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Posts posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. 85 (+)

    14 hours ago, GRS said:

    What is your Modset ??? @FahmiRBLXian

    Mine is : KER, Hyperedit, Nereid's Final Frontier Merits, SVE, Trajectories

    It's a very huge one (Excluding dependency, though some dependencies are included) :

    • Airplane Plus
    • Grounded
    • KAX/L ( @Lisias's Reboot)
    • SXT Continued
    • Firespitter
    • Near Future Aero
    • Mk-4 Spaceplane System
    • B9 Aerospace (Latest & Legacy)
    • BDArmory Continued
    • North Kerbin Division
    • @Nertea's Space Station Parts Expansion Redux
    • ReDirect
    • Kerbal Foundries
    • Kerbinside Remastered
    • Kerbal Konstructs
    • CameraTools
    • Vessel Mover
    • Physics Range Extender
    • KER
    • MechJeb
    • TAC Life Support
    • Janitor's Closet (Doesn't seem to work on 1.7.1)
  2. 1 hour ago, Daniel Prates said:

    My main concern is that it has been stated explicitly that this does not work with the most recent BdA, but since you tested it and it does, I will grab it too!

    But I haven't tested jettisoning the bomb via BDAC's Weapon Manager part, so you may give it a try. It's been a very long time that I haven't built loaded bombers (I mean bombers ready to drop bombs since it got bombs attached in editor; or in other words, armed). The last time I've tried performing a bombing run is back in 1.5.1 when I tried bombing from my Mach 3+ bomber but some only dropped. Since I'm banking quite slightly, that could be the reason since BDAC tries to avoid weapons from hitting the launch craft.

  3. 22 hours ago, Daniel Prates said:

    I thought it was not supposed to work well with 1.7.x. Are you experiencing any problems or does it work fine?

    So far, so good. I'm on 1.7.1 and I suppose parts mods (Including weaponry mods) should work fine with the latest KSP releases, as long as @SQUAD didn't make drastic changes to the game coding (e.g 1.1 which witnesses change of game engine, 1.3 which seems only has localizations but any drastic changes? IIRC 1.1 mods didn't work for 1.3 and above).

    Only CameraTools which the "Aim Camera" button is missing and Janitor's Closet which I could no longer open the Mod Filter menu.

    Anyways, I'm looking forward for a Munar and Minmusar mission woth this shuttle in the future.

  4. Done testing my space shuttle launch vehicle. *Yawns*

    I can say it's pretty overpowered given that orbit circularization can be done with the whole rocket intact. Total launches so far, four. Each with their own failures, but notably second and fourth launches. Only fourth ended with the Original Four survived, safe and sound even the orbiter isn't.



    Shortly after launch, during gravity turn.

    Basically I made a launch vehicle for the orbiter portion of the space shuttle. And the launch vehicle easily beats the little boi.





    After jettisoning booster stage.



    Circularization burn.


    Deploying a relay satellite.

    Not to mention some modifications done to the orbiter; solar panels.

    Failure Number One, As Noted


    Retrograde burn for Kerbin reentry.

    Crews are dead due to life support stuff deprived.


    After jettisoning core stage.

    Failure Number Two


    Third launch, after booster collision with core stage. Orbiter isn't physically affected.

    The first launch also have this occurred, but that didn't destroy the core stage.


    After deploying three relays. Some debris from the previous shot can be seen.

    Failure Number Three, Crews Safe, Orbiter? No.


    During reentry before the failure happened.

    What I'm basically trying to do is to slow down the Matt Lowne's style; tumble the spaceplane around. Which then, for me, ending up in an unrecoverable... uhh... stall? I'm diving backwards, like a stall.


    Struggling to level out.



    Right during impact. I'm going retrograde at the moment.




    At least this became my first successful space shuttle launch. My previous design didn't even made it to orbit.

  5. Done testing my space shuttle launch vehicle. *Yawns*

    I can say it's pretty overpowered given that orbit circularization can be done with the whole rocket intact. Total launches so far, four. Each with their own failures, but notably second and fourth launches. Only fourth ended with the Original Four survived, safe and sound even the orbiter isn't.

    And why Space Shuttle Launch Vehicle? Because I'm just changing the SRB-External Tank setup to an all-liquid fuel, kinda Energia style, while retaining the original design of the American Space Shuttle. The only modifications involve adding two pairs of Solar Panels to power the orbiter (And potentially lander) for longer-duration missions.

    Craft Name : Frontinco Interwing-5

    [Will be available on KerbalX]



    Shortly after launch, during gravity turn.

    Basically I made a launch vehicle for the orbiter portion of the space shuttle. And the launch vehicle easily beats the little boi.





    After jettisoning booster stage.



    Circularization burn.


    Deploying a relay satellite.

    Not to mention some modifications done to the orbiter; solar panels.

    Failure Number One, As Noted; Crew Death


    Retrograde burn for Kerbin reentry.

    Crews are dead due to life support stuff deprived. I'm using TAC-LS for life support.


    After jettisoning core stage.

    Failure Number Two


    Third launch, after booster collision with core stage. Orbiter isn't physically affected.

    The first launch also have this occurred, but that didn't destroy the core stage.


    After deploying three relays. Some debris from the previous shot can be seen.

    Failure Number Three, Crews Safe, Orbiter? No.


    During reentry before the failure happened.

    What I'm basically trying to do is to slow down the Matt Lowne's style; tumble the spaceplane around. Which then, for me, ending up in an unrecoverable... uhh... stall? I'm diving backwards, like a stall.


    Struggling to level out.



    Right during impact. I'm going retrograde at the moment.




    Reverted between launches to get back the crew.

    At least this became my first successful space shuttle launch. My previous design didn't even made it to orbit.

  6. Just done testing my first nuclear missile. Unfortunately both blew up upon reentry.

    Pictured is actually the second launch of the missile; I didn't make it to take a picture of the first launch. Since the first launch is done by hand (i.e No MechJeb) the missile spun outta control that I ended up with an inclined orbit.

    Anyways, a picture is worth a thousand words.



    Retrograde burn to avoid missing the nearest adjacent peninsula East of KSC.



    Jettisoned the bomb.


    Didn't made it to the other side.

    Anyways, I used North Kerbin Division for the warhead, and it's the TSAR-Bomb-A.

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