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  1. Is there a way to increase the output of these radiators? I'm trying to save on part count. I've tried messing with the configs, increasing the 'max energy transfer' didn't do anything
  2. Is there a way to alter the heat generated values for the engines when using system heat? I want to keep the part my counts down by using less radiators. I've poked around the config files but haven't found anything so far
  3. Perhaps this is interference from other mods but whenever I'm in a stable orbit the boost mode for the gravitic engine is forced on and I cant turn it off. My first guess for a potential interfering mod would be Blueshift
  4. Where exactly is the download? The Github link says there aren't any releases.
  5. Just downloaded it, and, Amazing. BUT it won't work anywhere except the Mk-1 inline cockpit Has anyone had this problem and know how to fix it? also kinda confused as to how some of the displays work.
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