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Everything posted by VoidCosmos

  1. Huh.......... What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. <snip> A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.
  2. Hey there! welcome to the forum. Why don't you ask this on the Gameslinx Planet Overhaul thread? Edit: I see. Gameslinx has not replied to your post. Try mentioning him on the thread Translation: Héy! Bienvenue sur le forum. Pourquoi ne pas poser cette question sur le fil de discussion Gameslinx Planet Overhaul? Edit: je vois. Gameslinx n'a pas répondu à votre message. Essayez de le mentionner sur le fil
  3. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  4. We need the Player.log to be able to help. and also please upload them to a file sharing software like Dropbox, Google Drive etc. The Player.log can be located here: - %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log
  5. Banned for not being present in the Void
  6. Welcome to the forum @CSX6400! That craft look really nice. Also, fly safe
  7. We already have aliens in KSP
  8. Good to see that we have really talented photographers on the Forums!
  9. Sorry but DECQ has told me that someone else has already adopted it. I will try to include one for the next release. (my forum notifications don't work for this thread)
  10. Those look amazing! By the way, how did you create those camouflage patterns?
  11. Wow that is so helpful! Thank you so much!
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