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  1. I am having an issue where very large containers are never being filled even when within range and plugged into the network. The small tank (180/220) is attached to a Convertotron-250 pushing out LF and LOX and trying to fill a S4-512 (23040 / 28160). I wonder if there isn't a rounding error somewhere that truncates sending resources to a larger tank even when the smaller one is full.
  2. This is also very common in KSP1. I have always assumed it is a floating point error.
  3. I had a whiplash plane already so I tried this and could not replicate the issue. The Status window shows 0 power, but after returning to atmosphere the plane was capable of climbing and increasing speed. However the Status readout always stayed at 0.00kN.
  4. I was coasting to AP at an altitude of about 65,000m when my SSTO just evaporated with no trace. No crash scene played, and as you can see there is no indication of what may have caused the destruction. Note there was also no explosion scene. the plane was there one second and gone the next. https://freeimage.host/i/HXpgBYx Win 10 5800x 3070 KSP Patch 1 installed
  5. I am having the same bug. Although sometimes it reverts to the maximum rated power. Effecting: - Rapiers - Whiplash
  6. Same issue. After loading from a quick save on the Mun the KSC is at 90 degrees to the terrain. If I go to the KSC the terrain glitch follows me, so I now have two copies of the KSC overlayed on each other at 90 degrees. Its very much like being enmeshed in a MC Escher painting, but with kerbals.
  7. I swapped the definition in the .cfg file... As you might expect it seriously borked the mod and had to be reverted. I ended up just going into the module manager config and manually deleting the requirements for Precious Metals and Minerite from the recipe. So while it is working, it does mean every time it gets updated I will have to redo it.
  8. I am not sure what is going on, but for some reason the separate parts command doesn't seem to be working for me (holding 'H' while left clicking). I am also getting some weird behavior where when removing a part from a Minmus base either the part fails to move if I try and attach it to a node, or the entire base gets moved and clipped into the ground. It seems to randomly effect some parts and not other identical ones. I have been trying to work around it, and bringing replacements from KSP sometimes works, sometimes not. It isn't until they are on site I can determine if its going to work. Has anyone seen this before?
  9. I did use CKAN to install it... but who knows it can get glitchy. And FWIW the path is \Kerbal Space Program\GameData so if anyone else has this issue don't go digging thru the subfolders it is in the GameDat folder directly. In my case name = Classic Stock . I changed it to CRP and will see if that resolves the issue. So I switched to CRP and is still is looking for Precious Metals for some reason. I have a lot more options for omni-Storage now, but none of them is the elusive PM.
  10. I don't know actually. I cannot bring up the menu because Alt-P brings up a winch control window from some other mod (not sure which)
  11. Very fair questions, but that's not the problem. Even in the VAB if i go to manage operations for a Castillo Depo I cannot add Precious Minerals or Minerite for warehousing space. No where else except in the recipe for equipment do these show up.
  12. I am having an issue, that in order to use an omniconverter to print equipment I need to have Precious Minerals and Minerite. But there is "no definition" of them. I cannot access the options menu via alt-P because it just brings up a winch menu. Is there another option to fix this?
  13. So that didn't seem to work. I added what you put as an additional module, and the below screen shot is what I got. https://imgur.com/a/yLdnu5g The complete .cfg is below.
  14. Does this get saved to the .cfg for the OPT-J Mobil lab? If so can I ask why the change includes stuff about inflation?
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