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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. For now memory allocation costs at least millions? so that's impossible. The power of summoning kraken, even in a game-based anime (I've 'abused' this as much as air raid sirens earlier in this forum).
  2. Nope, I'm such an ordinary person. TUBM is one of the judges in Kerbal Express Airlines (Latest Reboot) Well, I've buttered a landing using keyboard, in KSP. Interval pitch input and fiddling with the throttle to move the prograde marker closer to the horizon, that's the trick. If you have a Flight Sim kit and played Flight Sims a lot, you'll be fine.
  3. I'm a Groot Groot Groot, Shake pineapple shake the tree, I'm a Groot Groot Groot, Shake pineapple grind coffee.
  4. Banned for being on my side. /music plays
  5. 3.5/10 New appearance... Hmm... Well then gtfo- *Static* Smove wee-eeeeee-eeede- *Static* Nice to meet you. I forgot I'm a cardinal AI. Damn.
  6. Hmm... My requirements : Configurable / swappable sound files Compatibility up to 1.5.1. Anyways, I'll try that out, I'll see whether that'll work.
  7. Then why did Kirito and Asuna adopted Yui, an AI 'kid'? Didn't understand?
  8. Ever wanna eat, guys? This could (Hopefully) bring you there.
  9. Just done testing and re-summarizing my plane for this challenge : At first it was made on 1.1 (And I still have my 1.1 install), now recompiled for 1.5.1 with a revamped design.
  10. Here you go, a piece of it in form of scrap metal. I'd like to have my plane back :
  11. Banned for praising a cup of coffee. Text in image translation : Kopi - Coffee Pracampuran - Premix (Since I'm a Malaysian (And the former two is a Malaysian word) I've explained that for you)
  12. 8/10 Hmm. Tango Foxtrot Foxtrot Golf... Grand Case Airport? Well I also have FSX (Steam Edition). Ahh, my times on FSX demo, really nostalgic... I took off from there quite a lot of time then, usually either in a Beechcraft Baron B58 or a Bombardier CRJ-700.
  13. Newest Brochure Update This is the post of our entry, in which this post marks the major update of both the brochure and aircraft. Continue reading below : Frontinco Aerospace Corporation, A Subsidiary of Frontinco Group Of Companies First Contract Entry for New Fleet Addition / Replacement Aircraft for Kerbal Express Airlines Hello, I'm @FahmiRBLXian, the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Frontinco Aerospace Corporation, the division of Frontinco Group. Presenting one of our aircraft from our passenger line, the Liner-5, with the manufacturer's designation, Fr-30C-100. Refer our plane using the manufacturer's designation. Fr-30C-100 More Fancy Photos More Photos (This might be the gallery of not-so-fancy photos) Legacy Photos We'll be selling at 391,820,000** *Recommended Retail Price They say it's the Bristol Brabazon of the 21st Century. This is currently our longest wingspan aircraft we've ever made here, in Frontinco. Having long wings, risk of wing snapping is present. Refer our manual for more information. Shockingly, we've tried to park in one of the Island Airfield hangars, the plane couldn't fit into. We've also tested with one of our other aircraft with the equivalent wingspan as the Antonov An-225 Mriya, and it fits through. Rats Out Of Many, One Through testing with three prototype; first prototype (12K-30A) has been scrapped, second prototype (12K-30B) has been converted into the third prototype, which then became what's now the Fr-30C-100 (12K-30C). With the seating expanded slightly from the second prototype, this should, in other words, take the cake. User Manual Get your airline a unit today! Craft on KerbalX *Disclaimer : Contents in this brochure are subject to change without prior notice. Yes, I'm talking the truth. I didn't put this for aesthetics, things really could change without you guys knowing earlier before. Aircraft received might differ from as stated and shown in brochure. This is mostly due to version differentiation. 12K-30A (One-Two Kilo Three Zero Alpha), 12K-30B (One-Two Kilo Three Zero Bravo) & 12K-30C (One-Two Kilo Three Zero Charlie) is the aircraft (Fictional however) registration number (Aka Tail Number). Anyone agrees with the prefix "12K-" as the 'official' Tail Number Prefix for the whole Kerbin?
  14. Frontinco Aerospace Corporation, A Subsidiary of Frontinco Group Of Companies !Important Announcement to Judges! Nice to meet all of you guys back. We're currently recompiling and revamping the design of our airliner behemoth, Frontinco Fr-30 Liner5 for compatibility for versions 1.3 until 1.5.1 and better flight characteristics. Judges are advised to abandon the previous version for a while, while we'll be sending the 3rd Generation to replace the previous 2nd Gen. Notable Features We Could Leak New wingtip design, for now serves for aesthetics since the game didn't simulate wake turbulence. Better engine placement; engines are placed at suitable areas of the wing to improve wing-bending relief, which takes into account of why did the wings snap in a hard pitch input. Re-positioned landing gears, main landing gears positioned closer to CoM, to reduce VR speed. Recompiled for 1.5.1. New name styling. Judges are advised to use 1.5.x install in case 1.3.x - 1.4.x aren't compatible. @panzerknoef @neistridlar @CrazyJebGuy @NightshineRecorralis @no_intelligence @1Revenger1 @Mjp1050 Mentioned the judges in case you guys didn't notice the latest notice.
  15. Incoming projects :

    • Frontinco Fr-30 revamp and re-summarizing.
    • 50(?):1-scale Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1000T siren replica.
    • Full-size Aincrad Floating Castle(The one from Sword Art Online) (I'll do that once I got a powerful PC. Though, 100 Floors, 10km Radius, trying to make it stay afloat (I already have KF Hoverwheels, so a modded build is possible)
    • Bringing the castle to Dres (I don't think an cluster of Mastodon and Mainsail engines are powerful enough, but worth trying)
  16. Now why people play plysics-undependant games? They s4ck a lyfe...
  17. 2/10 Woah... (At least it's almost 2 months since I replied to a post in AirRaidSirens.net Forums...)
  18. Nope, I prefer Hawaiian Chicken. TUBM butter-landed a plane a lot of times (In KSP).
  19. 4/10 Saw a decline of your appearance, lately.
  20. Nope. I even never built legit functioning models. I once built a lot of airplane replica-ish using Lego-ish bricks, and they didn't even fly, due to lack of Airfoil. TUBM is currently messing up with BDA weapons.
  21. Did I need to tell the rules of 'Rate-the-User-Above-You' games? Society played it a lot. 0/10 How can I even rate a ghost?
  22. 6/10 Sorting stuff due to OCD or way too messy?
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