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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. "Ha" when spelled backwards. Or basically "..ha" .
  2. @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) Anything?
  3. Still got no idea how and what happened. Explanation, please?
  4. Airplane+ has been updated. I'll give it a try on judging. Just expect a review on 3 practice planes and a meme. In the spoiler is the teaser...
  5. Are modded parts allowed? I'm considering doing this with part mods used for building my SSTO Sea-Spaceplane.
  6. Your smallest male cells have a lot of money.
  7. @Nertea, he might come with something. Consolidating NF Aero with Mk-4 Spaceplane perhaps?
  8. *Opens a container with a fly* *Fly lands in your soup* Nope, the fly has its own mind. *Your bowl of soup flies* No refunds. Your order again, please.
  9. Warper Messi a Roomba.
  10. 5/7 Hmm... Anti-spiral... Not even an aesthetic spiral exist there?
  11. Granted. Airplanes either stuck or 9Eleven into the solid sky, or stuck. Also applies to rockets currently being launched. Heat is trapped within the solid sky which now acted like a glass window, further increasing the severity of the already bad greenhouse effect. I wish for two pairs of General Electric GE90-115Bs are installed on the Scaled Composites Stratolaunch instead of 3 pairs of Pratt & Whitney PW4506.
  12. 9/9.2 One's reaction within spoiler.
  13. 1000/100 Nuke business boys... (Anyways hide my quote in my Sig to read more text down there)
  14. 9.77 / 10 Gensokyo... What city, with Tokyo? Basically the same concept as San Fransokyo in Big Hero 6. Anyways, Mobile Chrome users can switch from Mobile View to Desktop View if theyre used to Desktop version of the forum.
  15. So if I will be uploading a mod made with PartTools, will PartTools need to be bundled together as a dependency?
  16. So I'm currently used to using ROBLOX Studio for modelling, and thanks to the fact it has a feature to export models into .obj and KSP models must be in .mu, I have a question; how can I convert .obj into .mu?
  17. Anyways, I got more siren replicas in storage, might upload them in another thread. Replicas include : ACA Allertor 125 ACA Penetrator P-50 Federal Signal EOWS-612 (Now on KerbalX) Federal Signal EOWS-812 (Now on KerbalX) HOR Super Si-Rex (Dual Head variant) 1940s Castle Castings Air Raid Siren
  18. Just wondering if anyone would like a pylonless variant of the Lotus? I mean, a variant which fits as a tail engine. @blackheart612, what's your thought?
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