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Posts posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. A bit recently I've built this plane. 24 26 engines but it won't move even with full throttle.

    I've once tried setting the friction to zero, but nothing happened.

    During construction, the wings clip through the walls of SPH (Since I couldn't get HangarExtender to work in my 1.7.1 install). Is that the cause?

    Very poor pitch response will be fixed after the 'permabrake' issue has been fixed. I've realized that, but after dropping the plane from a height (Using VesselMover), the plane can fly, just a bad pitch response I'll fix later on. The plane still can pitch up, but the problem is that the plane won't even pass 1 m/s at full throttle.

  2. My rule of thumb is running it using GPU.

    Here's my specs sheet :

    • HP Pavillion g4
    • OS : Windows 7 64-bit
      • Will upgrade to Windows 10 this year-end using Media Creation Kit
    • RAM : 4GB RAM
    • CPU : Intel Core i5-2450M, 2.5GHz
    • GPU : AMD Radeon HD 7450M
    • Storage : 500GB HDD

    So far running KSP1 using GPU gives me almost no lag, but some toleratable lag with my largest rockets & planes.

    But the pain intensifies as I broke through the sound barrier with Aero Effects Quality set to full.

  3. On 9/16/2019 at 10:27 PM, neistridlar said:

    I agree with all of the above. I would definitely advise going for more of a self judging system if possible, like most other challenges. I wonder if the challenge would work with a similar format to the K-prize. So have different tiers of achievements, that could easily be determined just from screenshots. At least that would put minimal workload on the judging side of things.

    IMO self-judging would only work with missions challenges that involve missions; they're purely a challenge, literally what a challenge tells in a straightforward fashion. Let's say, "I challenge you to get to Mun, no decoupling, horizontal takeoff & landing.". And K-Prize is one of them.

    But KEA is somewhere beyond what a challenge is defined as. It involves a review. You take it for a spin, and you tell something about it, whether it may be good or bad. And literally everyone with the best review(s) and number of airframes bought 'wins' the challenge. Basically you're following the demand of an airline. The category requirement is an example of an airline's demand. You have minimum range, seating, speed and Vr & V2 speeds.

    So judging via a screenshot isn't a good idea. At least in my opinion. Let's say I posted a picture of my Fr-30 flying perfectly fine but after testing, judge(s) can confirm a pair of brittle wings that snap under high turns.

    Which means contestants might lie just by using screenshots and talking all the good ones. Let's say a challenge bans HyperEdit. But in the screenshot there's little to no proof of such forbidden thing. But in reality the contestant did what is forbidden at the first place.

    And as we knew KEA judges comprise of the ones selected for having such a good writing of review. Or 10/10 Professionalism in other words. So just letting contrstants handling other's review is exactly like asking every single passenger of an airline managing fleets, financing, etc. Which could end pretty badly. In reputation, finance and management essentially.

    And that's my two cents why we still need reviews from tested & proven judges.

    Which I think I still have more words that I forgot as I type on my phone. Time to take higher dosage of raisins &  buy a larger phone or get to a desktop.

  4. On 9/14/2019 at 7:29 AM, The Real Kraken18 said:

    There is a mod for those lights. It's called aviation lights and is compatible with all of the newer ksp versions (1.2- onwards). 

    I'm aware of that and yes, I'm using that mod as well. :wink:

    44 minutes ago, panzerknoef said:

    Just gonna put it here that you shouldn't count on me for judging. The amount of work is huge and putting it on a set of judges is likely to go down the same path, though the scoring system you suggest should already make work a lot easier. I would also suggest just rebooting it without the backlog, yes people are waiting for reviews, but if they still care they'll just resubmit. You'd save you and your judges a lot of work by just skipping straight to new content. 

    Hmm... What I'm thinking is a separate thread to handle the backlog aka The Flood Tunnel thread.

    Or simply SMART Tunnel thread since it might serve for a second purpose...

  5. On 9/12/2019 at 4:58 AM, life_on_venus said:

    Jumbo Jet

    4000km range requirement, ...

    Since the circumference of Kerbin is 3,769.911km, having a plane that can reach at least 4000km is simply just like in case KEA is operating Jumbos right after a nuclear fallout; airport ground services became unavailable. Or in case KEA is simply would like to waste money on flying somewhere, fully fuelled (i.e What we're prone to do) within a 1000km radius from the departure airport by taking a long, zigzag route as if it's about to be downed by a SAM and/or Flaks.

    And a real-life Boeing 747-400 has a range of approx. 1/4 of Earth's circumference, hence having the requirement to fly 1/4 of Kerbin is better economics-wise and design-wise.

    Hence, 1/4 of Kerbin's circunference is about 942.5km (3,769.911 rounded off to 3770) and that's what supposed to be the minimum range requirement for the Jumbos.

    IIRC this has been discussed previously, but as my previous post says, this iteration's planes will be reviewed using this iteration's rules, while the next iteration planes will use the new rules.

  6. Just would like to give more emphasis on the Tenths-As-Stars and the Judging system. The system would be replaced by "Rate from 0-10" system. Basically just like how you rate a criteria in the Forum Games subforum, but the limit of score is 50.

    Then add the marks of every criteria for the final mark. As usual, state how many units of the submitted entry plane you'd like to buy for KEA.

  7. 23 minutes ago, KeranoKerman said:

    Please add B9 Procedural wings. I don’t want every plane having the exact same to save on partcount.

    What I'm trying to mean is that, let's say Judge A is about to judge an OPT jetliner, but he didn't installed OPT Spaceplanes. Then, he passed it to thenother judge(s) who installed OPTS.

    This means a submission can use any fixed-wing aircraft mod to build their planes.

    (But the helicopter rotors? That's accepted as well. What I'm tryna do is give Kerbal Express Airlines more branches, let's say Charters, Air Taxis, etc and that'll use a new category; probably like the seaplane category but for landplanes)

  8. 9 hours ago, sturmhauke said:

    You also should figure something out with the backlog. It's huge. Previous versions have carried over the backlog from the one before it, but from what I can tell it's gotten worse with each iteration.

    Almost forgot about that. Here's my plan.

    The previous iteration's entries will use rules from the iteration it came from (In this case, this one). And we'll finish up the reviews before we can open it up for submission intakes as planned.

  9. What I'm thinking for the next reboot is, there would still be official judges just like what we got here, but I might focus on mods and scoring system.


    Okay, there would be mandatory mods for every judges, and the mods are AirplanePlus, KAX, SXT Continued and Neist Airliner Parts. However, for other mods (Let's say a submission used a spaceplane part instead of modern airliner parts, let's say from OPT or Mk-4 Spaceplane System), there must be at least one judge who have it. Which means, if a judge's install couldn't support the craft, the jidge can hand it over to the anotger judge whose install can support the craft. Hence, more flexibility on mod compatibility and design variation but a bit slower review rate.

    (I might can say allowing other participants would lead to unfair results due to some of them being bad at reviewing, being a bias, et centra)

    Optional (But yields more bonus) Submission Criteria

    Other than having no rocket engines, I would put in a rule for putting aviation-standard lighting on their planes according to this diagram.


    This doesn't count on craft shape, however. But if submissions able to follow the lighting diagram, they'll be offerred a bonus score of a some sort.

    Scoring System & Participants

    Scoring will be according to how many planes are ordered.

    A numbered score would be like this;

    Being able to takeoff within the takeoff speed per every category will yield 10 Marks.

    Being responsive to input to the control surfaces will yield 10 marks, corresponding for like 1-Star, and 59 marks, corresponding to like 5-Star. It's up to judges' rating from 10-50 (Must be in this form), or 1-5.

    Takeoff and landing roll distance will follow the same Tenths-As-Stars system; rate from 10-50.

    Structural durability will also follow the same Tenths-As-Stars system.

    Comfort will also use this scoring system. For now, this will cover in-cabin noise levels from 10-50 Marks.

    Being able to meet the demand of that month will yield 10-50 Marks according to how well the submission met the criteria of the demand for that month of submission intake.

    Having the aviation mavigation lights will yield 25 marks and having them just like above yields 50 extra Marks.

    Participants (Or a group of participants) will shape a company / manufacturer that will have a name, obviously. The marks obtained from every single scoring criteria will be added as their final mark.


    Companies or Manufacturers that are built up of Individuals or Groups will receive the "Participants' Award".

    The manufacturers with the highest final mark for the Tri-Month (Every three months) will be awarded the "Best Manufacturer Award", but if the manufacturer couldn't maintain the position, he / she / they would need to use the "Former Best Manufacturer Award".

    If the "Best Manufacturer Award" is maintained until the next award-giving season (i.e After six months straight holding the award), the participant(s) will be awarded the "Aerospace Giant Award". But losing it is just like losing BMA; losing if there is another contestant being awarded with BMA.

    Different participants can hold different awards. Let's say Participant A holds the "Aerospace Giant Award" while Participant B holds the "Best Manufacturer Award".

    No bonus marks will be added per award.

    Submission Intake

    Submissions will be taken within half of a month, but judges may end submission intakes earlier, but the minimum submission intake period is one week. No shorter than that.

    Every intake will challenge participants with different scenarios and/or demand. Let's say, an entry must be able to get to Dessert Airfield non-stop as fast as possible without achieving Mach 1+ (Reminiscent of American Airlines's demand for Convair 990 Coronado), being able to be easily converted for cargo operations, able to be self-sustaining, etc.

    Every December, there will be only intake from BMA and AGA recipients. In this round, they will compete for the "Aerospace Giant Of 20** Award". No bonus marks will be added.

    Backlog Management

    The previous iteration's planes will use rules from the iteration it came from (In this case, this one). And we'll finish up the reviews before we can open it up for submission intakes as planned.

    Jumbo Jet Range Requirement Issue

    Since the circumference of Kerbin is 3,769.911km, having a plane that can reach at least 4000km is simply just like in case KEA is operating Jumbos right after a nuclear fallout; airport ground services became unavailable. Or in case KEA is simply would like to waste money on flying somewhere, fully fuelled (i.e What we're prone to do) within a 1000km radius from the departure airport by taking a long, zigzag route as if it's about to be downed by a SAM and/or Flaks.

    And a real-life Boeing 747-400 has a range of approx. 1/4 of Earth's circumference, hence having the requirement to fly 1/4 of Kerbin is better economics-wise and design-wise.

    Hence, 1/4 of Kerbin's circunference is about 942.5km (3,769.911 rounded off to 3770) and that's what supposed to be the minimum range requirement for the Jumbos.

    IIRC this has been discussed previously.

    Widening The Scope of an Airline

    An airline operates aircraft, and aircraft is any vehicle capable of sustaining flight. So fixed-wing (Airplanes), rotorcraft (Helicopters), and even ornihopters are counted in.

    Let's see if someone made an ornihopter airliner...

    What I'm expecting is that Kerbal Express Airlines will be split into :

    • Mainline / Major Airline (e.g Lufthansa, Malaysia Airlines, Singapore Airlines, KLM, British Airways, Emirates, American Airlines)
    • Regional Airline subsidiary (Could be for intercity, hopper categories are maybe suitable for this) (e.g Delta Connection of Delta, MASWings & Firefly of Malaysia Airlines)
    • Helicopter Airline subsidiary (Operates helicopters).

    I think that's all of what I can think now. I was writing this whole thing on mobile with battery almost dying. :P

  10. 3 hours ago, life_on_venus said:

    Perhaps the challenge can be revived ...

    And that's what I'm planning to do. So far, I'm in the processof applying to be one of them so I can finally grab the torch and overhaul everything needed.

    3 hours ago, life_on_venus said:

    ... But some kind of scoring system could be made public ...

    Including a public scoreboard, monthly submission intake, specific fleet demand (Reminiscent of American Airlines request for Convair 990), Best Manufacturer Award, etc.

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