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Posts posted by MARL_Mk1

  1. 1 hour ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    Discord isn't going anywhere as it isn't controlled by Take Two.  The forums...yeah, not sure.

    Honestly I couldn't give more of a crap about the Discord. But if the KSP forums were to be closed tomorrow (hypothetical scenario), the game itself would be done for.

    Every piece of material, discussion, mod pages, custom configurations, guides, a literal decade of ongoing resources about Kerbal Space Program as we know it. Gone. 
    Yes, I know the mods and most files and resources aren't hosted through the forums. They are on Github, Spacedock, etc. But these forums are a fundamental piece of the game. 

    @Dakota @Nerdy_Mike I know the whole deal about not being able to say anything about the ongoing events because of NDAs, but could you guys comment on if there are any guarantees about these forums staying online for the foreseeable future? I know Dakota has said so in the past, after knowing about the Take-Two WARN notice, and I quote: "this server isn't going anywhere any time soon. same with the forums.".

    But what certainty do we have about this statement? We also were told "We're funded, KSP2 isn't going anywhere"  yet here we stand today. If the KSP IP were to be sold to god knows who, I'm supposing they'd be on their absolute right to just cut the plug completely at will (Or am I wrong? I really hope I am).

    KSP2's fate hurts, but losing these forums in any way in the future would be even more devastating to Kerbal Space Program as a whole.


  2. I wonder how much at risk these forums and all the official resources within them will be in the mid-long term future. Yes, I know Dakota said the forums and Discord won't go anywhere, but Dakota will be laid off in exactly 28 days and whatever happens after that is completely out of his knowledge.

    If there is any way to make an archival copy of all the contents, I would very much support the effort

  3. On 5/23/2024 at 7:35 AM, J2583 said:

    I've made some improvements, but since it's been over 3 years since the last build I've done one on my branch instead:


    Hi! Thanks for continuing KER development!

    Do you think it would be possible to make a skin for KER the likes of how ZTheme looks? (or a ZTheme integration for it if that's even a possiblity).

    Thank you so much in advance!

  4. 2 hours ago, Tony Tony Chopper said:

    Read there: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/earlyaccess

    "Q: What happens if I don't complete my Early Access game?

    A: Sometimes things don't work out as you planned, and you may need to discontinue development of your Early Access game before you are ready for a V1.0 release. If this happens, you can contact Valve to figure out the next steps. There are two options:

    If your Early Access game is playable and well received, but you're unable to develop it to the point where you feel it warrants a full V1.0 release, then we can keep your game on the Store, but otherwise remove it from Early Access. This will remove the Early Access tag and Early Access Q&A displayed on your game’s Store Page, but not start the launch visibility that comes with definitively releasing your game out of Early Access. This would be a permanent change; we aren’t able to reenable Early Access again later, so please consider this option carefully before contacting us with the details. In this case, you should let your community know about your decision to leave Early Access via a forum post or news event.

    Alternatively, we can remove your Early Access game from Steam. Before reaching out, you should read about the process of removing a game from Steam and take a moment to carefully consider whether or not pulling your game down is actually the right choice. Are you acting based on an emotional response to negative feedback, or is retiring your game the appropriate next step? We take our relationship with customers seriously, so if you choose to cancel development of a game and retire it from the store, we will not republish it again later and we may offer refunds to any users who purchased it. Treating customers fairly is the most important thing to us. "

    The "and" is important here. There is no word on 'recent reviews' versus 'all reviews', so 'playable' might be a little bit more subjective but 'well received' doesn't mean 'mixed' to me. I also don't read where someone else could decide whether it comes out of early access forcefully. But read the guidelines for yourself, I'm not into that bureaucracy stuff.


    Will do my part and change my positive review then. Screw those Take-Two idiots.

  5. A question just came to my mind.

    Okay, let's say we assume 100% the game and it's development as a whole are completely dead once they drop that supposed last patch they still seem to be working on.

    What happens with the game's status as Early Acces title? Is Take Two legally allowed to just, cut it's development short, get rid of any traces of promises and roadmaps, slap a 1.0 on it, and release it on Steam as if it had left Early Access taking everyone else's money?

    Surely not... right?


  6. Hello @Judicator81! Thanks for this mod! I'm using it on my install since I use Restock and I'm hoping one day there'll be Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot configs for it.

    I've got a question though. Say I play with this mod on my save, and one day in the future I decide to uninstall it and install (or not to) a different colouring mod. Will my save/crafts be fine? Would I get any errors or bugs, or will they just color themselves back to vanilla without any side effects on my progress and builds?

  7. 11 hours ago, DA299 said:

    I have the same issue on all of Jupiter's moons. If you ever manage to solve it do let me know. 

    That's the thing... I've already tried everything on my side.

    I deleted and reinstalled KSP with only KSRSS and no other mods, the issue is still there.

    I think @ballisticfox0 is the person currently in charge of the KSRSS repository (? correct me if wrong) and probably could give some insight on what causes this issue, since I'm out of ideas.

    Edit: I tried clean installs of both the default and Reborn tree branches from GitLab and both are affected with the same issue.

  8. 7 hours ago, AbnormalVenegrade said:

    Nevermind, I fixed it by complete accident. i was comparing my old install's file to my new one and noticed I (somehow) didn't have the Scatterer stock config. Copying it over, I now have correctly working cloud textures and base KSRSS sunflare. I have not yet tested it with sunflare mods, but I will try to get what I want.

    Since you are making a fresh install, could you please attempt to replicate my issue? It takes less than 1 minute :)

    Put any craft on the launch pad, then open the cheat menu > Set Orbit, select Europa and write 0 on the Semi-Major Axis, then click Set Orbit twice.

    This will make it so the SMA is set to the minimum possible and then teleport you to said orbit.

    Once you are in Europa's orbit, do you notice that tremendous, neverending lag?

  9. 12 minutes ago, AbnormalVenegrade said:

    Apparently the issue I had was due to Parallax being horribly optimized or causing a ton of memory leaks (just theories from me) near the surface of some bodies like Ceres. Your problem I have no idea how it could happen, but I did have lag in low Ceres orbit too. I had no problems in low Jupiter orbits (for antimatter), however, and maybe others have our same issues. Really ruined my plans on the install for a Ceres mining base/crewed mission.

    In my case it isn't Parallax (or any other mod actually by the looks of things). I got myself the perfect install and this messes up any plans for Jupiter completely ugh.

  10. On 1/16/2024 at 3:46 PM, AbnormalVenegrade said:

    Just wondering, does anyone else have massive lag at Ceres? Everything is fine in orbit, but as soon as I attempt to get close for landing, the MET timer is constantly yellow (not red, which would indicate the game itself is slowed down) and the game runs at only a few fps, stuttering constantly even when landed and time warping. this makes landing incredibly difficult and it's only on Ceres as far as I know, but I haven't seen it happen with any other planets/moons I have been to (Moon, Mars, Jupiter+All Moons, Saturn+Titan, Venus, Mercury). Any ideas why?

    This quote is extremely late, but I have installed KSRSS (https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS) and any of Jupiter's moons. including Jupiter itself are completely and totally unplayable due to the extreme lag.

    Lag starts at about the minimum possible Semi-major axis orbit you can cheat to and continues down to about 150m above the body's surface, when it instantly goes away.

    Since my install was heavily modified, I decided to make a copy and start uninstalling mods to find the offender... but no, it turns out this is an issue of KSRSS itself, because I ended up with a clean install where only KSRSS and its dependencies were installed, and all those celestial bodies were still impacted with the issue.

    If anyone playing KSRSS reads this message, please, let me know if you have this issue aswell :(

  11. If there was something where KSP2 outplayed KSP1 completely was in sound design. In specific, music. I loved the music.

    Duna's theme perfectly encapsulated my idea of how humans will feel the first time Mars becomes visible through the window. The sense of awe, wonder, fear, hope...

    Going back to KSP1 and landing on Duna with the forever known space music by Kevin Mcleod, well... it feels bland at best.

    I was wondering if anyone has looked into it, or if it's technically possible at all to make the game play a specific track or set of tracks based on which Sphere of Influece your craft/kerbal is inside of.
    There was also this cool feature where a version with more instruments was also playing in the background synced with the base one, and it only changed volume based on how much your engines were thrusting.

    God, Howard Mostrom killed it with this game's music, and I hope he feels so proud of it.


  12. 1 hour ago, Vl3d said:

    Make any mod selection you desire, it will not solve the problems that KSP 2 set out to tackle. You will still be blocked by all the repetitive runs you have to make to build a space station or a Mun base that does nothing.

    Oh well, I guess it's time to uninstall and play some Juno then (heh, yeah... no.)

    Wait, exactly what was KSP2 going to do that would make building surface bases or space stations not repetitive?

    Sure, we know about automated trade routes, but the fact that you have to manually build those outposts and stations manually remains the same both in KSP1 and KSP2.

    The only difference with the current state of both is that KSP1 just works and performs better.

    And yeah, not going out there and claim KSP1 is perfect. We were all excited about KSP2 being a thing so we could get a better KSP1 and then some. But that hasn't and will not happen by the looks of things, so why would I complain about the only thing that we have left and that's been out of active development for... *checks dates*... half a decade now?

  13. 4 hours ago, Vl3d said:

    The game is starting to shine, so keep calm and carry on!


    The game was starting to shine. As in, the current build of version, including barebones, basic science, is what we should've gotten Feb 24th 2023.

    I will be positively shocked if we see this game progress on the hands of a different studio tackling its current promises. I just don't. And even if it did, I would disengage from it completely until I saw it pop up on my Steam news some day in the future, and only then would I install and try it again.

    I have now sadly lost the entirety of the hope and optimism I had shy of just a month ago about Kerbal Space Program 2.

    If this radio silence is T2's tactic to undermine the community's reaction to shutting down their studio, they've succeeded. If an announcement came tomorrow mentioning the complete ceasing of KSP2's development and the death of the IP from a development standpoint, I wouldn't react a bit.

    I would get a clean KSP1 install, open CKAN, make my ultimate modded install, make a couple of copies of it and forget about forums, Discords and whatnot, and assume the last five years of patiently waiting for the game of my dreams were just that, a dream.  Now I kind of envy those who kept it together and didn't get excited over such a beautiful cinematic trailer back in the day.

  14. So this is how it's going to be huh... just corporate radio silence.

    This all has felt so stupidly awkward.

    How come the studios that were laid off by Microsoft were able to immediately announce it, yet studios laid off by Take Two are required to go completely off the grid until further notice?

    Genuine curiosity. I just don't really mind anymore, as it feels like the weird silence that settles after a bad joke.

  15. What hurts me the most about seeing the Kerbal Space Program IP fall into the realm of abandoned ideas is that those familiar with it don't consider it just a videogame per se.

    The impact this game has had on sparking interest on the spaceflight sector and the amount of people that have pursued careers and jobs on it simply because Kerbal Space Program showed up in front of them sometime during their life was enormous. 

    Risking being proven wrong, there aren't many other pieces of media that managed to put some of the most incredibly complex topics and concepts in front of the broad public and turn them into something you can understand by approaching them and failing miserably while getting a laugh and a lesson of physics out of it.

    I listened to Outro today and teared up a little. This was the project I was looking forward the most in the entire industry, no matter how long it took to flourish, because I knew that despite the final result, the community would be there to shape it on its best form.

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