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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. Nope. I've never see any black toilet seats (Except maroon ones) TUBM is from a country in Southeast Asia (Preferably Malaysia).
  2. Hantu Kalimah (Actually Hantu Kak Limah) - A movie about a ghost in form of words, that gradually disappears throughout the movie, and a group of people is about to stop that. Wikipedia article of the original movie. (PM me for more translation, I'm ready to teach you guys Malay language) PS : I've watched this 2 times in total.
  3. Here you go, your 40-foot pancake. Not finishing this will charge you $100. I'd like a set of roti canai. Ooohhhhhh a nice breakfast (Since I posted this in the morning (Obviously in Malaysia), so this makes me drooled)
  4. You guys know me as a siren enthusiast, and a user who puts sirens as a subject in Forum Games entry. This is the siren I've 'abused' this long. Meet, Chrysler-Bell Victory Development of this siren started some time after World War 2 until the end of Cold War. This siren is the largest and loudest, for now known to hold the record in the United States. This siren was originally developed by ED Bullard. A man posing while taking a picture with an ED Bullard Piston Siren, holding the transmition lever, showing how the siren will be operated. ED Bullard was known (Among us, siren enthusiasts) for building sirens with Trapezoidal Chopper & Stator (The part between Motor / Engine & Horn. The Chopper spins inside the stator, how it works? It's a long explanation.). Unfortunately, the required sound output for Civil Defense sirens at that time is at least 125dB at 100ft, while this one produces 121dB at the same range. A Big Bertha on a flatbed of a truck. Bell developed their own version, at first, known as the Big Bertha. The first generation of the Chrysler Victory. I bet you guys remember this picture of five peoples standing on a giant siren. The development was passed on Chrysler, an automobile manufacturer, with help from Bell, an audio engineering company, to make a louder version, hence, the above siren, known as the Chrysler-Bell Victory. This unit produces 137dB, 1dB short of the 2nd Generation (138dB) albeit the longer horn, and refers to the first generation, which requires an operator to run the siren, who sits on a tractor-style seat 'accelerating' and letting the siren coasts down to create a wailing sound. Can you guys imagine sitting on this siren, pedalling to the metal then letting it go, rinse and repeat during an air raid, many times? It's a tiring and scary experience (Only applies for actual warning). A second-generation Chrysler Victory. Note the two men in Civil Defense outfit observing the sky for any bombers or attackers. Chrysler then continued developing the siren to feature a remote-controlled system, which in other words, a system to control the siren just like any other electric sirens of that time; a controller that sens signal to the siren which alternates the motor / engine power to create a wailing sound (That if "Attack" signal is activated, for "Alert" signal which is a steady tone; motor / engine running at full power, in case of mechanical sirens (In other words, old sirens) while electronic sirens (in other words, siren speaker array / newer sirens) run at peak pitch). This siren can also be activated in-situ, via its control panel at the side of the engine housing. Ingame Replica Pictures Second Generation First Generation How Mechanical Sirens Work Download Link Second Generation Victory First Generation Victory Oncoming Updates Recompiling for 1.5.1 Sources AirRaidSirens.net Forums, the premiere and professional discussion forum with loads of information on Outdoor Warning Sirens and other warning devices. Ringbell.co.uk, on how mechanical sirens work. Autoweek.com, some additional goodies on this siren. VirctorySiren.org, more information on the Chrysler's air raid siren.
  5. Yep, the challenge is simple. Recreate a footage or photo outside KSP (Other games are fine) inside KSP. Rules, for those who still don't understand what I'm trying to mean & those I can think of Include the original video / picture. No original footage, no compromise. Some of us don't know what you're trying to mean without the original footage. Declare your achievements, and your total point, together with your submission. me when lazy to actively judge stuff be like lol If it's a video, you may use the audio from the original video, as long as Picture and/or video is made in KSP. Artworks are allowed. It could be a movie / game release poster, or an official proposal drawing of something like a rocket, plane, etc. A user can post up to infinite amount of entry, as long as at least ONE user enters a submission, then the user before user B can enter another submission. No doublepost, in short. Cheats are not allowed, sorry. Only Autostrut, Unbreakable Joints & Kerbal Joint Reinforcement allowed. Decouplers, wings, structural panels, etc. are fragile, bends and bows, isn't it? Mods are allowed. Recreating a formation flight in KSP is quite hard without Burn Together, isn't it? Except if you put two crafts and moving it away using the 'Offset' tool. Moving craft using Vessel Mover or Making History is allowed, but if you moved your subject using another vehicle, grab some bonuses below. Adding filters will... uhh... check out the Bonus Points section. Bonus Points (aka Achievements), of those I can think of [20 Points] Contestant! - You've joined. I give this to kickstart your mood. [30 Points] Photoshop Skills? - Add filters to your picture. For now, I'll ban "Negative", "Colour Inversion" or any similar filter. It's an eyesore, am I right, guys? [30 Points] Exact Replication - Your craft (If involved) has (At least near-same) exact same parameters as their real-life counterparts. [35 Points] Interesting - Your footage is interesting / attractive. [40 Points] Nat Geo Wild - Recreate a documentary on animals, or recreate a shot with animals involved. Oversized animals are allowed, but all the other animals involved in the current shot must also be oversized in the same scale if even an animal went oversized. Do you got what I mean? [40 Points] Useful Information - Add a narration (Only applies for videos, picture entry with captions will not receive this award). Narration from original footage is allowed. [45 Points] MIND BLOWING!!!!11!!11111!!!ONEONE!!!1!ONE!!1! - Did I need to explain furthermore? [50 Points] DEJA VU! I'VE JUST BEEN AT THIS PLACE BEFORE, HIGHER ON THE STREETS! - Do an Initial D-style drift. Kerbinside & Kerbal Konstructs are recommended, since these mods have hill roads to drift at. [60 Points] Straight Out Of 2012! - Recreate one of the scenes from the film 2012. [60 Points] Kard Rock - Recreate a rock concert, picture or video. [65 Points] EDM Seems To Be Picked Up By Kerbals... - Recreate an EDM Concert footage, of whatever artist you prefer; Alan Walker, Martin Garrix, Marshmello, Deadmau5, etc. [70 Points, 50 Kudos Point] Teleported Into KSP - The footage subject is exactly at the same coordinate as its real-life counterpart. Good luck searching for one. [80 Points, 75 Kudos Point] Some Ole' Thing Teleported Into KSP - The footage subject is from before Internet became commercially available (Late-1980s - Early-1990s) and exactly at the same coordinate as its real-life counterpart. Good luck searching for one. Leaderboard @klond - 120 Points @Laie - 85 Points @purpleivan - 85 Points [Badges Coming Soon]
  6. Refined and pasted in the same directory. I thought pasting passwords won't work.
  7. Pasting this in the "Flags" directory, as one of my flags. Fancy isn't it?
  8. 7/10 I've seen you on "Ban the user above you"? Well, I'm a siren enthusiast. I always put these two sirens as subject; ACA P-50 & Chrysler-Bell Victory (You guys already know about that, isn't it? Anyways, stay tuned, I'll make a replica of that in KSP)
  9. A phrase that requires more than 5 minutes to understand, thanks to research to find out what that means.
  10. Floor 5015 : A 500-room resort with artificial gravity. Has 100 Double Supersingle Bed rooms, 100 King-bed rooms, 100 Suite rooms, 100 Suite rooms with garden swimming pool (The picture below is what I meant), 100 2-bedroom-1-bathroom apartment rooms and 100 3-bedroom-2-bathroom apartment rooms.
  11. 6.5 / 10 I've once seen you, somewhere, but where? Before I've started commenting?
  12. Alright, my first forum game. As the title implies, make your own statement and have others comment on yours. Rules You may comment on other's comment, that counts as a statement. You may start another statement for comment. You may imply song lyrics, as long you put the title and artist (Other relevant information is allowed) of the song you've picked the lyric from. A link to the song is more encouraged, as you may trying to mean a specific content / version that is hard to find via search. You may not imply cringe-causing content. This includes nursery rhymes, MLP, etc. Memes can be implied, as long as no havoc is wreak. Make sure NO HAVOC is wreak. Moderator-bashing is allowed, but you'll get the consequences is caught. Other relevant information is allowed. No strong languages, as always. As always, follow the forum rules. Decision is in your hands. Example 1 : Poster 1 : I have a chalet made using the Long Mk3 Cargobay. Poster 2 : Nahh, that thing didn't exist IRL. Poster 3 : That thing could simply obtained from a space shuttle, isn't it? Mk3 parts are space shuttle parts. Poster 4 : Any money to do that? Poster 5 : Whelp, a replica of that could be built. And so on... Example 2 : Poster 1 : My car is made out of Mk1 parts. Poster 2 : List of parts? I have a Kickback SRB. Poster 3 : That thing's huge. Have you piggybacked that? I have a GE90 in my backyard I obtained from a crashed Boeing 777. And so on... I'll start. I'm in a process of building another protective layer over my pupil to ease swimming without goggles. Honestly.
  13. ATM I was replying to @guesswho2778, just realized that post went after you. WiFi having its own mind, perhaps? Banned for not being able to differentiate between a re-applied profile picture with default one. Am I right, @kerbiloid, that yours are re-applied? IIRC you've made a post about that.
  14. I believe this is the 4th time I've posted a picture of this particular siren on the forums.
  15. Banned for having grammar error in the username.
  16. We've Moved Our Brochure to Page #58 We've successfully launched the Third Generation of our airliner behemoth, the Frontinco Fr-30 Liner5. Others may disregard this post, take note on this :
  17. @kerbiloid Banned for banning all the innocent users.
  18. Yes I am. Sometimes.. About aviation & space. TUBM loves watching documentaries at Discovery Channel (And its 'branch'), National Geographic (And its 'branch') & Science Channel.
  19. But you ended up freezing your family members, and the loved ones in place. rip The ability to use the atmosphere (Ionosphere?) just like how the HAARP works to play a song over it.
  20. 2nd Post which includes the craft download link. Craft on KerbalX. Hey y'all. So I'm trying to build a hydrofoil for the Elkano Challenge. The problem is, the craft tips over to the front, or otherwise, 'dolphins', or short, rocks up-&-down then sent itself flying like hitting a wave. Can anyone help? Frontinco Hydrafoil-1A Craft on KerbalX.
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