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Posts posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. 7 hours ago, Eskandare said:

    Here is a little album of me making the small hangars similar to the ones in the R&D at KSC. These will be used on some of the up coming statics.

    Making KSP Structures

    So that hangar will have a functioning door just like the airship hangar? That's cool!

    EDIT: Will you add in roll-away-for-launch VAB-Launchpads like the one in SLC-6, 37 and Kagoshima?

  2. 55 (+)

    1 hour ago, Aperture Science said:


    20 hours ago, FahmiRBLXian said:

    49 (+)

    Negative : *Literally passive*

    Me I don't see enough movement!

    yeah the game turned into a positive steamroll after the first few matches, it really is currently a shadow of its former self

    Nah I was just tryna squeeze Ninja's Fail meme and came up with that as a subject.

    Anyway, back to War!

  3. Made a shuttle using @NESD's Mk1 Open Cockpit and so far so good.

    Not to forget my shuttle collection put inside Kerbinside Remastered's Airship Hangar. It reminds me on the Buran hangar / VAB in Baikonur back during its golden age.

    Pictures incoming, that if I had time to post them. (Was back in the hostel after yesterday's 'extended' break due to diarrhea. Made and tested the open-cockpit shuttle in today's morning)

  4. These are the timeees,

    That, weeee've been prayin' for,

    These are the moments,

    That weeeee will nooot forget.

    This is the liiife,

    That, weeee've been waiting for,

    I wooould change it for nooothiiiing...

    Martin Garrix - These Are The Times (ft. JRM)


    IMO that song is lit


  5. 135side.jpg


    EDIT: Top to down, ACA P-50, Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1000T. P-50s didn't utilize a blower, while the Thunderbolt does.

    Both can still rattle your chest once it sounds healthily (No reverse-wired or burnt motors) and points towards you.

  6. 16 hours ago, Ruedii said:

    The engine the NK-12 was used on the Soviet airliner which was also used as a medium cargo plane.  The entire plane was a lot heavier, and more durable than most western plane designs.  The engine itself had a very high power to weight ratio, but is incredibly heavy due to it's size.


    Yes, but I mean the Max. Thrust should state a high thrust output, while the Mass states a heavy weight as well.

  7. Granted. You'll get the buggy version of Making History instead.

    I wish the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus/Pro retains the earphone jack and not exploding.


    High price tags should be fine for me in case my parents will buy one for my excellsnt results in the upcoming major exam. Or if I started YouTube-ing.


  8. Well might be common with Malaysian boarding schools at least where a group sings a random song loudly in the shower room as a form of joke. Basically a grouped singing-in-the-shower.

    (But if other countries have this awwkward culture that's suprising...)

    Easy, sing a full song (Or a part thereof). Make sure you mention the song's details; at least title and artist.

    My post will be under here to kick things off pretty quick.



    Sia - Chandelier

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