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Everything posted by BeethovenFM

  1. I've always used these two, but a few months ago it started to become incompatible. And I can't install this other mod either, as shown in the image. If I uninstall the mods, which mods do I need to install to get it working again? And thanks for the answer!
  2. Congratulations Linx, great job! I've been playing KSP with the mod for a while, but I've been away recently. When I came back to play, I couldn't update the mod. Can anyone help me?
  3. O mod Dark Multiplayer (DMP) foi atualizado mês passado, faria sentido testar?
  4. Nome/Nickname: BeethovenFM Idade: 37 anos Nacionalidade: Brasil Estado/Cidade: Paraná/Londrina Tempo de jogo: 19/04/2016 Mods:
  5. Olá pessoal, como estão? Estava querendo testar os mods multiplayer do jogo, mas vi que o Luna não atualiza faz anos, e o DMP (Dark Multiplayer) tem mais atualização e foi atualizado mês passado. Alguém usa algum desses mods? Toparia testar? E sabem quais as limitações ou funções que tem a mais ou menos nesses mods? Busquei na internet mas tem coisa muito antiga só.
  6. Alguém ainda joga no DMP? Queria testar...
  7. Would you already ask the difference between "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Next" and "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued"? (or do they do different things?) Is it still that? (since both have been recently updated)
  8. Hello, how are you guys? I have a question, and I don't know if it's a stupid question, but I'll send it lol What is the difference between "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Next" and "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued"? (or do they do different things?)
  9. Need help translating to Brazilian Portuguese yet? I saw where the files are, how do they usually work on it?
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