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The Dressian Exploder

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Posts posted by The Dressian Exploder

  1. Well, well, well. Looks like this has become the Planetary Pun Thread™, eh? I suppose I should contribute... 

    Someone should use BG to build a Kerbol-ving door!

    When I come out of lockdown, I'm going to the hairdressers' and getting a Moho-can!

    After Eve-aluating the last pun, it seems a bit Gilly!

    Remember to put rubbish puns in a Ker-bin. But Mun-d you put the Minmus-mum amount of stuff in it.

    I might wear a Duna-garees tomorrow. I quite Ike the style you know

    But now, come to think of it... That wouldn't really be appropriate Dres code.

    Oh, what a Jool I've been! Maybe I should Laythe off the entire thing... But no! We will continue, Vall-iantly. Unfortunately, it means that the standard  of  these puns just gets Tylo-wer and lower. Perhaps I could just quickly Bop-row a pun off someone else? But what would the Pol-ice say to that?

    And finally, I'm glad to be rid of all these Eeloo-dicrous puns.


    And there you go. The entire Kerbol System in puns.  That took wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too long to come up with. I may do a modded system in the future, but don't be too demanding, or I might lose my Tempus! (Kudos if you get that one)

  2. Some pictures of Kalnir-I, my space staion around Rhode (Beyond Home)


    3x02k8.jpgLooking at the view from the habitat


    That's some interesting 'science' going in there


    Bill gearing up for an EVA, and contemplating his existence.


    Jeb here is getting ready to play Human Space Program do some important station admin.


    All in all a normal day on Kalnir-I!

  3. So, essentially, this is the 21 game, but with MEMES! The person who replies can say either one, twotwo, or threethreethree, words of the meme, for example:

    player 1: Stop! I could've

    player 2: dropped my croissant!

    The person to complete the meme Loses (in this case, player 2) , and everyone has fun doing a mem.



    !!!BONUS RULE!!!

    If someone quotes the meme incorrectly (e.g What's 9+10? 19) then they Lose. The next person to quote the entire meme CORRECTLY Wins, which allows them Bragging Rights™.


    Without further ado, I'll start


    A man has

  4. On 3/12/2020 at 1:56 PM, Michel Bartolone said:

    Related...is there an existing mod for high altitude weather/science balloons? I envision attaching a balloon to a plate/bulkhead and attaching some of the surface experiments from BG to it, then sending it aloft and collecting data.



    Yes. It's called KerBalloons.

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