game. On the other hand, I could spend $10 for the History and Parts pack, and not get PC. I've got to choose one or the other. I'd love to "support the devs" as much as the next guy, but I'm practically broke.
  12. You suffered from those bugs too? I feel for you. The command seat bug makes rovers unusable, which really sucks. No, I haven't tried yet. I will, though.
  13. Does no one else suffer from the EVA and command seat bugs?
  14. Oh, I use Xbox One. Is it the same for Xbox one?
  15. A clean install? What do you mean and how can I do that?
  16. A common bug that often makes KSP nigh impossible for me to enjoy. I click the EVA button on the crew portrait. The Kerbal gets out, but no options like (A) Let Go (B) Board show up. The Kerbal is trapped. Switching back to the vessel and trying to shake the Kerbal off does nothing. Cannot activate time warp, as the Kerbal is still technically "on the ladder." Sometimes I can defeat this bug by restarting KSP, but I usually have to revert the flight or quickload before the EVA and skip it altogether. Do you ever have problems with command seats?
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