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    the big spoœk
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  1. alright, i'll try and get it working on my 0.27 /1.11 lmp server and report my findings
  2. does the multiplayer version of this mod only work with lmp 0.25 and ksp 1.9 or would it work with 1.11?
  3. i sent an application, i just want to join this to get squad vehicles username is 'thahek'
  4. No. Not at all. That's saying that a company should do everything for free, not pay its workers, have awful working conditions, no benefits, or anything of the like. If you mean that early adopters not getting charged, it is a different company with no affiliation to Squad. For no reason should they give away a product that they have been working on for over a year to someone who got the game early.
  5. anna oop sksksksk no decouplers ignore the jump cuts it all makes sense and no cheats 100% stock thank you mhmm and who needs to make a plane
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