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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. 5113 : A rotating food court, similar with the one at KL (Kuala Lumpur) Tower. You said "I'm done" and went for a meal there.
  2. Just checked that and that's just shy of Spy Plane's reconnaissance altitude, but higher than Mount Everest. But since earlier post states that some floors have higher ceilings (i.e the existense of a Black Hole,Aircraft Hangar, Food Courts, Auditoriums, etc.), I think the building still reached the edge of Thermosphere. If so, the statements in earlier posts that an LEO satellite collided with the building, Jeb riding his SRB, etc. could make sense. Even a 747 could ram into this building. Any higher to even reach the Sun might be around a million floors, using the minimal head clearence height for Westerns.
  3. Logically, the ceiling height ehich could acimmodate westerns musy be around 2.5m, am I correct? (Well because we SEA people are shorter that we might make it under a 2m ceiling height) Just done some maths, if "You" is either a Western or a Southeast Asian. 2.5m × 5110 = 12775m 2m × 5110 = 10220m So Mount Everest is approx. 10km, Spy Planes spy at around 20.
  4. Receives court punishment for vandalism towards public property. Yes, because the vending machine's destroyed. Sends resume to work at the vending machine manufacturer as a part-time maintainance employee.
  5. Floor 5109 : Approaching International Space Station. Oh. Thanks for that. You docked at the ISS sucessfully but then you realize that Dio made it into Slykab before the second emergency docking port (Skylab did have it anyways) which docks to the ISS. You quickly float outta the Apollo CSM into ISS then Netizens start taking your picture for saving Skylab and rewrote history. Dio the geta blinded by the flash, and some authorities immeduately get to him and asked his identity. You said that's an anime character, who might be tracking you from behind stealthly. Dio then said he wants to stay at the station for at least 3 days then coming back down. Three days layer, a SpaceX Dragon capsule awaits at one of the docking ports. Dio entered the capsule and left the station. You continued to stay until further actions taken.
  6. 9 (+) (I wonder how bad did Negative gets beaten up. Seriously, I'm curious, not flaming)
  7. @kerbiloid requested me to rename the thread so... So your job is to post the fastest, basically. Try to beat the previous poster's post time after the previous. Basically post the fastest, some sort of a reply race where you beat the post sent time of the previous poster. Minimize the time gap between posts by posting as quick as possible. Example : Poster 1 : Text text text text. Poster 2 : *Posts 1 minute after previous post was posted* Poster 3 : *Posts 30 seconds after previous post* And so on... Rules are the exact same as in this thread : With the addition of : Number Wars (Not to hijack the thread) are allowed. However, remain in the same team as in the Num. War thread. Calculating the time you posted (Basically the gap duration between each post) is highly encouraged. Keep your post at least contain 5 words. Posts that also contain pictures must also AT LEAST contain 5 words. I'll start : Skylab, MOL, all the Salyuts, all the Tiangongs and Mir, docked to the ISS.
  8. Banned for not having a capital in the beningging beginning at the start of your username.
  9. Receives "ERROR 575 (STS, Sorry To Say) OSW WAT ARE U INSERTING" Inserts key into keyhole to repair, inserts new computer system, does refurbishment.
  10. Uhh do you mean the band "Dio"? I did some Googling just now and only found Dio as a rock band.
  11. Dresothermal (Basically Geothermal on Dres) was discovered and heating stations, hot water pipes, saunas, hot tubs are built to heat up the planet to a safe, inhabitable but still cold for snow and ice to form (Around -5 Degrees Celcius) and Kerbal Space Program, NASA, JAXA, Roscosmos, ESA, ISRO, SANSA, Angkasa and LAPAN, as well as SpaceX sent volunteers to colonize the planet with what has been constructed. Dres finally became a tourist attraction And SpaceX and Virgin Galactic used their BFR and SpaceShips One and Two to ferry people to and from Dres. Our Hill. As well as the afforementioned space agencies and companies.
  12. Receives RM4.50 (Literally the average (?) price tag for metal rulers in my area). Inserts RM50 note. [SAMPLE] RM 1 = US$ 0.24 IDR 3,410.74
  13. Banned because Thor holds his multipurpose hammer (Which now in Ban Hammer mode) and I got no power to resist him.
  14. 9/50 Wall of text causes minor confusion due fo laziness to read. 1.8 Will have plane parts, wings, piston & turboprop engines, moee jets, cockpits and landing gears, but no plane parts, wings, piston & turboprop engines, moee jets, cockpits and landing gears, but will have plane parts, wings, piston & turboprop engines, moee jets, cockpits and landing gears, but no plane parts, wings, piston & turboprop engines, moee jets, cockpits and landing gears, but will have plane parts, wings, piston & turboprop engines, moee jets, cockpits and landing gears. 1+5-4×10÷10×5+6-6=
  15. A joint-venture mission between Kerbal Space Program, NASA, JAXA, Roscosmos, ESA, ISRO, SANSA, Angkasa and LAPAN sent a massively giant fleet of Road Sweepers, Cleaners, Medical Scentists, Medical Experts and Astronomers to Dres to clean and purify the poop-contaminated planet. Our hill.
  16. Granted, but the latest update release is so buggyband laggy. I wish my laptop can run Cities Skylines.
  17. Receives bone (At the coin return container, then the machine says "Currency Not Valid") Inserts RM5.00 (Refer to my earlier post for exchange rate)
  18. Floor 5107 : The Apollo CSM docked to the Skylab. You're piloting the station. Since what supposed to be the control room is still a laboratory (Responsible for the tiny living Dresses), you, again, fly the station back to the Solar System. See you at Earth's orbit! (Next floor could / should be the station arriving at its destination)
  19. IMO that'll be unfair in terms of BDA Matches. First of all, as you mentioned earlier regarding on your seaplane tips over upon landing, I can sum up this is an error from your flying technique. I once ditched my AP+ plane safely and nothing explodes. (Except for the parts that force me to ditch in the water, e.g wings, engine, etc.) All you need is to perform a 'flare' just like how you do it on land-based planes. Basically keep your prograde lower than your plane's 'tilt' or pitch. Somewhere around 5 degrees are enough, but some designs with lower pontoons or gears should pitch less steeper. When you're really close to touchdown, pitch up even more to cancel out veetical speed using your residual lift to smoothen out your landing. Then, touchdown, landed it. Hopefully that helps.
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