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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. True. Dacia 1310 Dune Buggy from PUBG Antonov An-225 Mriya Boeing 737 Max 8 but it carries weapons instead of Kerbals An ICBM from a movie (available on my KerbalX) U-41 Ptakojester / Skycastle from Just Cause 3 / 4 respectively. TUBM is still bad at doing interplanetary transfers.
  2. *Slavic Russian fire sneeze* *explosion* @GRS
  3. A-firm TUBM is on Mobile atm
  4. Yes. But not as a primary one. And it seemed to be almost snapping into since it's made in China. TUBM haven't updated to 1.9 yet.
  5. Well every poster must guess someone who'll reply after them (i.e mentioning them). So yeah, Henderson's here. Hold on, I got this. @GRS, apa khabar? Apakah kamu ada update Grand Tour terbaru?
  6. Auckland, New Zealand
  7. Also, what about adding airport(s) onto the West of the continent that has Dessert?
  8. Currently on my mum's Note 9 amd she used the default wallpaper. It's like in this one: EDIT: Now how can this protect me? I'm absolute dead now
  9. Just wanna correct you here. Tarmac doesn't exist as an aviation term. It supposed to be "Apron" instead of "Tarmac". https://aerosavvy.com/aviation-terminology/
  10. You supposed to be 61 (-) ...while you supposed to be 60 (-) So I'll be... 61 (+)
  11. Receives Emerald. Now go trade it with a Villager Inserts Hecate II
  12. Receives false information. Inserts BFG-50A
  13. Gets Hurricane Irma Inserts crippling depression
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