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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. Warned everyone of Darth Vader.
  2. The video counterpart of the Google Picture War. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ You may post your entry as a link, bait n' switch or video.
  3. I thought you've hit the link. Me and that guy captures the hill.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
  5. Do you mean using Kerbal Foundries for both wheels and tank thread? Since you couldn't figure that out... *Sounds buzzer* My hill.
  6. ... that never gets to the hall of fame...
  7. 7.5699999999/10 Uhhhhhhh... *Scratches head*
  8. Then I'll swap for a smaller, Canadian product. Yes, this thing is Made in Canada(R) It's my hill.
  9. 7.5699999999/10 I was focusing on the text instead of the badges.
  10. Mathematically and linearly Cause when it all falls ____ (May I pick more Alan Walker's song as subject?)
  11. Well I have a Nokia 3310 (2nd Gen, though (And also active on the forums using this, but currently I'm borrowing my grandpa's Samsung J3 Pro). I also have a refurb 1st Gen, but now it's drowned).
  12. I actually have more siren replicas in storage, I'll upload them & update the OP soon (Since I'm on Mobile, I'll get to my laptop). Regarding on mounting the Victory on a pole, according to judging by its weight and the fact it's as heavy as a car, it's more suitable to be mounted on a large truss, tower or roof, just like the Cerro Negro Lookout unit.
  13. To print an airplane wing? A fuel tank? A Samsung Galaxy Note9 can (Thereotically) run KSP, if not because an ARM processor (Did smartphones lack graphic cards?).
  14. 5.67999999999/10 In holiday where? I'm just having mine at my grandparents' house (Though this Thursday I'll be on a fishing trip (Obviously at the sea) with my family)
  15. Conquered your ball, @kerbiloid, with one of my flagship weapons, an air raid siren (You guys already know who made this and what's the model) with heaters equipped to avoid freezing. It's now mine.
  16. Banned for starting infinite loops.
  17. 6.213929399999999/10 Errrrrhhhhhh what do you mean?
  18. 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2. Wait a second, let me catch my _______. (Alan Walker - Sing Me To Sleep)
  19. RAM-light! We live, we love, ______. (Alan Walker - The Spectre)
  20. ... I accidentally clicked the critical part with high part count.
  21. 6.25 / 10 API is also a word in Malay meaning fire.
  22. A Malaysian movie. Feel free to ask me teach Malay language. It's in Malay.
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