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Everything posted by SuperMiiBrother

  1. My profile picture is just a crab. Or is it? It can be taken one of 3 ways: 1: It´s the Sand Crab enemy. This is not a good thing, Because the sand crab is from a zombie game as part of the summer event. They can jump quickly and trip you when they touch you, Dealing 10 damage. 2: It is the most likely thing: The MiniCrab mount. You can ride it whenever you want, Becuase you can summon it whenever you want! There´s a small cooldown to summoning it, But it goes faster than walking! Very useful. Unfortunately, I´m a picky eater. This makes anything that helps worthless due to the fact that I won´t eat anything that´s not Popcorn, Pizza, Or chips. Oh boy... 3: The worst possible thing: The King Crab 2 Boss. It can summon a rain of flaming rocks from a volcano that explode upon contact with the ground, Summon Sand Crabs, AND cause nearby sand to be launched upward quickly. King Crab 2 also has 300000 HP. Instant doom, Unless it´s on my side (0.01 chance). I won´t survive!
  2. I don´t know, It´s either Titan itself or it´s Methane. How many skittles do I have to eat until I can level up to level 1337?
  3. (Insert thing here)...I don´t like it that much. Just my opinion! Fanbase: OMGUHAVETRIGGEREDUSUROPINIONMEANSNOTHINGANGRERY
  4. 8/10 I see you in a lot of places.
  5. Mom told me a bit more of what happened: Dad had sudden cardiac arrest and was actually only 47. He died in his sleep, Probably the best way he could go. He could have died from something else, like cancer, gunshot wound (the sad truth is that gun deaths are pretty much an everyday occurrence these days) May he rest in peace. We got the urn today, it's by the fireplace next to the couch he died on.
  6. I'm sorry for your loss. Today was dad's funeral. I didn't expect it, But my teachers showed up. I didn't know I was that important. But now it's time to try and let go of the past. My mom seems to be getting over it.
  7. I'm sorry to hear that. At night my mom still seems like an emotional wreck though,.
  8. We found out why dad died. He had a heart attack.
  9. I saw mom smile for the first time in a while. I think shes finally starting to get over it. At least a little.
  10. I overheard mom saying she has depression. Tomorrow we should have an idea on why dad died. Thank you all for 330 Views. It's nice to know people other than my family and friends care.
  11. I overheard mom saying she has depression. Tomorrow we should have an idea on why dad died.
  12. My mom is currently an uncontrollable wreck of tears. Everyones arrived, But only me and mom truly know why.
  13. Although not a celebrity, My father passed away Wednesday morning. He was 52 years old...I'm only 13. R.I.P Kevin. My mom is crying uncontrollably most of the day. Its hard for us all. ...It’s hard to believe it’s been 2 years now. Feels like it’s been only a few months since that day...
  14. Im sleeping with her. I try to be the shoulder she can cry on, but life is hard and I cant always be there for her.
  15. Yu dont get it. He had the password for my account. I mde my own, but all I can do is pay 30 dollars... My mom's mood is getting worse. Shes crying so much. Some friends visited.
  16. Turns out today isn't the funeral, tomorrow my mom's parents are coming over.
  17. Ok, But you are about to go SUPERNOVAAAA and explode. I want my dad back!
  18. It was feb 20, 2019. He was sleeping and I woke up around 6am. Sweet! More game time. Great start to the day! Well, I was wrong. About 3 minutes after I came downstairs he started shaking and making a weird noise, not responding either. I ran up and called my mom. We called 911, But about 3 hours later we got the news. Now im here Thats what happened
  19. When I was young, I used to pick tomatoes from my great grandmother's garden. I always bring the story up when I see tomatoes. Im getting some sleep now.
  20. It's 2am where I am. Mom says the funeral is today. I'm going to try to do the things dad did, Like feed the dog more often and play Minecraft with my sister. Video Games are a curse to me. I can't stop playing. My great grandmother died after I didnt visit her. I was too busy playing video games. I wish I could have been nicer to my dad. I wasnt mean, But I could have been better.
  21. His name was Kevin. My mom has anxiety. My grandparents are getting old. Things don't look good at the moment. And the mood is sad. I've just realised that Kevin/Dad was the only one who can update KSP for me...
  22. Early this morning, my dad died. I admit it. Im only 13 years old. Why did it happen so soon?...
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