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Everything posted by HoneyFox

  1. A precaution for this: For sound effect, don't use too many of them at the same time or something bad might happen I guess.
  2. I remember that RCSSounds is using derivative class of ModuleRCS... probably we need a combination of the these two. Oh wait, doesn't Effect support audio already, so that we actually get the sound effect automatically when we define the EFFECTs used by ModuleRCSFX.
  3. Hmm... I sense the need to add support to MRFX in EI soon. Anyway, is that really needed? it seems too hard-core if even RCS thrusters need ullage before ignitions... EDIT: No. Please ignore this post completely. That's too insane.
  4. Huh? You just unzip the package to the GameData folder so that the dll should be in: .../KSP/GameData/NBody/Plugins/NBody.dll You can check the ion engine's context menu, if there's an additional slider named "Throttle", you're good to go. To use it, kill the stock throttle by pressing "Ctrl" or "X", then use the "Throttle" slider to control the in-warp thrust. One thing that I want to remind you is, you'd better install the Toolbar plugin. This plugin will then provide three buttons to the toolbar so that it's more convenient to switch on/off several functions.
  5. Ok, guess it's because RPM has updated the TextMenu class... which I also used in EI MFD for convenience. I need to grab the latest version and do a recompile.
  6. EI MFD doesn't work with RPM v0.16? Can you give some more details on that because I'm still using RPM v0.14 with KSP 0.23.5 and it seems like it's working nominal.
  7. I forgot to push the code changes of the latest version. Changes are: lat/lon input & camera fixes.
  8. It has been fixed and the package has been released for several weeks...
  9. My Delta II it uses magic infernal's docking dish (free) to achieve the spin table. XD and a pair of Separatrons to achieve the de-spin.
  10. The latest version is not in OP. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pfssc2u341zp58a/KerbTown%20%28fixed%20for%20v0.23%29.zip Check more details in this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40374-WIP-KerbTown-v0-13-Beta-Place-static-buildings-cities-launch-sites-more!?p=1052327&viewfull=1#post1052327
  11. The DL link of OceanOdyssey the sea launch platform: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f1vz7ud4gsrg84n/OceanOdyssey.zip Model credits to my several friends. the texture is rather simple, but anyway... Oh and... better use it with RSS Earth.
  12. You failed to access the dropbox link? I will see if I can find some other mirror.
  13. Perhaps the acceleration capability can be affected by TechLevel, so that the building can always be there but you cannot utilize it (completely) until certain Tech Level(s) is/are unlocked. P.S. KerbTown's launch site feature has been fixed, check recent posts of that thread.
  14. There's not, but you can create your own by: copy the current cryogenic/balloon stretchy tanks and rename them, copy cryogenic/balloon tank types add add "(pressurized)" to the notes (see ServiceModule tank type for reference), change these new tanks' tank-type to your new tank types. But personally I don't recommend you to create such tanks, I wonder if such things exist in RL... and I think pressurized tanks (actually they should be bladder tanks) cannot use cryogenic fuel that will boil-off easily.
  15. The author of KerbTown has changed the license to MIT so I can do modification and redistribution then.
  16. I get your point. but I will not do such hard-coding like clamping to Risky directly), I will try to work it out.
  17. For most of these rigid fuel tanks, I think there should be always ullage inside, even a very small portion. Anyway, i'm working on this, so that in next release, If a tank has more fuel inside, the ullage will be simpler and you *might* need shorter time for ullage burns. * because the vessel will be much heavier when it has more fuel, the acceleration provided by ullage burn will be smaller. Hence the final ullage burn time might be still slightly longer than when it's nearly empty.
  18. It's quite limited as I've been trying to find some information for those engines in KOSMOS/SovietEnginePack/etc which have counterparts in RL. Most of them will at most tell you the type of ignitor, very few will tell you how many times it can ignite in ground tests, even fewer will tell you its capability when in actual launches.
  19. Ha that will make awesome(read as awful) consequence of fuel ullage. Think you have a big leak at the front side of a tank, hmm...
  20. I've tried placing a launch site directly at GSO altitude too. Failed... The reason seems to be related to some input locks given either by stock KSP or KJR, which prevents me from giving any input. (You can check these by Alt+F12 and "Show Input Lock Stack") It might be possible to forcibly disable these input locks but I'm afraid it will give more trouble.
  21. Oh, I've been sick for recent days so i didn't come up to check all these posts... This sounds weird, can it be reproduced always or it's just by chance? I've never experienced that even if I've added more than 8 launch sites all over the earth (Baikonur, Cape Canaveral, JiuQuan, Kourou, Ocean Odyssey, Vandenberg, ... to name a few). I've experienced some KSC buildings mislocated though, but that should be another issue and I've already found a way to avoid that (I guess). Currently KT should add launch sites only once when you get into the space center for the first time after you launch the game. Oh, wait, does that mean if you change to another save, it might give duplicated launch sites? But still I don't think it will do anything to the stock launchpad and runway. So make sure you don't name your launch site as "LaunchPad" or "Runway", these are used by the stock ones.
  22. I've been waiting in the space-center scene for more than 16 hours (using time-warp of course) and not a single contract appears...
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