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Posts posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. 58 (+)

    Attention all officers for every assets, get your buddies ready for mass attack. We'll watch for enemy movement, then attack once they've started attacking.





    @Ho Lam Kerman

    @Willer Kerman



    Report yourselves in. Tell me if you have no roles.


     @The_Arcitect, sorry for informing you during the last minutes, but you'll do the base utilities. That means, fuel trucks, stair-trucks, replacement parts, etc.

  2. 46 (+)

    Anti-Aircraft attack. Lead the 5th wing and have it attack the AA!

    And in the meantime, one of the B-52s dropped a bomb near a Negative outpost. Should get their attention.


    @Aperture Science


    And the rest of (-)

     @KerbolExplorer, I'm sorry that I left you out, but the roster one page back has been updated to have you. And I got a CRJ-1000 re-engined from GE CF34s to F404. Good luck flying with full afterburners to the battlefield to meet the restvof the Infrantries. They've landed there.

  3. 38 (+)

    Just let me think of stuff. I believe the ones affected are decoys, forgot to mention the actual ones stored under Mount Harvester Massif. Anyways, keep them away and let ourselves back down to 35. Defend the Harvester Massif base using any base defense (i.e After two Negative moves, Positive attacks once until 35) we got while reserving vehicles for the real deal. This is the list, per Wing :

    First Stealth Wing

    • (x10) Lockheed-Martin F-22A Raptor
    • (x10) Lockheed-Martin F-35B Lightning II

    Second General Fighter Wing

    • (x15) McDonnell-Douglas-Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet
    • (x10) General Dynamics F-16E Fighting Falcon
    • (x8) McDonnell-Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle
    • (x6) Grumman F-14 Tomcat
    • (x10) Fairchild-Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II

    Third Legacy Wing

    • (x6) North American P-51D Mustang, fitted with four AGM-114 Hellfires while retaining guns.
    • (x4) North American F-86 Sabre, same missile armament.
    • (x3) McDonnell-Douglas F-4E Phantom II
    • (x2) Republic F-105D Thunderchief

    Fourth Bomber Wing

    • (x6) Boeing B-52HB Stratofortress (Thanks to @JERONIMO and Airbus for re-engining the Pratt & Whitney JT3Ds to IAE V2500-A1s)
    • (x4) Rockwell B-1B Lancer
    • (x3) Northrop-Grumman B-2 Spirit
    • (x2) Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk

    Fifth Unmanned Wing

    • (x4) General Atomics MQ-1B Predator
    • (x4) Northrop-Grumman MQ-4C Triton
    • (x4) General Atomics MQ-9 Block 5 Reaper

    Sixth Logistics Wing

    • (x6) Lockheed-Martin C-5M Super Galaxy
    • (x6) McDonnell-Douglas-Boeing C-17 Globemaster III
    • (x6) Airbus A400M Atlas
    • (x6) Lockheed C-130J Super Hercules
    • (x6) Alenia C-27J Spartan
    • (x6) Airbus C-295

    Seventh Gunship Wing

    • (x4) Lockheed AC-130J Ghostrider
    • (x4) Alenia AC-27J Spartan
    • (x2) Lockheed AC-130H Spectre

    And that's all for the fixed-wing assets. I'll let you guys decide for rotary-wing ones.

  4. 35 (+)

    Just now, JPGSP said:


    @FahmiRBLXian can I include soviet/russian equipment like the RS-28 or the Tu-160?

    Ayy we need to delay takeoff atm. I might think that the Soviets allied Negative and we've allied US and the EU, and hence Western products.

    I'll be listing more aircrafts. You may add more Western land & sea military vehicles, while I handle the fleet aquisition.

  5. 33 (+)

    1. I've updated the roster and will update it furthermore.

    2. First final check on our battle assets.

    • Strategic bomber fleet. B-52s. Do they have the -A1 variant of the V2500? Forgot to specify the variant.
    • Ships. Do they got Diesel instead of Kerosene? Our last operation got one of those running Kerosene when it supposed to run on Diesel.
    • Tanks. Tank threads got no rust? Do we got the armor piercing and high-explosive one loaded?
    • Our four submarines. How's they're going? Forgot to mention that. I'm dizzy in car here.

    And more stuff.

    Remember, send our units to battlefield at 35 (+) and start battle at 40 (+) if any massive enemy movement beyond 40 (+). Like this, we let them push ourselves back to 20 then ALL of us will make our way to 100 and I'll handle the victory ceremony.

  6. 24 (+)

    Let us roll (Not Rickroll) our assets, boys. We'll show them what we got!

     @KerbolExplorer, lead the Infrantries. You'll be in one of those airlifters in the 6th Wing. Good luck.

    @Ho Lam Kerman, get the tanks' engine heated up, shells loaded, fresh threads.

      @JPGSP, get the Battleships, Destroyers, Gunboats' engines rolling and get the aircraft carrier ready to catapult planes into the air.

     @JERONIMO, finish putting our B-52s with IAE V2500s in place of JT3Ds. We need them as quick as possible. And also load up the rest of the F-14s, F-15s, F-16s, F/A-18s, F-22s and F-35s.

      @GRS, prepare rhe warheads on my TSAR-1A, -1B and -2A missiles as well as the Minutemans and the rest ofour ICBM fleet.

     @lapis, prepare the observation satellite, UAVs and the rest of ourfleet.

     @Willer Kerman, prepare the logistics. Get our C-5Ms, C-130s, C-17s and, C-27s and A400Ms fuelled up and realy to go.

     @The_Arcitect, get the utilities for a quick base set up. We'll be transporting them via 6th Wing.

    All of you guys will lead the formation and operation of your own divisions.

  7. On 6/26/2019 at 3:31 AM, Jodo42 said:


    1. No cheating during the actual mission. Cheating during testing is fine, but you should not be using F12, Hyperedit, or any abusive mods during the mission showcased in your screenshots. 

    2. Part clipping should generally be kept to a minimum. Do not clip in ways that don't make sense. Girders inside girders is fine. A fuel tank inside an engine inside a fairing is not. If you're not sure, ask BEFORE you start!

    3. You get 1 launch. Reverts/quicksaves are fine.

    4. Do not interact with a stage after you have separated from it in any meaningful way. Don't dock to it, don't catch it in some bizarre girder mitt and have it push you, anything like that. This is the crux of the challenge- one single stack. (Radial components and decouplers are fine)

    5. You should have at least 1 decoupling event between landings. Don't have 1 lander land on 3 different planets, even if it could. Think of it as landers on top of landers. Don't make fake stages just to satisfy this rule.

    6. The Kerbals must be able to walk around on the surface (ie plant a flag) once landed anywhere. Wouldn't be much of a landing if you couldn't get out and kick some dust around!

    7. Your difficulty should be on Normal or harder.

    8. You need to return all Kerbals you launch on the mission safely back to Kerbin in the rocket they launched in.

    9. The vehicle should have at exactly 1 Kerbal on board at all times except when landed on a planet. 

    10. No ISRU.

    11. I'm keeping this a stock challenge for now. Both DLCs allowed. Any mods which don't affect the mission are allowed. If you've got a mod in mind that you really want to use let me know and I'll check it out.

    Which means :

    • Do we need 1 lander-ascender per planet / moon?
    • Are part mods and MechJeb allowed?
    • Are (Multiple) shuttles allowed?
    • Are docking to mothership to transfer crews to another lander allowed?
    • Does a staging event must be done prior to reentry back to Kerbin?
    • Must contestants land on other planets? (i.e Does submissions eith Mun and Minmus landings accepted?)
    • Does a submission with a planetary base-landing (With no functional ISRU involved during the mission but used outside the mission) and a separate Lander-Ascender combo accepted? (i.e You land a base then land a separate single-stage lander-ascender next to the base then bring the Kerbals from the base to the 'lander' for ascent)
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