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Jebediah Kerman Jr.

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Everything posted by Jebediah Kerman Jr.

  1. Yeah, either way is fine, just impress me and you'll win the Kerbal Medal of Kerbal Awesomeness in Kerbal Space Program! But if you want a challenge, fly manually to Jool, it's really not hard. I only learned how to dock last Saturday, and I've been in Joolian orbit before! That reminds me, I probably should send someone up there to rescue Jeb...
  2. I laughed so hard at 1:26! Thank you for rising to the challenge. Or rather, showing me a video where you accomplished the challenge. Before the challenge was a challenge. Or rather, before the cha- Never mind. Anyway, you get the Kerbal Medal of Kerbal Awesomeness in Kerbal Space Program! Or rath- (facepalm)
  3. So, the other day my 12-year-old wanted me to watch him play Kerbal Space Program (he introduced me to the game). He said, "I'm about to land on Bop!" Of course, he was referring to Bop, a moon of Jool. That got me thinking. Everyone knows of the Bop Kraken, the easter egg near Bop's north pole. It's Bop's most defining feature, so surely someone could land there? The challenge: Land a craft, with at least three kerbals, on top of the Kraken. Hard mode: Build a base on and around the Kraken. Super hard mode: Do it with only the FL-T100 Fuel Tank. Oh, and by the way, my son did successfully land on Bop, but not on the Kraken!
  4. Oh, this is all in sandbox mode, although I do have (rather ambitious) plans to build a large station in career. I'm practicing in sandbox mode. EDIT: Today I managed to dock two modified Kerbal X spacecraft (I added shielded docking ports)! It felt amazing.
  5. I am new to the forums (as well as KSP), and this might be in the wrong forum. If it is, please tell me the correct forum. Anyway, I play the console edition. I have recently landed on Minmus and I am thinking of building a small space station in LKO. Only one problem: I am abysmal at docking. Even the in-game tutorial seems impossible! Could someone give me a detailed tutorial on how to dock?
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