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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. I think this is the first time I've seen 'minor' is used for referring ages and I got no idea on what's that. So I've read referred Wikipedia for 'Minor (law)' after reading your post, and do you mean you're referring that I'm telling the world that I'm 15? Well I wasn't born in Sabah. I was born in Putrajaya. So I'm not an Original Sabahan to say the least.
  2. Gaiss, roket dari movie, gaiss. Kalau mau tonton movie tu, boleh pergi bulan Disember ini, tapi jangkakan mungkin sudah hampir penghujung tayangan sampai panggung hampir kosong (tapi masa mula-mula, penuhlah macam biasa, tapi tiketnya mahal).
  3. After a pretty long hiatus from KSP (and after watching an exciting but sad + happy ending movie of my favorite local animated series) I've decided to build a replica of an ICBM that made its appearance in it. The missile pretty much looked like this even I've forgotten a few details if any, since there's not yet any pictures leaked from the movie for now. In the movie, it did launch, but from a silo instead of on an open launch pad. After a few seconds being launched it got destroyed when it collided into two other identical missiles (yes, it launched with two other missiles in the movie) before even separating. While watching it (obviously at the cinema; watching pirated copies of a movie is illegal BTW), the bulges between 1st stage and apparently 3rd stage / re-entry vehicle actually exist and IDK what is it for. But for sure it has four big fins on the first stage. Since this thing has enough dV to get to somewhere below 200km Kerbin Orbit (and since I'd like to do so), I've brought it to orbit and re-entered after a few orbits waiting to get KSC lined up, which ended up me not hitting the KSC and into a trajectory into the waters thanks to the fact that my third stage tumbled upon re-entry. So you guys might be wondering; Which movie that I watched recently? Why keeping the 3rd stage upon re-entry? 2. To make sure my trajectory is towards the KSC area, which then didn't work as well. So a total of two flights have been made; one with no Sepatrons to boost liftoff (1.8 Mk0 boosters are still too big to fit inside) ending with a failure, and another one with a (almost) success. First flight. Which does ended up (literally) horribly (since I've intentionally staged everything away when the rocket is too far off course). Second flight! *Hits [Escape]* *Hits "Revert flight" then "Revert to launch"* *Waits for a few seconds* *Rocket loads up* *Hits [Space]* So here's the missile a few seconds after launch. You can see the Sepatrons in between the bells of Bobcat and the Baguette tanks. First stage got burnt out, aaaand... Boom, two plus two is four, minus one is three, quick maths. Everyday mans on the block, smoke trees second stage. Circularizing orbit. Top Ten Pictures... Taken... Seconds... Before... Disasters. So my rocket uncontrollably tumbled while I'm executing my burn to reach the cape where KSC is on. So I've decoupled the third stage while it's still doing a burn. Anyways, you guys felt weird why am I skipping the first question and straight to the second one? OK then. Aaand KSP 1.8.1 turned out to be more laggy than my 1.7.1 install, even I've lowered it to below my 1.7.1 graphics settings. Weird... And it's buggy as well. Some (if not all) BG & 1.8 parts only have autoLoc [Insert random number]. I might gonna go into another hiatus. Sorry. EDIT: Silly me, I didn't assign my 1.8.1 to use my GPU just like how I'm used to do with my previous installs. *Facepalms*
  4. -32 (+) Am I gonna call in for a resign as a Commander?
  5. A docking module, with 10 50 docking ports of different ports from the Stock game, @Nertea's Station Parts Expansion, Wild Blue's MOLE & @benjee10's ReDirect mod. (BTW I couldn't remember whether MOLE ever have docking ports or not since I have 60+ mods installed with no visual mods. I have too many parts and incompatible Janitor's Closet (EDIT: Thus not working) only added insult to the pain)
  6. So ever since @Commodoregamer118 & @XB-70A pioneered the airplane errors in the Generate Errors! thread, I got qn idea for this game. So rules; Tell a brief history / background of an airplane by adding a twist to its story. By means of airplane, fixed-wing, powered airplanes only. No gliders, rotorcraft or even autogyros, etc. Try using UpGoer5's terms, but not for the whole post. Only a few parts of it. Forum rules Example: "Airbus immediately jumped to larger planes as opposed to tiny ones since Airbus got their money from the high-council boys." And that example started the game.
  7. Florida Man apparently got roasted by YouTuber GrayStillPlays while the god-YouTuber tortures the Solar System.
  8. Get rid of the domes and we'll get the station hub we very seldom use.
  9. Error X870: Operation cancelled, usaf.exe won't accept addon. Check file configuration and try again. (I think the whole airplane errors gave me a new idea for a new forum game)
  10. 1. Yes, closed. But don't worry, it'll be revived. We're just discussing a (literally) few things. 2. Mostly not. AFAIK the wbole backlog will be removed, there'll be sessions where a limited amount of submissions are allowed to be sent in, etc etc from our PM discussion. So unless you resend your submission, yours wouldn't be reviewed. Backlog is really like [insert highway name & time].
  11. Aaaand exam has ended with me not having enough time to complete a few questions. Meh.

    I was thinking about Nasi Lemak, friend instant noodles, upgrading to Windows 10, installing FL Studio (Demo) and try making my first song, updating KSP to 1.8.1, etc.

  12. ONE. LAST. PAPER...


    BTW today's paper is English and then none after morning tea.

    Starting 3:00PM, we'll be allowed to back home and my Dad will fetch me and my items since we have to bring all our belongings back home. And I have a lot of big stuff in my locker.

    1. Fraston


      I wish you luck!

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