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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. I've seen that before... on Reddit?!
  2. Lie on your bed, take a shower, eat or do anything (incl. making way into orbit with RSS), think of one then post it here. How can I have a time to play KSP and do the DAKAR 2020 race?
  3. BTW there's a lot of meme generators out there. All you need is imagination and creativity. Take a shot.
  4. No. Unless it can catch up with Kerbals cruising at half-lightspeed across Kerbol system to the adjacent star system from KSP 2. How did my pocket money gone?!
  5. Granted. You need to pay before existing. I wish my Dacia replica isn't top-heavy.
  6. Well yes I'm here. Posting from my boarding school! @Mukita12, apakah kamu sudah 'sampai'?
  7. Well... uhh... the movie that has the rocket I've mqde a replica a few weeks back. Check for the latest post in Indonesian Only thread and you'll found it. @GRS, selamat tahun baru. Di Indon pun ada disebut pasal kereta terbang, gak?
  8. Nein. @GRS, has EATM released in Indonesia? I've checked the news several days back (the entertainment obv) and the maker of the film said to release the movie in Indonesia.
  9. 1.7.1 Last night I woke up until 2 AM, building this: Dacia 1310, AKA PUBG Old Car Made specially (literally) for DAKAR 2020 since in PUBG most players chase others's vehicles with any kind of vehicle they found, especially if they play in Squad rounds. Pictures: The car itself seems top-heavy, so it tipped over every single time I pull out a sharp turn. In PUBG even steering it hard won't tip it over too much (btw I play the mobile version, not the PC) since... well... you know that, right? Just like planes during takeoff. Bloopers: But the top speed is not too bad, but the Mission Report's reading seems too high IMO. IIRC I achieved somewhere like 30-35m/s (108-126). Pretty much the average speed when I drive a Dacia in PUBG (Mobile). Conclusion? So I don't think my dacia replica is good by the looks, especially at the trunk, and performance at some points. My biggest concern is that it couldn't survive a dune jump and not being fast enough. I even used two RTGs hidden inside the trunk to power it. No batteries, whatsoever. I even forgot about the steering wheel tho... There's another car in PUBG called "Mirado". It's a muscle car, and is the fastest car in-game (at 150+km/h in PUBG), but only available in the Miramar map. While the Dacia is available on pretty much every map, even it came at 2nd place in terms of top speed. Craft file? It's here:
  10. 13 (+) No, pinging people helps. Only for Positives tho..
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