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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. I agree with all but the last sentence. I am, almost certainly, not the "typical" KSP player, if that concept might make sense at all (I don't think so). But as many, if not the majority of players, mods did become a core feature for. I wouldn't continue to play - and purchase DLCs - if I'd have to play w/o mods. Hence, imo, Squad/T2 really should provide the modding community with good and up-to-date documentation, in particular about any changes.
  2. Kinda off topic: just avoided another mishap like this thanks to IL Two questions: @Tonka Crash: where can I find info about the mentioned old and new syntax you mentioned? I found this https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation#PARTS_Configuration_Files but I still don't fully understand the thing about about old and new syntax. @Snark: Tonka Crash and you helped me a lot with my silly K2 pod issue, so I'd like to give a bit back: is there some other part that needs IL config and nobody was willing to do the work? I might find some time...
  3. Sorry to bother you again, guys, I hope this is the right place to ask? @taniwha just told me Yesterday he has updated his mod "Modular Fuel Tanks" to version 5.12.3, CKAN still shows 5.12.1 as latest version.
  4. Hey @taniwha, me again, bothering you, again, lol: until now I don't see 5.12.3 in CKAN
  5. Ah... little light bulb in my brain starts to work: if I understand you correctly, by deselecting 1.7, I can then select, yes? Didn't work Or should I just unselect 1.7 and be fine then? Edit: That seems to work, yes My apologies for being too stupid then, sorry...
  6. Maybe it's just me, but I can't find a check box for @HebaruSan Doh... compare your screenshot to mine, now we're getting to it
  7. No, as I did already did chose some versions as "compatible" when I started using CKAN, I'm familiar with that dialog box. But one can only select 1.7, not minor versions, hence my idea of a minor version check. Just to avoid any misunderstandings: by major versions I mean 1.3.x, 1.4.x, etc., by minor I mean versions like 1.4.0, 1.4.1, etc. Edit: the checkbox for is unchecked, of course.
  8. Yes, as this is the version I'm playing. It's unfortunate that there are now mods incompatible within the minor versions, i.e. 1.7.0 and 1.7.1, maybe the code for compatibility check can be expanded to minor version?
  9. Well, the mod versions info states that 1.5 is compatible with KSP 1.7.1, while 1.4.2 is compatible with 1.7.0 (which I'm running), this is what I mean with "clearly". Anyway, not a biggie at all, just thought to let you know. And a thanks for CKAN, reduced the time for my migration from 1.3.1 to 1.6 from one full day (all mods manually with 1.3.1) to about three hours (1.6.1 plus CKAN) Thanks, and take care
  10. Hi, it's not very important, but I'm wondering why CKAN (1.26.2) offers me to update some mods despite them clearly being shown as not compatible? Example: Indicator Lights by @Snark:
  11. I see, thanks Uh oh... I hope my vessels already using that cone will survive this...
  12. @taniwha I did read that, but as per my understanding, those changes would be in the respective cfg files, not in modularFuelTanks.dll ?
  13. Thanks in advance And curious question: what did change in the dll?
  14. @taniwha Unfortunately, I can neither find configurations for the rocketNoseCone_v2 nor the rocketNoseConeSize4, I'd be happy if you could add them, thanks in advance
  15. OK, never mind then, didn't mean to bother anyone Just been looking for "enlightenment" about this new feature and came along this thread.
  16. No offence, and I take the blame, but we're getting pretty off topic now. I suggest either to open a new thread about "2-Kerbal pods", or just cease this discussion.
  17. Stupid question: "before" I just used W and S key to adjust pitch, and ALT+W / ALT+S to trim pitch - where is the big plus here? And I never saw such a slider in the PAW. Yes, I now can configure actions to axis, like "extend solar panel when using the W-key", might become pretty handy (save for this silly example), but else?
  18. I started with KSP 1.3.1., way back before we had MH and any oficial 1.875m parts (if I'm not mistaken). I like KISS - keep it simple and stupid, hence I went for this K2 pod (I'm aware of that Corvin pod, but are there others?). That MOLE/Brumby you mentioned - I've never heard about before... It looks very nice, no doubt about, but for me, too much "integrated", too much stuff comes with it, so even if I had known it, I'd still go for K2 pod, clean 1.25m, just the essentials. In the end, I love it that everyone of us has so many choices, can customize the game to the personal preferences P.S.: not being a total rookie anymore, I'll check that MOLE thingy out, thanks for the tip!
  19. Thanks I guess it's not urgent at all to add this in since I'm probably the only one using that mod, lol. Which is odd imo, why wouldn't people use a 2-Kerbal 1.25m pod? Career, rescue missions, etc. etc., it's so totally useful. I hope I didn't make any stupid mistakes with that mod, let me know if I did please.
  20. Yes and no: I've never done any modeling or modding, this is first time ever. Hence I'm not familiar with the file structure, syntax etc. etc., which as I learned from @Tonka Crash even has changed. This was the real tedious part for me. The lights positioning itself, well, took about almost an hour, but that's perfectly fine for me, didn't perceive that as tedious.
  21. So, after some fiddling around, I think I'm quite happy with the result, here's the config file (K2-Pod.cfg): Screenshots: Thanks for the help and your patience, guys, much appreciated
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