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Everything posted by JoaquinJAR

  1. Wow! Thanks for reading and downloading! so yes, i knew it has some errors, for example you cant press the standby button on the left MDF because it moves the camera, i tried fixing it like 6 times but it didnt do too much, and it doest has too many space to put more props. (actually this is not even my 3 time making an iva, just when i learned how to make one i started making this one Lol) But i want to make another iva, not just an updated Mk1 inline cockpit. any ideas of my next IVA? (or if you want this one to be updated) and yes, i used unity. Thanks! That IVA looks super nice! EDIT 2: i will make one for the mk2 inline cockpit! actually there are some mk2 inline cockpit Iva mods i think, like the one that theonegalem did, but anyways ill try because i like inline things.
  2. would randomly generated planets be possible? i didnt put this onto dev suggestions as i dont know how hard would it be to add this.
  3. a simple Mod that adds a patch that replaces the original Mk1 Inline Cockpit with an upgraded one. (I am New at making IVAs and Mods, so you are free to say everything you dont like or like about the mod) Screenshots: so what do you think? Download this on SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/2028/Mk1 Inline Cockpit IVA (RPM) RasterPropMonitor, ASET props and ASET avionics Needed to work! Huge Thanks to @Mecripp For Telling me how to make IVAs, alexutas for the ASET Mods, Mihara for Creating the original RPM and MOARdV for supporting RPM!!!! (Wow! 50+ Downloads!) Thanks for Reading or Downloading!
  4. i didnt know i had to make a patch, but i knew i had to do something to replace the internal. so instead of somethings that loads my internal, i just replaced the original one on SQUAD folder and that didnt worked. also, i need to place my internal on RPMpod patches? or i can just make my own folder on Gamedata with my cupolaInternal2RPM patch and internal? EDIT 2: I will test it! i used my security copy of SQUAD folder just in case, and made a new internal called CupolaInternalTEST and a new patch. time to try! IT WORKED! IT WORKED! YES YES YES!!! THANKS YOU DUDE YOURE THE BEST!
  5. no, i never made a patch or modified the cupola.cfg, i just saved the internal.cfg file of my cupola2RPM in the same folder where the original internal.cfg (the cupolaInternal, the stock one) , so the internal of the cupola2rpm replaced the internal of the cupolaInternal of the stock game. Lol
  6. i didnt had a patch like the RPM patch, instead i was saving the cupolaInternal2RPM direclty on the Internal File of the original cupolaInternal. also, do you know how Modular switches work on ASET props pack? i asked in the ASET props Post but i didnt get an answer.
  7. @Mecripp Ok i will try. i named it "cupolaInternal2RPM" no, i didnt deleted the whole folder, just the ones with the word "Cupola". also Thanks! EDIT: WAY I THINK I UNDERSTAND NOW!
  8. Hey, i deleted the old props an added the ones i wanted, then saved the config, but it still has the same stock IVA. (it should have replaced the stock iva, also i deleted the original RPM patched IVa, cuz i didnt like it) soo, what ido know?
  9. Hey, How do the Modular switches work? to change the Model, color and things i have to change the Name of the prop like how the ModularToggleSwitch pdf says? i cant find any Switch_Toggle_Modular on PartTools. and to change what they do, i just have to change what i put in the <Name> part of it? Example: tggl_GEAR_T2-G3-B3-S so, it will toggle the GEAR and will have the switch toggle model 2? Guard model 3, etc? sorry, i dont understand anything lol (i am new on making IVAs with Rpm)
  10. Hey, the post you put there says i need Unity 4.2.2 or earlier, does it works with newer versions? or what happens if i use a newer version?
  11. Can you add support to make a button on the joystick that clicks whatever the mouse is aiming? and support to use axes to move the mouse? so i could use RPM interiors without using the mouse. (also add support for a key that Turns off AFBW, in case your joystick goes crazy and it moves the mouse too much to be able to turn on the mouse feature) anyways, i love the mod!
  12. ok thanks! i searched but most links didnt work, i didnt understand some or it was too old. but i knew 2 things: it is very easy, and needs unity (i have it) i may try to start with The cupola part as it seems more easy.< Thanks for Helping me! EDIT: so right now i am unistalling the original install of KSP so i have a clean, fresh steam install to use with RPM.
  13. Can somebody give me a link on how to make IVA's? the only thing i found is just too old.
  14. if would like if before starting a career you have to pick a country to make the space program there or make your own. for example if u pick russia you get the russian starter parts, etc or if u make your own, you get all starter parts or some mixed one. or also a new type of saves where you could have multiple space programs on different places and things like that.
  15. I cant Believe i made it work in my STEAM install, with the steam ship browser thing and all... with making history, joystick support and mods! in my previous install it will just crash when i open the AFBW window, i dont understand how i fixed it. first i used my working install of it, copied it, then i copied all the files (but not gamedata) of my steam install and pasted them on other install, and it worked so then i copied all of these files (the ksp ones and the gamedata from the working AFBW install) into the steam install and it work! sorry if u didnt understand lol all the files needed to run Making History are in the SquadExpansion Folder in gamedata? so i can copy and paste that file into my other installs without having to copy all the ksp files.
  16. Hello, is there any ways to export a preset of a controller to another KSP copy? (i have the 5 KSP folders, i made the preset on a new gamedata folder only with this mode to load the game faster) But i want this preset on all of my others KSP folders.
  17. The Link is ready! also i post some images of the Flekkey.
  18. yeah, i was thinking on upload it there but it was faster on steam, next time i will do it in kerbalX
  19. Hello, I made a post to show some Helicopters and planes i made using Airplanes Plus mod! For now there is only one, but when i make another Plane or Helicopter I will upload it here to not make another post Cv-01 "Fliak II" Helicopter. It may not be the best helicopter, but its VERY cheap and for me it looks Very nice! - 10/10 Comes with quality Snacks. (Jebediah Kerman) -7/10 it can actually fly! (Julieta Kerman) (Heres the link to Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1570028997) (And Heres a link to KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/JoaquinJar/Cv-02-Fliak-II-Helicopter) Cv-05 "Flekkey" a Small airplane,lightweight and even cheaper than the Cv-01. has 4 seats. (Link to it on KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/JoaquinJar/Cv-05-Flekkey-MK1) Cv-07B "Felkyer" Helicopter. (i am Making it!)
  20. OHH Lol i didnt know that was even possible. but you know how games are, one update could break EVERYTHING
  21. Oh so this is not that mod that has parts that dont fit and are all white? ok i will try it EDIT: actually yes it is that mod. Atleast for me the parts dont have textures.
  22. First Thing i Did Close the game and go to donwload mods in curse forge after that, i builded a big ship using OPT parts, launched it and i got lost in space lol and the first time i started making more advanced spaceships in the game, i did the same but i build a nice spaceplane an crashed on the Mun
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