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  1. Hi ! I have noticed @SpaceODY's PRVE 1.5 becoming available on CKAN. I'm a RSS/RO/RP-1 addict, and I use RSS Visual Enhancements - high resolution. There's no incompatibility between the two of them according to ckan but I find that doubtful. ^^ Also, there's no PRVE topic on here (or I haven't found it). And no pictures Could someone using PRVE or maybe SpaceODY himself share some information/pictures ?
  2. So, has anyone tried ? I'm going to try it on a multimods new career on 1.10.1 (RSS, RO, RP1, Kerbalism...)
  3. Thanks a lot, Gamelinx ! Oh, yes ! My computer probably gonna burn but I reaaally wanna try this on RSS !
  4. Do you mean it's working in 1.11 ? I came here to check if there was any plan to update FMRS, as I really miss it in my new career on 1.11.
  5. Hello ! Thanks for updating to 1.11.0. Do you think this mod is compatible with Nertea's System Heat ?
  6. Definitely gonna try that mod ! Thanks Tudor Aerospace.
  7. Thanks for your answers. Oh, cool then ! I wonder how ScanSat would react now. I'll definitely try it when I'll have a bit more time.
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