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Everything posted by kerbnub

  1. I know USI has worked properly for rescaled games in the past. havent tried with jnsq yet
  2. Where did the upload (and pictures in previous post) go? Has a solution to the horizon artifacts while going to orbit been found?
  3. Is anyone else having an issue with the Sabre engines not having enough intake air when using stockalike RealFuels? When paired with their matching intakes, I can't get more than 25% throttle without flame outs. Can't find anything weird in the RF configs so thought I might ask here.
  4. Somehow I missed this, awesome update! I'm enjoying warping around the system now, and can turn while warping with no random explosions. By the way, were warp power requirements reduced? I feel like it's easier now with my test warp ssta but I didn't record anything to be sure now.
  5. @pizzaoverhead How would one tweak and play around with RPE? I'm kind of new to tweaking KSP; I know how to modify config files, but don't seem them here. KSP v1.6.1 with RPE v1.4 Version 1.4 is definitely better with ksp 1.6.1 than the previous, but it's still not as good as the previous version was with 1.3, imo. The plume starts out wider and closer to the craft, which makes the size mismatches more apparent when you have a very large or small craft. It also grows wider and looks weird now. It's funny how much such subtle differences can annoy. I love this mod and would like to help if possible, or just tweak it for myself if no one else is bothered by it.
  6. Turns out the missing textures were caused by the beautiful Restock mod, which blacklists stock parts that it replaces, stopping them from loading to reduce memory use. I did a search of KSPIE to find all the places stock textures/models were used, and got this list: Restock allows you to make a whitelist file which will load specific stock files for your mod, so I made one for the files above, which seems to fix it. It includes some parts for which I can't see any difference, but I put them all in just to be safe. Put the below in a .restockwhitelist file (like KSPIE.restockwhitelist) and stick it in your GameData folder, and you won't have missing textures. Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageLong/FuselageLongLFO Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageLong/mk2Fuselage Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineSkipper/ksp_l_midrangeEngine_fairing_diff Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineSkipper/ksp_l_midrangeEngine_fairing_norm Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/Mk3Fuselage Squad/Parts/Engine/Size3AdvancedEngine/Size3AdvancedEngineDiffuse Squad/Parts/Engine/Size3AdvancedEngine/Size3AdvancedEngineNormal Squad/Parts/Engine/Size3AdvancedEngine/Size3AdvancedEngineEmissive Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-N/model000 Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineSSME/SSME Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineAerospike/AeroSpike Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankRadialLong/ksp_r_rcsCylTank_diff Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk2-R/model000 Squad/Parts/Resources/RadialDrill/DustParticle Squad/Parts/Resources/RadialDrill/TriBitDrill @FreeThinker you might want to add one in the patches folder for those who use Restock. There is another possible way to resolve this, which is changing the textures in the list above to use restock textures. It would probably save a little memory and look better, but I didn't have the patience to figure out how to make such a patch for now.
  7. There is at least one missing file in the 1.6.1 version. @Freethinker Many of the real fuels configs in KSPI don't make much sense. Stock or procedural tanks configured for LqdHelium and many other KSPIE fuels have dry and wet masses which are more than 100x what they should be, while hydrogen tanks have very poor mass ratio (less than 3 if I recall correctly). This actually isn't limited to KSPIE; I've found some similar issues to a lesser extent with just RealFuels or RO. In any case, they need to be redone if one wants to do anything with KSPI fuels in stock parts, so I was thinking about redoing the configs. But then I wonder, what are reasonable values? What is the balance you would want; should they reflect stock mass ratios or real fuels? Do you have any guidelines or references you would use to determine them?
  8. also @wkwied It seems to be from KSPI itself, in the file \GameData\WarpPlugin\Patches\rapier.cfg @PART[radialEngineBody]:FOR[WarpPlugin] { @description = A magnificent piece of engineering that pre-cools the air flow from atmospheric engines, preventing overheating at high speeds. MODULE { name = FNModulePreecooler } MODULE { name = ModuleSabreHeating } MODULE { name = FlatFNRadiator isDeployable = false convectiveBonus = 50 radiatorArea = 1 partMass = 0.15 } !MODULE[ModuleResourceIntake]{} !RESOURCE[IntakeAir]{} !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]{} RESOURCE { name = WasteHeat amount = 0 maxAmount = 1000 } } If I delete or comment out these: !MODULE[ModuleResourceIntake]{} !RESOURCE[IntakeAir]{} then the ISRU menu works without errors. This also allows the precooler to work as an intake, which I'm not sure is intended. The engine nacelle also works this way by default, as a precooler + inline intake, without messing up the ISRU menu, by the way. I found that the Sabre engine precoolers from B9 also function fine without affecting the ISRUs.
  9. Lol, I meant But now I'm confused...... I've been installing KSPI through CKAN, where I assumed it gave me the latest for my KSP version (1.6.1). But my CKAN compatible versions look a lot older. Is CKAN several patches behind? I don't see any version file in the KSPI folders, so I'm half wondering if it's just a labelling issue. I'll try replacing what I have with a manual KSPI install from the OP here and see how it works. Edit: it's clearly a newer version (has a kerbalism patch, wooo!), but I still have the same issues with it installed.
  10. Well, I tried a barebones version and can't get the ISRU to work right Same error. KSP 1.6.1. KSPIE to be precise (latest 1.6.1 version) If you look on the previous page, you'll see other reports of that. Try reverting one version of KSPI
  11. My install wasn't totally bare bones; i'll try with just KSPIE, IFS and its dependencies when I get home.
  12. yeah I'm getting a lot of [EXC 07:06:02.415] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object FNPlugin.AtmosphericIntake.get_IntakeEnabled () FNPlugin.Refinery.SeawaterExtractor.GetTotalLiquidScoopedPerSecond () FNPlugin.Refinery.SeawaterExtractor.IsThereAnyLiquid () FNPlugin.Refinery.SeawaterExtractor.HasActivityRequirements () FNPlugin.Refinery.InterstellarRefineryController.<Window>b__a (IRefineryActivity act) System.Collections.Generic.List`1[FNPlugin.Refinery.IRefineryActivity].ForEach (System.Action`1 action) FNPlugin.Refinery.InterstellarRefineryController.Window (Int32 window) UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) spam when I try to open that window
  13. https://kerbalx.com/Kerbnub/KSPIE-refueling-warp-SSTO-proof-of-concept Edit: idk why it says TesserWreck's Fuel Switch on the mod list, that should be Interstellar Fuel Switch. Ironically in looking at this again, I found a bug that kind of ruins it. Apparently the engine precooler bugs the ISRU menu. It can SSTO from Kerbin fine without the precooler, but if you try on Eve you'll overheat and explode. Or you could keep it and just refuel with the refrigerator; it'll just take a looong time :p Does anyone else get the same or is it just me? @Freethinker I think if you build any craft with an engine pre-cooler, it will break the KSPIE ISRU menus on the ones that can do the regolith process. To replicate, just build a craft with a command pod, engine precooler, and any of the KSPIE ISRUs that can do the regolith process, and try to open the ISRU menu. I get this: Other ISRU types, like the ISRU refrigerator or electrolyzer, are not affected. I'm running the latest KSPIE on KSP 1.6.1.
  14. I can't say I understand how the stock drag files are configured. I wanted to make a patch that made MK2 parts actually good in stock once upon a time, but all I could see in the cfgs were: dragModelType, maximum_drag, minimum_drag, angularDrag and I couldn't really make sense of the differences between parts based on those. Stock has quite a few weird parts too, but this is quite the outlier. Looking at your CDT2003 tank, it looks a lot more streamlined than the Protective Rocket Nosecone Mk7, but the CDT2003 gets 5x more drag at low speeds and past the sound barrier more like 67x more.
  15. It's far more than other nose cones in a similar situation, and the drag is also outsized (but not as much) when the pointy end faces backward. There's some weirdness with the aerodynamics on the graphene radiator winged edges, too; their CoL seems offset from where it should be. https://imgur.com/no9F7Qo https://imgur.com/a/0uooYrT
  16. I've mostly succeeded with this ugly Liquid Helium based spaceplane. It uses just parts from KSPI and Interstellar Fuel Switch. https://imgur.com/a/wdKLzpy? It can land on and SSTO from Eve (though I'm not sure if it would have enough fuel left to warp after), and has the TWR and ISP to land on Tylo, but would need to be flown like a madman or reconfigured or have an engine to cushion the forward impact after landing on its nose. It has drills to mine regolith, from which helium can be refined with the ISRU. Alternately, the refrigerator can extract helium from atmospheres. While Liquid Helium seems to be the best spaceplane fuel in KSPI, most parts don't seem to support it. The IFS tanks are pretty decent for Liquid Helium, though I still feel the lack of integration into other parts. The bulkiness is annoying but makes it easier to aerobrake. I did some wrapping with fairings to make up for bugged IFS drag values (see below), but it really would be so much nicer if a liquid helium option was added in all tanks using IFS. Real fuels configs with helium are totally messed up, too, so it will take a lot of tweaking to get a coherent helium setup. @FreeThinkerI discovered that all the IFS nosecone or adapter parts create just ridiculous drag. Example case here. The IFS nosecone tank is creating 337 drag, the (much larger) pure cylinder tank creates barely 2. They are attached correctly.
  17. So I've been having a hard time getting a combo with enough power to warp at all. I honestly don't understand most of the reactors, only had success using the pebble bed and MTFR reactors so far. Congrats What is the Tri Alpha reactor for btw?
  18. It requires IFS Core, which I believe is what allows some tanks to fuel switch in flight. IFS is an optional mod (built on IFSC) that adds more special tanks. I never got much further than fission reactors, but with those it wasn't too hard to SSTO to anywhere and refuel. I suppose with engame tech it's probably pretty trivial. If you have warp drive you ought to have the rest lol.
  19. I'm pretty burnt out trying to set up my next save, and this sounds like a nice challenge, as I still don't know how most KSPIE stuff works and never got to warp yet. I'll probably try a helium based thermal ramjet based design. Any other constraints you want to put on it? Are you using interstellar fuel switch too?
  20. Thanks. Narrowing this down with >100 mods is not going to be fun... What version do you mean by "up to date?"
  21. Anyone else seeing missing textures on the TORY Ramjet, Inflatable Airbag, and Thermal Receivers? All other parts seem fine. I'm running ksp 1.6.1. https://imgur.com/a/xzNGX5G
  22. What's a good scale to play this with? Based on the title, I thought it was balanced for stock, but as a lot of dry masses are lower now, I can't tell.
  23. I think I've figured out how to replicate a strange issue with recovered crafts. I found that if I "recover active vessel" through KCT, then edit it and save, it would sometimes disappear from my list entirely. I believe this happens only if you undo the first action you take while editing the craft, and save edits at the end. Stuff like editing fuel levels or opening/closing doors doesn't count, as that stuff all gets ignored by undo. I'm running KSP 1.6.1 with KCT
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