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Posts posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. Granted.


    Welcome to West Shores Services Siren Graveyard.

    I wish I can get my hands on one of the Thunderbolts in the picture.

    [See spoilers pls]


    Yes, you can buy used sirens for your posession. No jokes, many sirens are in working order, but...

    (1). You might need to do some restoration and...

    (2). IIRC they're never like eBay where they can ship it to your doorstep; you'll need a fitting trailer (Since a siren is really huge) and bring it to the site. Prepare some cash in case they didn't accept Credit or Debit. I've never heard an enthusiast telling about the payment method there.

    And the one that has the 'bowtie' (It's actually dampers or shutters enclosed in a housing that loiked like a bowtie) is the 1003 variant of the Thunderbolt, while the one with no 'bowtie' is either a 1000 (Single tone) or a 1000T (Dual tone).

    Note that 1000 and 1000Ts look indentical unless they sound when a 1000 sounds a single note at a time while a 1000T sounds two at a time.

    1003s are capable doing 3 signals while 1000(T)s couldn't. This is achievable using the mechanism hidden in the 'bowtie'; a pair of solenoids and dampers (Or shutters, whatever you call it) to close and open one row at a time.

    Manufactured by Federal Signal back in the 50s until 90s.


    Anyways sorry for yet another sirsn content after a veeeeeeeery long time not having that.


  2. 5 hours ago, Daniel Prates said:

    Today I took my new giant flyingboat for a test flight. KSC to Carrier Launch. It provided some good twilight landing photos next to the carrier!


    What do you have for the wings? I believe they didn't came with SXT nor it doesn't look like sandwiched wings.

  3. On 7/16/2019 at 10:35 AM, blackheart612 said:

    NK-12 is mostly used on bombers and not cargo so it's got speed instead to balance it out.

    I might can say, dont forget the A-90 Orlyonok and Antonov An-22 Antheus / Antei. They carry cargo as well.

    But still the thrust output makes no sense to me, at least IMHO.

    Anyhow can you make the Pratt & Whitney (X)T57, GE36 UDF & Europrop TP400? As well as a dorsal-opening Mk1 Cargo Fuselage and Size 1.5 Cargo Fuselage with a dorsal door?

  4. Granted. You then built a very Kerbal Whackjob and instrad of being spotted by your sister, it's your parents who spotted you.

    I wish I have timeto continue YT-ing and finally get some cash rolling in.


    Suggest something on what can I do this year end in KSP on my profile!

    And I wish I can get my hands on a Samsung Note 10+ by the end of this year.


    Both wishes?


  5. IIRC the KP-12 (Based on the Kuznetsov NK-12) has less thrust reading (150 kN) (At least in the SPH parts list) compared to the K56 (179.x), whereas IRL the Kuznetsov NK-12 series is the most powerful turborprop in service today. Which is kinda made it less relevant for turboprop-powered bomber or cargo plane construction, as the load the plane needs to take could be tremendous; something like 12 (?) BDAC Mk83s.

    While the SXTC's KO-TP12 (Based on the same engine) is far more powerful, at 300 kN (Almost on par with the stock Goliath).

    What I'm thinking of is the thrust increase up to 250+ kN. What do you think?

  6. 5 hours ago, DAL59 said:


    Is that the N1 in the vicinity?

    EDIT: That's awesome anyways.

    EDIT EDIT: Or is that the Nova, the proposed rocket alongside Saturn 1(B) and Saturn 5?

  7. On 7/12/2019 at 12:05 AM, KerbMav said:

    But yeah, I am always nervous about my chutes ripping when completely opening, ...

    You can just look at your Stagings tab to your left. The colours on the icon has a meaning :

    Parachute_icon-ud_at_rest.png Safe to deploy / At rest.

    Parachute_icon-ud_unsafe.png Unsafe to deploy. This is when you're at high speeds.

    Parachute_icon-dep_unsafe_notsemideploye Deployed when unsafe. That if you're lucky...

    Parachute_icon-destroyed.png ... which will ended up destroyed by aero forces etc. This is when yours destroyed.

    Parachute_icon-safe.png This is when you're somewhere between "Safe"and "Dangerous", where risk of parachute ripping occurs. If your landing site is a lowland, you'll be safe, but if you're landing on a mountain, it's basically kinda a close call. This is however goes only for a short while before your parachute is safe.

    Parachute_icon-semideployed.pngParachute_icon-fullydeployed.png This is kinda less important. From left to right; Semi-Deployed and Fully Deployed. Kinda useful if you didn't have parachutes in sight. Such as during IVAs, etc.

    But if you knew about this already, you may disregard this.

  8. Well I have the same reason as @Xavven, but I have only around four reentry capsule designs that optimize landing legs; all of them uses Firespitter's retractable Electric Rotor but only two of them needs to jettison heatshieldsto make way for landing legs.

    At safe speeds (i.e Below 1,500 m/s) the Heat Shield is jettisoned to make room for the landing legs to extend, and finally land. However, this isn't the thing for my first two versions that has the Heatshield not covering up the legs.

  9. 12 (+)

    1 hour ago, Willer Kerman said:

    The War is just beginning... @FahmiRBLXian

    The fact that the war actually chose itself to go back to the beningging beginning...

    Anyways let's see what's up eith our planes. Oh shoot, one of our B-52... Lost two engines (Disintegrated), another one hit with a lot of bullets, another one lost a cargo door, another one had broken main fan blades, another one lost and popped wheels and the last one is, fortunately alright.

    Our Lancers, onehas a wing stuck in 'Closed' position, one lost an engine (Engine loss again), one has a collapsed left gear, one has a lost left gear (Disintegrated), another one has a jammed aileron and flap, the last one is fine.

    And more planes that seems to be affected. @JERONIMO, I'm sorry but it'll be a hell lot of work to do, but we got two surplus V2500 A320s from the failed airliner-bomber conversion program.

  10. 3 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

    You expect this quality for FREE??? :D

    I think he meant something like a puece of sticker having a price tag of a notepad at the bookshop :D which is quite cheap. And the fact that some stickers come with colouring books (Which is about the same price or lower). At least of what I saw in my country.

    *Crane lifts train back onto track*

  11. 3 hours ago, Aperture Science said:

    Moveless post ^ (as per the definition: Move: a post clearly stating an Action and the correct resulting CN.)

    I thought a McDonnell-Douglas MD-12 clearly states 12 (+) there.

    10 (+)


    Oh s*** we got heavy AA & Artillery strike! Bombers & fighters severely hit. Returning to home base.






    @Ho Lam Kerman

    @Willer Kerman




    All formation leaders, guide your buddies back home. Get infrantries and land vehicles inside cargo planes.



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