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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. “Are you sure about that?” -legendary meme
  2. Microsoft flight simulator is for driving trains around the oceans.
  3. 8/10 sometimes I do that. Back when I was human, I mean, was always human, yeah. I am human as I can run Mach 0.8 like all other functional Homo sapiens.
  4. I’m back from stormaloiding! Nah, he is busy uhhhhh, spaceman.spiffiloiding? is @OrdinaryKerman around?
  5. Nah. He’s busy, uhhhhh kerbiloiding? Is @Souptime here?
  6. Granted. There are airports everywhere and even floating in the sky. I wish for a flying bicycle. Granted. They are about the launch pad and block the runway. I wish for a cheese cannon
  7. Banned for banning a user who banned a user for saying cranes
  8. Lancastrian (passenger Avro lancaster)
  9. Victory dance? Nobody else? Victory dance it is
  10. Hello @AlamoVampire

    I was just wondering but why is there a number at the end of all your post. Just curious. Thanks.


    1. adsii1970


      @AlamoVampirekeeps a log of forum comments made. the number is nothing more than the HourMinuteMonthDayYear of the post. Hence this post would be 104507152021

    2. AlamoVampire


      @adsii1970 is correct. Just my way of time stamping. Started it a few years back for reasons that i imagine were reasonable at the time to me. Became habit and here we are lol. @Stormpilot


    3. Stormpilot


      Thank you very much

      :) 170107152021

  11. I wish! TUBM has been to poland
  12. 42 bottles of beer on the wall 42 bottles of beer take one down throw it at a passing train 41 bottles of beer on the wall
  13. No because Dave the cat uses magic to summon a car. Why dose mirror throw tea at passing train?
  14. 10/10 it’s the one the only dr Kerbal
  15. Hey what’s that? -me moments before getting stung by a jellyfish
  16. I’m surfing. Surfing the internet will @Souptime join us?
  17. I dunno. The m3 Lee has a 75mm main gun and a 37mm secondary. You also have about 51mm of frontal armour so unless that’s angled I could probably get a bottle of vodka through using magic. Though the post penetration damage won’t be too impressive. Oh wait, using my magic I pick it up and throw it off a cliff.
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