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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. 9/101 Anyone would like to save @lapis from a software?
  2. 85pts total. Contestant! - Thanks for joining. Exact Replication - Usage of RSS. Interesting - We're curious on what's the name that rocket. ..., what's the name of this rocket BTW? Anyways, artworks count. Check the OP, I've updated it. 120pts Total. Winner so far... Contestant! - Since you've joined. Interesting - Never met a shark replica in KSP before... Nat Geo Wild - The shark BTW... Exact Replication - The shark's mouth might be a but bigger than a Kerbal, but still counts. It is the OP gets updated my dudes. (Ohhhhhhhhhh) Anyways, OP Update...
  3. We'll build one at least, if the Airline allows for excessive heat radiation, radioactive contamination risk on passengers, The Great Mushroom Cloud (Though IIRC only BDA(C) (Addon Packs?) have Nukes to play with), etc. ... through collaboration with other manufacturers, if I say this via a realistic perspective. *Adjusts glasses*
  4. Nope. I didn't do any challenge yet, except @CrazyJebGuy's Reboot of Kerbal Express Airlines. TUBM at one point felt the 360kN Goliath is underpowered (I currently felt that thanks to my plane here, and it's a KEA submission)
  5. 8/11 3rd Orbit? Hmm... 3km Ap/Pe?
  6. You mean, when your lane has been reviewed? If so, you'll be mentioned. And you'll get a notification on your bell. Be sure to check your Notification Settings to adjust your preference. But if you mean whether your plane has been claimed or not, they say check the spreadsheet. But uhh... May I know where's the queue? I didn't seem to successfully locate it. I can only see the "Reviewed" ones at the OP.
  7. Because the butter is made near a landfill site. No refunds. Warranty viod if you didn't pay for anything. Waiter! There's a Cargo Plane in my pizza!
  8. Banned for banning others with only the reason 'What'.
  9. When I used RMB + Drag to pan my camera in Minecraft when it supposed to just drag.
  10. I might think of either situations : If DMP is still alive, players might do some crazy shenanigans inside a cargo plane, just like what some groups of GTA Online players do. Some players might make Heavy Lifters as a part of movie sets. If players are pro enough, they can even turn a Beluga into an SSTO. Anyways, this should be in my previous post, but I've accidentally closed the tab containing the post being edited, hence I decided to put those here : Beluga's cargo hold fuselage should be 5m in diameter. Beluga's cargo hold fuselage should have a passenger variant; 1st variant has only one floor of passenger cabin, the rest is Cargo Hold. 2nd Variant is double decker just like the A380. 3rd Variant is triple decker. Beluga's cargo fuselage should have a door on it's ceiling so it can be converted into a bomber. One could be smart enough to fly a Beluga bomber inverted during bombing run or building an inverted Beluga. Beluga's entrance is both at the right and back of the cockpit. I recommend the A300 / A330 to Beluga / BelugaXL fuselage adapter being hollow, just like the Size 2 passenger door. Beluga's fuselage (Both cockpit and cargo hold?) should have several texture variants; Empty stock white. Kerbal Standard livery, that if you wish to. Older Airbus Super Transporter livery. Older Airbus Super Transporter "Liberty Leading The People" Special Painting Transport livery. A-bit-old (Aka A380 era-style Italic livery) Airbus Beluga livery. Current Airbus Beluga livery. Current Airbus Beluga "Think Mobility" livery. Noteworthy that both sides have different text. Newest Airbus "Beluga Whale Face" livery. Note that the gear bay (Or central wing tank?) also have a livery on it. The 5m to MK3S4 Adapter should have two variants : One being a mere fuel tank (LF), another one being a hollow adapter for cargo bays. A380 (Both passenger & freighter) should be a Mk3-fied 5m fuselage. A380 cockpit should have two variants; one has a nose door under the cockpit, the another one didn't. A380 tail connector sould have two variants; one with cargo ramp, one without the ramp.
  11. Granted. Now our aerospace industry went Kerbal-style. I wish for nothing.
  12. It's a fort with a number two on it. Why I have 51 on my rep?
  13. Granted. You brought the nearest Black Hole, gets the second Black Hole near the location you'd like to travel, you did what is known as the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, which took only Earth into, then as of your luck, you were shot out the White Hole, then captured by another star system. You're safe, but all we learnt about Solar System went useless since we're in another star system, and astronomers and scientists need to do re-research and spent millions of Dollars. And then the Second Cold War on Space Race starts. The power to turn a Work Laptop into a fully legit Gaming Laptop (With Excellent Cooling and stuff) just by touching it.
  14. Time without the -me. Why is someone doing the "Selfish High Heels" meme?
  15. Anyways, @blackheart612, may I suggest some more airplane parts? How about the Airbus A300, A330 (Both CEO and neo variants), A350, A380, Beluga, AeroSpacelines Super Guppy, Pregnant Guppy, Mini Guppy, Boeing 377 Stratocruiser (This is what the Guppies based on), 747-100, Antheater, -200, -300, Trijet, -400, -400LCF, -8i, -8F and Antonov An-124 / 225 parts? Some Beluga & Guppy-line parts can be in form of adapters from it's airliner variant cockpit to it's Beluga ST (Super Transporter) and Guppy-line variant. IMO Size 4 (5m) diameter is suitable for Beluga's Fuselage. You may add 5m Beluga-like Double-Deck Passenger cabins, although they're non-existent. i think the best form factor the A380 Fuselage is suitable in is a Mk-3fied Size 4 Fuselage. Some of these pictures (And links?) may help you. NOTE : IIRC A340 Beluga is once proposed, but abandoned since Airbus is looking for a platform that could take off at one of Airbus's plants which an A340 couldn't take off at the given Runway length. Airliners.net Article Regarding This Plane [Expect more edits]
  16. Floor 5030 : The first floor under the same ceiling. Floor 5030-5035 is under the same ceiling. Here, you see The Original Four (Jeb, Bill, Bob, Val) doing the Moe's Funk Dance (Selfish High Heels meme). You felt uneasy, then fled to Floor 5031. Floor 5031 : Two Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1000Ts (5/6 port Variant), one in a fresh coat of paint, tip-top condition, another one is the same as the first unit, just in form of parts, not yet built as a single unit. Floor 5032 : You see Yui. You yelled at Jeb at Floor 5030, asking where's Kirito and Asuna as well as how and why the heck she's here.
  17. Well, now one of our chefs turned his vision to a blurred vision. Thanks for finding it back. Waiter! There's @Fraston doing the 'Selfish High Heels' meme, in mah soup! *Peeks into bowl* Whatcha doin' in there, Bro?
  18. Why when we posted a post with the text /music plays this song didn't play? /music plays
  19. Trigger set? Is it another mod or a BDAC Part? EDIT : Through Wiki-ing, now I see what you meant. I'll try that out. Probably tomorrow.
  20. Floor 5025 : This Malaysian restaurant (Yes, it's famous)... Kari - Curry Kambing - Goat Hari - Day Location : https://www.google.com/maps/dir//kari+kambing+40+hari/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x31d042e24d53d94f:0x7d59b2f24573f373?ved=2ahUKEwjfzJa8q73fAhUJinAKHf2aCSgQ9RcwGHoECAMQEA ... was teleported from Earth up to this floor. You ordered a set of Rice, Curry and Chicken, with a cup of Grape Juice. You felt full after eating, and decided to take 5 with playing some games on your smartphone.
  21. just a question, though. I'm not quite established yet with BDAC. I've tested firing a missile from one of my BDAC fighters, and using the Weapon Manager, clicking while missile has locked its target didn't fire the missile. Only guns work on mine. Does it only work using AI Pilot? Can anyone help? I was using @Papa_Joe's release. Airplane Plus (Which is made for 1.4.x) works well on mine, 1.5.1.
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