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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. I had no idea about there being an old and a new syntax, sorry. But your advise did it, I have the pod back visible, thanks a lot! Now for the lights positioning...
  2. The K2 pod is maintened by LGG, the Github Repository is here https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/K2_Command_Pod The pod cfg: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/K2_Command_Pod/blob/master/GameData/JFJohnny5/Parts/K2_CommandPod/K2Pod.cfg The K2Pod.cfg uses this mesh: mesh = K2Pod.mu Yes, the pod has the Crew Report experiment, it's like the Mk1 pod, just a different model, 2 Kerbals, and accordingly different values for mass, monoprop, torque, EC, etc. It doesn't have though any light funcionality. As suggested by Snark, I copied the MK2pod.cfg, renamed it K2-pod.cfg (to avoid having 2 cfg files with the same name), and changed the first line from @PART[Mk2Pod]:NEEDS[SquadExpansion] { to @PART[K2Pod]:NEEDS[JFJOHNNY5] { MM log says: Applying update IndicatorLights/Parts/crewable/K2-pod/@PART[K2Pod]:NEEDS[JFJOHNNY5] to JFJohnny5/Parts/K2_CommandPod/K2Pod.cfg/PART MM patch log says: Applying update IndicatorLights/Parts/crewable/K2-pod/@PART[K2Pod]:NEEDS[JFJOHNNY5] to JFJohnny5/Parts/K2_CommandPod/K2Pod.cfg/PART
  3. I must be missing something very trivial here, but as soon as I cloned the MK1-2 pod configuration for mentioned K2 pod, only the indicator lights are rendered, the pod becomes invisible. Maybe related to the fact that this pod has no light functionality at all? And what can I do about this issue?
  4. Slow down, mate, I haven't decided yet if I'll try But thanks for the tip My main problems here: I'm quite untalented. I'm lazy Partially related: I remember the time when I played WoW. Many people were upset and totally against buying in-game currency for real money, crying "cheating" was the least... See, I work some 60 hours per week. In the end, I'm selling my time for money. Take a student (or someone unemployed, etc.): not much money, but lots of time. They invest their time to farm mentioned in-game currency, essentially investing their time. Now you tell me: I sell my time to my boss. Those people invest their time for farming in-game currency, which I buy. In the end, I sell my time to buy stuff other people invest their time for. Where is the problem? I mean, let's say I want to buy a bread. In the end, I pay with the reward for the time I sell to my boss. I buy something other people have made by selling their time to their boss. I call that economy, and where is the "cheating" here? Tl;dr: anyone up to make that config for the K2-pod, let me know
  5. You're tempting me, Snark, aren't you? For the heck of it, I might actually try that. Question: is there a simple key combination to reload the parts in-game (i.e. avoiding the loooong loading times when restarting the whole game)?
  6. Almost suspected this, been wondering why CKAN offers me 1.5 This one Old 1.25m 2-Kerbals pod, but with the respektive MH pod, I doubt that anyone would still like to do the necessary work. Anyway, thanks for your answers, appreciated
  7. I assume 1.5 is compatible with KSP 1.7.0? Sigh... I wish there's be a IL-config for the old K2 pod, but I guess nobody would be willing to make that efforts.
  8. Check the Changelog section at https://spacedock.info/mod/640/TacFuelBalancer
  9. Tourist contract for a Minmus landing, everything as usual, like the umpteen times before. After landing back at Kerbin, I'm wondering, why hasn't the contract completed? Forgot to load the tourists...
  10. Lol, I was almost pondering half an hour before posting that, thinking "what the heck, am I really too dense to understand why he do that change?" But then, curiosity got the better of me.
  11. Probably I'm just a bit stupid, but the wiki says & or , for "AND" | for "OR" As per my understanding, you changed OR for AND. And the (,<index>)? : Optional index... part... I don't see any connection here about OR or AND. What do I miss here?
  12. Having my space station with science labs in LKO, I usually try to get my missions back, rendezvous, and transfer the science to the labs. And yes, it adds some dv-requirements and complexity, I like that, just for the fun of it.
  13. Hey @cfds, for you, this might be pointless, for me it's not. Different opinions, as simple as that. I also think your argument is invalid, but refrained from a longer elaboration as it looks to me that this would just lead to another long and pointless off-topic discussion which ultimately would lead to nothing but a bad mood. Again: different opinions, I'm fine with that, and that's it for me
  14. My words were: Personal simple calculation Doesn't has to be a valid comparison for you, but for me it is, as in: Personal
  15. I generally agree, but compare the KSP development budget to say GTA. I think it's unrealistic to expect the KSP developers to be able to spend a great amount of work (which ultimately translates to money) on bug fixing and optimization, like AAA titles (and even those are more often than not pretty buggy). Which a limited budget, and having to keep sales up at a certain level, most effort will go into content, not bug fixing etc. Hence, in this case, I'm willing to pay for maintenance, bug fixing, optimizations.
  16. Not browsing through 29 pages, just my 2 Cents: We all love (save for the undying killjoys) to play KSP, and are interested in maintenance, bug fixing, and new content, aren't we? Squad as a business entity needs to earn money, pay salaries, to provide these. Hence I'm more than happy to pay for this DLC, which will as a benefit also give me some new content Personal simple calculation: I payed around $50 for KSP plus MH, and played say at least 1000 (probably more) hours until now -> 5 Cent per hour of fun. Now compare that to say watching a 2h flick in the cinema for 20 bucks.... My only wish @SQUAD: prioritize on bug fixing and performance, new content is nice, but doesn't rank 1st, imo. You have my support anyway, guys, including financial
  17. Yes, but if I ever will use LGG's AA mod, this would cause a conflict then, I'd rather avoid this in advance. I'll simply disable the patch and be happy with it, makes no sense to make a mountain out of a molehill.
  18. Would a simple replacing of the string nuclearEngine_size0 by nuclearEngineKANDL in KANDL.cfg work to only have the engine with the new name? Obviously nothing for the general audience, just talking here about my KSP installation, as I've never used this engine before, no craft can break, and in case I'll ever use LGG's mod, the conflict couldn't arise in the first place, I think.
  19. Hey @4x4cheesecake You're getting straight to the point, thanks a lot, that certainly causes the issue. Noob question: would I achieve my desired result if I simply disable SpaceTuxIndustries.cfg by renaming it to whatever_extension_but_cfg (constraint: do not install SpaceTuxIndustries/RecycledParts?/AtomicAge, ofc) ?
  20. I'd agree, but: I do not have LGG's AA installed (or any of the other mods from SpaceTux Industries Recycled Parts)... and removing MHP also removes the engine completely. As I said, this issue is only when enabling the filter, not present when browsing parts stock-like. VoidSquids are not known to be the smartest creatures in the universe (what do you expect: Void + Squid?), but they're not totally dense either Unrelated side note: I recommend, when disabling the changed Terrier, Swivel, and Reliant, also to disable the respective cfg-files from Real Plume Stock. I wish there'd be a "half-Reliant" too
  21. Hey @Snark , using the Filter Extensions mod (by @linuxgurugamer), the Candle is shown twice: All other nuclear engines, including the BKN, are only shown once. And in the unfiltered, normal (stock-) view, the Candle is only shown once as well. Any idea what's wrong here?
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