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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. Seemed to make sense since I had a hiatus from the forums and active on Reddit. @Gargamel
  2. Tell me what you're uhh... pls send help, I only got the first line of Martin Garrix & Khalid - Ocean in my head to be posted here, and I don't wanna be a simp when I don't want to. nevermind.
  3. Wait, you've managed to get SSPX working in 1.9.1? I didn't tho.
  4. @GRS YOU'RE BAACK!!! Or is it just me being too late? @Gargamel
  5. NGEEHHHHHH @GRS Never seen this guys anymore recently.
  6. I've finished making an two airliner(s) I've been making for like 4 days straight! Was hella tiring. Once I've fixed something then another broke, and so on. And finally I've made it real. Here it is: The Frontinco L-50-10, and... ... its variant L-50-30.
  7. I was thinking of KerbPaint, but that thing was abandoned a very long time ago. Anyway, finished testing and documenting my L-50. Album (L-50-10 & L-50-30) & KerbalX page here.
  8. As a sneak-peek on our next craft, we would like to introduce the Frontinco L-50-10 & L-50-30. Top to bottom, L-50-30 & L-50-10. Coming soon.
  9. Well I was finished writing a question on the Gameplay Questions subforum when I thought of the first lyric line of Martin Garrix & Khalid's Ocean.
  10. Ah yes, a very long time not posting here. This. Is what you pretty much call them frustration. (Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is KSP, explosions are good, I know that) But I've spent like hours of replicating (Most labour on nose section even there's like only two fairings clipping each other) and this is actually an old craft from my 1.7.1 install, where I still have KJR to stiffen things up), even still I've used mods. (And my take on "Moar boosters" & "More explosions" are more of "learning from a mistake" and I believe that's what those two aforementioned quotes are meant to be)
  11. (Tags may explain a bit more detail) I have this craft, made to resemble the Boeing 777-300 while having air-to-air refueling capability. The problem is that the craft used to be so rigid that an aircraft carrier-level landing won't even break it, back when I still have Kerbal Joint Reinforcement installed. However, since I've updated my main install to 1.9.1 and got a fresh batch of mods; most are the same as my older install, one or two are newcomers and some from my older install didn't make it to my main 1.9.1 install (and Kerbal Joint Reinforcement is one of them). I initially forgot to download the latest KJR from the forums, but then I decided to just ditch it (since even KerbalX didn't include that mod in the automatically-generated modlist). And this happened. Even a full pitch up input would spell RUD on the craft. So I'm needing advise for stock joint strength. I've tried strutting every joint of the fuselage, no good. Tried making a 'spine' over the fuselage and make it work with the strutted joints, also no good. Autostrut, more like 'autoslut'; still no fruit. Rigid attachment, no difference as well.
  12. The APP one is a CFM56-5B, the one on A320ceos. Whjat I meant is CFM56-7B, the one on 737NGs, which have that flat-bottom shape.
  13. ... with the 7-Page Muda occurring on it. My building is SCP-3008
  14. Good thing, custom audio! I don't understand about that. Do you mean replacing the current audio file with another one, as long as it has the original audio's filename?
  15. 1.9.1 and mine's stuck on loading, at "Verifying Expansion: Breaking Ground SquadExpansion/Serenity" and earlier in the loading it says: (well, close to this). I've got ridden of the main Firespitter mod folder and leave just the Firespitter plugin that came with Airplane Plus (That I have it installed. And it still says the same). I'll post a log if I find any. EDIT: Perhaps that's because I accidentally had the Firespitter.dll inside GameData. I'vd just reinstalled the mod and trying it again.
  16. Ever since I began watching LTT yesterday, here it is. Laszlo - Supernova, aka Linus Tech Tips's intro song The song drops like a 56 Xeon...
  17. Just some more suggestion (if the license allows you to change the sounds): Give the Wheesley the CFM56 sound, but with that 'buzzsaw'! 'Buzzsaw' could be at "Spool" soundfile and the whine to the "Idle" soundfile (I'm just using the Airplane Plus soundfile philosophy) GE90 (aka J-90 Goliath): There's the lower-pitch one alongside the high-pitch whine, right? Make the lower pitch louder or the high pitch whine quieter, like this. There's a hum during startup, both in test stand and on the 777. (The latter vid's the epic one. Use this one) (EDIT: I just realized that vid is for the GE90-94B, and that's what the Goliath engine based on) Also loving it if you could make the startup that slow. Something more, the current Wheesley (the post-1.0.5 one) is actually based on the CFM56-7B, which is the CFM56 on the Boeing 737NG (which has the Cold-Stream thrust reversers) instead of the CFM56-5-series on Airbus A320 & smaller A340 variants (-200 & -300) (which has the cascade-type thrust reversers). But since both the A320 & 737NG's CFM56 is just different variants (with both CFM56-5 series & CFM56-7B has different fan diameters) (but literally the same engine), the same sounds is just fine.
  18. Have you tested the drogue in 1.9(.1)? Just wondering as I'm about to update my mod install.
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