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Everything posted by fulgur

  1. -87 - I get up at about 7am no matter what, which was very annoying when I stay up late.
  2. -85 - For a minute I was wondering if you had missed out on half the jokes and would have to go back over everything again. Also if you're American isn't it about 10 in the morning? What are you doing up so late? EDIT: you were doing the Number Wars on the Forums of course!
  3. -83 - You get the shortcut from the title-text I think. (The thing when you hover over the comic & some text appears).
  4. That's not intergalactic. Judging by the ΔV, that's interplanetary. It'll easily be able to get to other planets unloaded, but it won't be able to go interstellar in any reasonable time-frame. Unless of course it's a K-Drive. Sorry to be pedantic. However, that does look like a great ship! A couple of tips though to improve it: firstly, you don't need the ion engines. They have lousy thrust and aren't making enough ΔV to justify their weight. Seriously, if you try to use ion engines, which are about 2kN of thrust each, on a large ship, you'll either get hour-long burns because of low TWR or because of low frames per second. Also, the LfO engines (either Skippers or Mainsails) aren't a great choice. You're not going to be landing that monstrosity any time soon, and very high TWR isn't necessary in space. If you can, use just the nuclear engines, but for a little extra thrust use Poodles; they'll add a little extra kick and aren't very fuel hungry. Skippers and Mainsails are best for launchers on higher gravity planets. Also, how are the ships in the hangar meant to leave? I can't see any hinges on that dome. And I don't see why you have the drills positioned at certain points. Unless that's for asteroids. EDIT: Not to be too negative in one post, but also you have masses of mass down below and no extra engine to compensate. A recipe for spinning disaster if I ever saw one.
  5. Arco123 you are a negative according to the poll. Therefore you can't increase the score. Therefore your post is being disregarded. Also you actually didn't increase the score, you decreased it because you didn't notice the minus sign? Or something? -73 -
  6. It's not dead, it just takes a lot of time to write a Python program to do the auto-Forgetting which means that we must REM∃MBER, which is what @greenTurtle1134 has said he is doing.
  7. Rald? That has a large, Duna-sized (a little smaller I think) body either in low/high KO, L4 point, or replacing Duna. Some people have also added it to GPP either in place of Iota or as a moon of Tellumo.
  8. There may be a visual difference as lots of people use different visual enhancements. For example, if you are following eddiew's Nezkojin (sp?) Aeronautics, in which they use GPP+GEP, they also use lots of visuals cranked up to maximum, whereas if you are looking at random screenshots, it's more likely to be relatively low (because of the massive impact on performance).
  9. Where else has someone named de Pfeffel Johnson as leader? -69 -
  10. -69 - Look at my location: the Land of Idiots / J. Corbyn and A.B.de Pfeffel Johnson / G.B. It isn't political/2.2 violation, I dislike them all equally (but some are more equal than others).
  11. -69 - Just stuck at this pair of numbers forever. If you pretend I'm lying down in front of this bulldozer responding to all your posts can you just leave this alone? (H2G2 joke)
  12. -69 - Yes but it's 10am where I am so I have the whole day.
  13. -69 - Yes we are winning! We're much closer to our goal than you are to yours! We must gain 31. You must gain 169!
  14. In what way? Apart from ninja'ing or being a negative? -69 - @LittleBitMore We are winning by the way. For once.
  15. If you want a SSTO, there are plenty of threads in Gameplay Q's such as this one. Be warned that it takes a lot of work to get your first one. But it takes exponentially less for your second, third and so on. Some tips: Start small! Use Mk1 or Mk2 frames because they're lighter and accelerate faster. Use the top-range engines. In Sandbox you have the 300-science LV-N NERV and the 1000-science CR-7 RAPIER from the start! Fly a good profile and gain speed in the early atmosphere. Jets get you going really, really fast really low - often more than 1000m/s which is about ½ orbital velocity!
  16. -68 - Not enough though they'll keep on wearing it down.
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