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Everything posted by Lapis

  1. Same as the above posts, i have also never seen an imgur link taken down
  2. Banned for reuploading the standard avatar
  3. Lapis

    hi, new.

    It can even be a gif, the green number under your profile picture is your rep(utation) it counts the amount of likes people have given you(I believe)
  4. Same! I think it would also fit in as a comic or graphic novel.
  5. Lapis

    hi, new.

    Good is different for every person, Ksp has a niche for everything somewhere on the forums, post what you like and people who share that interest will find it.
  6. Some people live in places where it gets dark fast, or can only play at night. EDIT: misread, disregard
  7. Banned because I can't mention(or ping) you.
  8. Where you always a mod? if so congrats, if not then my memory is faulty

    1. Geonovast


      Nah.  About 3 months now.

    2. Lapis


      Congrats! I had been on a forum-break for about that long.

  9. that would be better, however they are a corporation that does not care about the consumer and forces the blame on content creators to save money. Edit:referring to youtube paying for these incidents not twitch
  10. Thats why all of my missions are colonies, no matter where they are going... Oh yeah! Welcome to the forums!
  11. Just going to re-explain this but with images if that is ok. Here is step one as an expression(I may have done it wrong just going off of how I understood your explanation): Step two(the answer to this will be the variable z): step 4(Where y is the length of a mars year. this expression will now be z): And your answer will be Edit: always check the comment date before replying. Hope this will be able to help anyone else i guess
  12. You would not want to steal intellectual property from yourself now would you? Honestly it's probably a 10 line python script
  13. I would be interested in seeing you streaming at some point(i know it is a bit off topic )
  14. There is one on a moon somewhere Here is the link to the wiki page for the kraken
  15. calling 911 because i use autostrut
  16. yes, I am an expert on breathing The user below me does not float
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